Monday, September 30, 2019
Man’s Impact on the Environment Essay
Pollution is the presence or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects. It is created mostly by human actions, but can also be a result of natural disasters. Pollution has a detrimental effect on every living organism in the environment, making it increasingly unsustainable for living organisms in the environment. to sustain life. Pollution harms the Earth’s environment and its inhabitants in many ways. The three main types of pollution are: Land Pollution, Air Pollution and Water Pollution. Read more: Bad Effects of Various Festivals on the Environment Land Pollution Land pollution is the degradation of Earth’s land surfaces often caused by human activities (industrial, commercial, domestic and agricultural) and their misuse of land resources. Land pollution is caused by the following:- †¢Chemical and nuclear plants †¢Industrial factories †¢Oil refineries †¢Human sewage †¢Oil †¢Mining †¢Littering †¢Overcrowded landfills †¢Deforestation †¢Construction debris †¢Non – biodegradable waste †¢Insecticides and Herbicides Chemical and Nuclear Plants Chemical and nuclear power plants produce waste materials. Some end up in landfills and other less safe storage facilities. Some leak, causing contamination of soil for hundreds of years before it is safe to grow crops on them again. Non – Biodegradable Waste Examples of these include: Mercury and Led. Harmful substances accumulate on the land and in turn become detrimental to the health of organisms not only on land, but animals in the air and in water. Insecticides and Biodegradable Most commonly used in the Agriculture Industry. These artificial methods of ridding plants and animals of pests and insects accumulate in organisms through the food chain which sometimes causes a death in the top consumers which further results in a destruction of the food chains and mutations.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Friar Lawrence is the only character to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Do you agree? Essay
Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story between two ‘star-crossed lovers,†written in 1596 by William Shakespeare. It is set in the town of Verona, Italy, where two households – the Montagues and Capulets- are involved in an ancient feud. One character who was in the middle of it all was Friar Lawrence, whose actions are put to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet. Shortly after Romeo and Juliet fell in love with each other, their next intention was to marry. friar Lawrence agreed to marry them hoping it would stop the family feud and bring peace. That, however, was not the case after the death of Tybalt on Romeo’s behalf which caused Romeo to be banished from Verona, and Juliet to be distraught. Especially since she was now being forced to marry count Paris, with agreement from Friar Lawrence even with his knowledge of Romeo and Juliet’s marriage. Showing his carelessness for other people and his selfish ways to make sure only he is happy. Which a re two flaws that he shoes through out the play, and why he is the the only character to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Naive is having or showing lack of judgement, or information. Which describes The Friar and his decisions he makes throughout the play. Friar Lawrence’s decision to marry Romeo and Juliet was an ambitious one due to his choice of not asking both parent’s, or talking to them before hand. This decision, however, made a huge impact on the rest of the play. The Friar’s thoughts were that marriage would stop the family feuds, as he had said to Romeo that the ‘alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households rancour to pure love.†Although he had good intentions, this thought soon turned deceitful, due to the parents not having knowledge of the marriage. This dishonestly towards them was due to his naive behaviour and just another reason for why he is to blame for the deaths or Romeo and Juliet. Foolishness is a key feature in many of the characters in the play. Friar Lawrence is a character who’s foolishness would have been one if his main regrets. After Romeo’s banishment from Verona, due to him murdering Tybalt, Juliet was told she was to marry Paris on thursday. Juliet’s reaction to the news when the nurse informed her of the marriage was, â€Å"i pray you, tell my lord and father, madam, i will mot marry yet.†This was due to the fact she was still married to Romeo. The Friar also had knowledge of this but agreed to marry count Paris and Juliet anyway. Which also was deceitful to the parents. This, however, upset Juliet because of his dishonesty towards her marriage with Romeo. The Friar’s choices he made at this point show his foolish ways and his incautious decisions he had done which led up to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Selfishness and carelessness means having no care or concern for anyone but yourself. And Friar Lawrence showed he had these features when he made one of the biggest decisions in the play that has made him to be the reason for Romeo and Juliet’s death. It was The Friar who gave Juliet the sleeping potion to fake her death, knowing just as well that she was a heartbroken teenage girl who was not facing reality in her decision in wanting to die. He trusted Friar John to deliver a letter of great significance to Romeo, explaining the plan to him so that he would not believe Juliet is dead. Friar John was unsuccessful in delivering the letter and shows his incompetence when he says â€Å"I could not send it – here it is again.