Monday, September 2, 2019

The Lumberjack :: essays research papers

'Timber!'; and with a crash the mighty oak hit the ground. There was never a tree too big or a job too tough for Woody. He enjoyed his job as a lumberjack and with good reason. The pay was good, he had always liked the outdoors and he was good at what he did. In fact, some say he was the best. His friends in the city however said he was crazy for moving away. They said there are so many opportunities in the city, but Woody never wanted opportunities, he just wanted to be a lumberjack. So far this job was running smoothly. They were on schedule and there was an abundance of trees in British Columbia to keep them busy for the next while. It seemed so simple at first. Woody and his crew would cut down the trees and they would be shipped to a nearby river where they would be floated downstream to the new lumber mill. At least this was what was supposed to happen. After the first couple loads, there came reports that the logs weren't reaching their destination. Some of the men started talking about how they were logging on uncharted territory and this was a bad omen. Woody just laughed and said, 'Uncharted territory or not, we have a job to do and I'm not going to let some little thing like this ruin my reputation. I'll go see what the problem is.'; And so Woody packed a bag with supplies and sailed off down the river to find the missing logs. It wasn't long before the lush green landscape of trees he saw around him became a bare region of stumps and small brush. It was almost as if another logging crew had been here before him. He was amazed at the number of trees that had been cut down. It would have taken his entire crew at least a week and yet all of the stumps looked freshly cut. Woody had to find out what was happening. A bit further down the river he found his answer. There in front of him were all of the missing logs. They had became jammed at the base of the biggest beaver dam he had ever seen. He gazed up at it in awe of it's shear size. The river itself was quite wide and this dam covered it from shore to shore.

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