†These unthought and carless events resulted in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Thus mistake of Friar Lawrence’s was his worst through the entire play and why an important decision such as faking a death should be dealt with personally. Not only does Friar Lawrence fail to give Romeo the letter which would have saved both their lives, but he selfishly leaves Juliet at the tomb, where she needed someone the most, because he does not want to get caught by the watchmen. Putting himself before Juliet and leaving her for his own benefit. And having her take her own life alongside her husband, with the Friar having mo waited a little longer, he might have been able to have stopped Juliet from using Romeo’s dagger to kill herself, and saved both lives of the teenagers. Many characters had a part in the lead up to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Although, the character with the overall blame for it, was Friar Lawrence. His actions and choices through out the play all ended all ended up with the deaths of the two teenagers, who trusted him the most. These actions were made due to his naive, foolish and selfish behaviour that was shown through the play. From his dishonesty of not informing the families of the marriage in the first place, and agreeing to marry off Juliet to another man, and having her threaten to kill herself if he doesn’t help her to not marry him. It all led up to his worst decision, of giving Juliet the potion after she threatened to take her own life, and not caring enough to organise a better plan then he had, which all eventually resulted in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Making him the only character to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Culture Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Culture Comparison - Essay Example Kinship is determined in different ways within different societies but relates to two underlying principles of descent – unilineal and cognatic. Societies that are concerned with unilineal descent trace either their father’s (patrilineal) or their mother’s (matrilineal) group; those concerned with both their matrilineal and patrilineal descent are said to be concerned with cognative descent. Cognative traces can involve any of four variations including bilineal (matrilineal and patrilineal), ambilineal (both recognized, but individuals can choose which one they accept), parallel (females follow their matrilineal descent and males follow their patrilineal descent groups) and bilateral (descent is traced from all biological ancestors) (O’Neil, 2006). ... Individual people are recognized in accordance with their real family and ancestors or their membership of a particular set (Bavin, 1991, p.323). They also focus on matrilineal, patrilineal and generational moieties, semi-moieties, and subsections. The subsection system disseminates the people into eight categories that distinguish between male and female members in each ( The Navajo, on the other hand, function within a matrilineal system and is thus unilineal. Every Navajo belongs to one of the sixty-four clans (, wherein membership is passed via the mother’s family. In the same way that clan membership is inherited in the female line of kinship, property is also inherited from the female side but advantage and property however, are passed from male to male, but the mother’s brother passes both to her (his sister’s) children. Although operating within a matrilineal system the Navajo also believe they are born for the clan of t heir father ( Two to six matrilineal clans can form a clan group if they consider themselves to be affiliated but they are not given a clan group name (Aberle, 1961). Within Warlpiri, as in other indigenous Australian systems, the ‘collaterals and lineals are merged’ (Frey, 2008), meaning that the system is extended to all people in the society and even further to those outside and beyond the society. The following diagram provides a way of illustrating Warlpiri genealogy, wherein it shows that an aunt is only found in reference to the father’s sister – no aunt is so named on the mother’s side – and the term uncle is only found on the mother’s side in reference to the mother’s brother. The
Friday, September 27, 2019
Administer & Monitor Medications in Work Environment Assignment - 1
Administer & Monitor Medications in Work Environment - Assignment Example er pregnancy unless the doctor measures Prothrombin frequently, ask if patient is under other drugs for treatment of TB, prevent blood clots, supplements containing vitamin K and antidepressant Binding to insulin receptors on cells in the body by making cells in liver, muscles and fat tissues to raise the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream and reduce the production of glucose by the liver hence controlling the glucose level Hypoglycaemia (common), skin thickening or pitting, redness, swelling at injection site, Excessive fluid retention (oedema), visual challenges and skin reactions such as itching, hives or rash. May be affected by ACE inhibitors like captopril, anabolic steroids e.g. stanozol, disopyramide, fibrates e.g. germfibrozil As a medical administrator I have to be certain that the physician’s order is complete and correct. I understand a compete order as a composition of the drugs’ name, dosage, frequency and route administration. An incomplete and unclear order should never be assumed and hence I have to consult with the ordering physician before proceeding (Bullock, & Galbraith, 2007). I have to be certain of the expiry date of drugs and ascertain that it is yet to expire. I always scrutinize the labels against the order. I ensure that I have proactively scrutinized medication features. I always discard the unclear medication that always found to appear cloudy and replace effectively (Bullock, & Galbraith, 2007). I should ensure that drugs that appear in single dose are sealed as required without tempering and not to store excess medications from single doses. I will always be keen to note that patients are prescribed a range of drugs simultaneously. Before I administer a particular I will check the drug interactions for each medication and validate with the patient’s chart to gauge contraindications or special precautions to be altered (Crisp & Taylor, 2009). In addition I do note the history of patient previous anaphylactic
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Michael Jackson concert review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Michael Jackson concert review - Essay Example Even before the actual performance began, and just the name of Michael Jackson passed across the projector screen, the crowd was already cheering on and celebrating. It is important to note and mention that their ecstasy and joy was excusable because in 1987, no other person in the world had reached the legendary status and position of Michael Jackson in entertainment (OConnor et al 843). The stage arrangement and background details or props were accurate to convey the mood of that particular point in time. The lighting was proper, because the flash lights coincided with the drops of the breakdance put forth by Michael Jackson and his band of performers. In all aspects and fairness, it is safe to assert that the venue was too small for the legendary stature of Michael Jackson. Preferably a soccer stadium could have served well since the status of Michael Jackson was too legendary to be confined to the auditorium. In a way, the band sounded too loud for the venue because the venue was small and stuffed by fans and revelers. Therefore a bigger venue such as a stadium would have allowed the band as a whole to sing and perform by feeding off their musical energy to the revelers and fans. In terms of the set list or the play list, it is proper to mention that it was accurately on point. The songs were arranged in order of their popularity and likeness. The show starter however was a popular song so as to get the audience and the revelers to the performances’’ mood and tune. The performance and show was began by â€Å"Wanna be Starting Something†- which is a blazer and a crowd puller. The first song got the mood of the night and the performance by exciting the audience and the revelers. The preceding songs grew to more energetic and involving songs that the audience could sing along to with ease. My favorite song for the performance stands out to be
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - Term Paper Example The company through its wide variety of mobile and web applications makes it easy for the customers to carry out their day to day business operations. Through its mobile operated App it allows the customers to share, connect and communicate with others living far away. The customers can even share photos and videos with their friends and followers. Another important App that the company has newly launched is that of the money transaction App which allows the customer pay bills, transfers money to their close ones within a fraction of seconds. Organizational citizen behavior is considered to be a component of job performance. It deals with the fact that how well an employee connected to an organization performs, and the performance of an employee will in turn have an impact on the company’s success. Organizational behavior refers to employee commitment as the employees stand out to be a backbone of the particular organization. Researchers have stated that job satisfaction is very important for an employee. If the employees are satisfied with their job, they are bound to perform well as per the company’s protocol. EZ-Chat Inc. a social networking giant has been performing very well since the last five years as it has around ten million customers and the list is still growing. However, a recent study has indicated that often the employees of EZ-Chat Inc. wish for a job change due to too much work load. Hence, they become victims to sleeplessness and nervous disorders. Interpersonal communication between the employees and the organization is very important for maintaining a positive work atmosphere. A friendly work atmosphere with no politics gives a lot of job satisfaction to the employees and the employees eventually perform well. Easy Chat Inc. provides a big opportunity to its customers to maintain an interpersonal relationship with their
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Film review Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 12
Film - Movie Review Example Specifically, the film focuses on the Southern railroad engineer who has only two loves in his life, the beautiful Annabelle Lee, and the train (Ebert, 1997 n.p). In the beginning, Keaton walks to his girls house wearing his best suit unaware that two small boys are following him. Ironically, behind the two boys is Annabelle herself, who follows closely as Keaton reaches the door and knocks only to look about and see Annabelle right behind him. The two boys follow them as they sit on the sofa and Keaton reflects slight unhappiness (Ebert, 1997 n.p). He wakes up, picks his hat as if he wants to leave and opens the door for the two boys to leave. He displays incredible courtesy that leaves the viewer wondering if the boys were his guests or pure intruders. Rejected by the girl, he goes to drive the locomotive, but it lifts him up and down, although e is so obsessed with the girl to notice. The director portrays the character as a dangerous individual all through the film. Although the comedy in the movie is quite a lot, the audience does not laugh at Keaton but identify with him (Ebert, 1997 n.p). The film most memorable part is the hunt of the stole train by the Union spies. Ironically, Jonny chases the train on foot, by bicycle, a sidecar, and finally another locomotive. Precisely, this scene is exciting since it is impossible for a train to chase another locomotive since they have to retain the track. The General appeared in the Sight and Sound top ten greatest films, and it might be Keatons greatest film. However, other films by the same director that are fascinating include Go West (1925), Cameraman (1928) and The Navigator (1924) among others (Ebert, 1997 n.p). Ebert, Roger. "The General Movie Review & Film Summary (1927) | Roger Ebert." Movie Reviews and Ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert. N.P., 31 Mar. 1997. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
Monday, September 23, 2019
The topic can be proposed by the writer Movie Review - 2
The topic can be proposed by the writer - Movie Review Example voices of peasants, students, political prisoners, and revolutionaries as they seek to air their grievances after the death of Mao Zedung (Lyman Film). Numerous student movements and party crackdown at Tiananmen Square defined resistance against the values of communism in China during this period. The film shows the dramatic flowering of the arts by campus students. Moreover, the civil movements resisted the inefficiencies of the Cultural Revolution and advocated for democratic reforms (Lyman Film). Clearly, the film defines China under Deng Xiaoping’s leadership. According to the film, China experienced fundamental economic and social changes within a controlled political environment established by the Communist party (Lyman Film). The Chinese government allowed its citizens to present their grievances but suppressed their quest to criticize the Communist Party. Moreover, China made peace with the Soviet Union when Mikhail Gorbachev visited Beijing (Lyman Film). The film adopts a clear footage, pictures, and references to the Chinese citizens who drove and witnessed the transformation. The radical redistribution of communal land and the definition of China as a special economic zone reflected the transformation in China. The film shows how China began to attract foreign direct investments from Japan and Hong Kong defining its economic transformation. The film shows the signing of an agreement by British and Chinese leaders that implied Chinese dominance over Hong Kong ( Lyman Film). Ideally, the film is the third part of a â€Å"China: A Century of Revolution†trilogy. Indeed, just like the previous parts of this trilogy, the film, â€Å"3 Born under the Red Flag 1976 1997†runs for 120 minutes (Lyman Film). The film defines a unique economic transformation of a nation. Indeed, it depicts modern China’s epic journey that defined its pursuit of economic growth and political control under the Communist Party. The narration introduces first hand experiences of the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, Leadership Styles of coaching Term Paper
SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, Leadership Styles of coaching - Term Paper Example Coaches are expected to be able to take a long view, observe, and make constructive criticism that allows the person to be the best they can be. â€Å"A coach usually sits on the sidelines and provides encouragement and advice to the players on the field. During time outs the coach helps the players to see the big picture of what is happening†¦ in a similar way, mentors can coach beginning teachers to connect theory with practice†(Boreen et al, 35). Mentoring and coaching can be very enlightening and positive ways for experienced leaders to reach those new to the team, but there are also risks to these strategies, as well as pros and cons to different leadership styles. Coaches may follow authoritative leadership roles, or be more confrontational to authority. Understanding leadership is very important to coaching professionals because they have to be able to differentiate between different leadership styles, use them appropriately, and find which is best for the situation. For example, the official leader in team development is different from the emergent leader in that there is more likelihood that the official leader will represent traditional organizational forces and the status quo. The emergent leader, on the other hand, may represent a challenge to this sense of tradition and status quo, and thus may present old issues in a new way or seek to change the basic organizational structure. It is likely that the coaching professional will therefore be more attracted to the emergent type of leadership than the traditional, but they should know the styles and characteristics of both. It is also likely that the emergent leader is going to have less of a solid bureaucratic support-structure than the official leader, and may not have the trad itional, conservative authority within a school or organization that an official leader has. The coach acting in an official leadership role may be less willing to take as many risks. Many also think
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Best and Brightest Essay Example for Free
Best and Brightest Essay Being at a pivotal point in our lives, middle schoolers especially, are easily influenced. Whether it’s a new fashion trend in your favorite magazine, the album of the latest â€Å"artist to watch†, or your friend’s opinion on how to answer number seven on your math homework, we are always being influenced or influencing someone or something ourselves. Citizen involvement and volunteerism not can only influence you, but also those around you, because I believe it is our civic duty. It is our responsibility to give back to our community, whether you’re leading or following, because as Edith Wharton once said, â€Å"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.†Volunteering starts with one person, a candle in the darkness, and eventually that light spreads until that once very small light, is being reflected in a hundred different ways. I have always been inspired to give back to my community, because my mom taught me volunteering was important at an early age and inspired me to complete community service on my own time. However, some kids don’t have it as easy as I do when it comes to inspiration and willpower to volunteer, so I try my best to preach the importance of volunteerism to my friends and family. Especially to my friends, because I believe most voluntary community service done by students comes from the influence and inspiration of their friends. It is my personal belief that students are more obligated to give back through the â€Å"buddy system†, because lots of students, including me, like to have friend there with them, through the process when trying something new. In order to spread light, there has to be flames, which in lots of cases are friends who volunteer. You can’t light a candle without a match, so you obviously can’t get into volunteerism without a cause or reason for doing so; much less influence someone else to start volunteering. However, when we do find a cause we care about and connect with, we are able to dedicate time from our lives to give back to it. For me it was helping troubled kids in my community. It all started when I was volunteering for KLES EDEP in seventh grade for my student service learning project. Though I enjoyed every second of it and I loved the kids I worked with, I wanted to make a bigger impact by helping troubled kids, who weren’t as lucky to be blessed with an upbringing like mine by becoming a juror for Teen Court. I’ve dedicated many, many Tuesday nights to the Leon County Court House Annex and I have no intention of stopping, as I have aspirations of becoming a Teen Court lawyer sometime next year. I’ve even convinced a couple of my friends to start attending with me. I also tutor elementary school students on weekends and after school, but I soon hope to start tutoring Godby High School students with my church next year. It’s really a wonder that few events here and there could blossom into a great habit that hopefully will become lifelong for me and those who I inspire. It’s amazing that something as small as caring about a cause can influence you to volunteer in your community, which can in turn influence your friends and classmates to make a difference, too. Even if it’s half-jokingly proposing to start volunteering at least once a month! You just have to believe you YOURSELF can, because that is being â€Å"the candle††¦ and that is what causes â€Å"the reflection†.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Introduction To The Death Penalty Philosophy Essay
Introduction To The Death Penalty Philosophy Essay First of all, I would like to define the death penalty. Death penalty is when someone is put to death using different types of methods, for a serious crime such as murder, rape and drug dealing. It is also known as capital punishment, which comes from the Latin word capital meaning regarding the head. So therefore the most common way of capital punishment is hanging or decapitating. Although many countries refrain from using capital punishment, many countries still practice it. Countries like USA, Saudi Arabia, China, etc. still use capital punishment. In my opinion, I personally agree with capital punishment as it creates a sense of fear in the minds of the criminals, so he/she will think twice before committing a crime. It also makes the family of the victim get justice and they will be satisfied with the decision. If the prisoner is let go of, then he/she will commit the crime again without fearing for his/her death. Justice requires punishing the guilty even if only some can be p unished and sparing the innocent, even if all are not spared.  Morally, justice must always be preferred to equality.  Justice cannot ever permit sparing some guilty person, or punishing some innocent ones, for the sake of equality-because others have been spared or punished.  In practice, penalties could never be applied if we insisted that they can be inflicted on only a guilty person unless we are able to make sure that they are equally applied to all other guilty persons.  Anyone familiar with the law enforcement knows that punishments can be inflicted only on an unavoidable shudder selection of the guilty (Bedau, H., 1977). Irwin Isenberg (1977) said, when you kill a man with premeditation, you do something different than stealing from him.   I favor the death penalty as a matter of justice and human dignity even apart from deterrence.  The penalty must be appropriate to the seriousness of the crime (p. 135). ( Capital punishment varies from country to country, place to place. Some places it is just fast beheading or hanging, while in other places, it is full of torture and slow death. In religion, me being a Muslim, has to follow the Islamic Shariaa, which includes capital punishment and it is the choice of the victims family to give capital punishment to the criminal or not. But only for very serious crimes such as rape and murder. As stated in the Quran: If anyone kills a person- unless it be (a punishment) for murder or for spreading mischief in the land- it would be as if he/she has killed all of mankind. And if anyone saves a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind (Quran 5:32). Also, the death penalty could eradicate the problem of overflowing prisons. If they keep prisoners for life in their prisons, that would mean providing space for them to stay, food, shelter, clothing, etc. which would waste a lot of resources and prison space. The prisoners with life sentences could still kill other prisoners or guards while in prison and could even escape and go on a killing rampage throughout the place. And it is more than fair because the victim was an innocent human being and had his/her life taken away without having to have his/her last wish or write his/her will and was killed without any reason. So therefore, why should the criminal let to live after he/she has taken the life of an innocent human being? And not giving a death sentence to the criminal who has killed/raped another innocent human being will not be fair as this will show empathy towards the criminal which is wrong. It also prevents other inmates in prison serving life sentences from killing more people while in prison, because if there is no death penalty, then they would keep killing without having anything to lose. Also the crime rate will swell, as the criminal will not fear death penalty as there is no death penalty and they could go about killing people without having to fear th e capital punishment. On the other hand, Capital punishment means that they could be taking some innocent persons life without much evidence. For example, a person who is accused of doing a major crime, but has not really done it and cannot prove himself will be put to death for his crime. So it takes the lives of innocent people in rare cases and in old ages. But due to the technological advances, DNA testing and other ways of getting evidence can make certain that the accused is the real criminal. People also say that the death penalty is a barbaric act, but the criminal committing the crime does not think about barbaric acts while committing the crime. But keeping a person in prison could be more torturous and painful and it would be better for the prisoner to die rather than live in the prison, so then keeping the criminal in prison would be a much more severe punishment than the death penalty. Also people who have given up on life and wanting to suicide, can go on a killing ram page and then get sentenced for capital punishment, which is what they want. So it would be better if they kept them in prison to not fulfill their desire. Other countries which do not use the death penalty would have better likeness of the countries which do not use the death penalty. I would personally agree with the death penalty as it gives a sigh of relief to the victims family and would deter future major crimes. This is the most debatable topic in the criminal justice system. There are many advantages and disadvantages to the death penalty, but if people see the advantages and disadvantages correctly and have empathy for the victims then, they will support capital punishment more. So therefore regarding my previous arguments, having the death penalty is a better option of serving justice in the criminal justice system, as it will help curb future criminals.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Erin :: essays research papers
She brought a small town to its feet and a huge company to its knees. In a world where heroes are often in short supply, the story of Erin Brockovich is an inspirational reminder of the power of the human spirit. Her passion, tenacity and steadfast desire to fight for the rights of the underdog defied the odds ... her victory made even more sweet by the fact that while helping others, she in turn helped herself. Erin Brockovich is a stirring, funny and unconventional drama based on true events, starring two-time Academy Award nominee Julia Roberts as the twice-divorced mother of three young children who sees an injustice, takes on the bad guy and wins. With no money, no job and no prospects on the horizon, Erin Brockovich (Roberts) is a woman in a tight spot. Following a car accident in which Erin is not at fault, she finds herself even worse off when her attorney fails to land her any kind of settlement. With nowhere else to turn, Erin pleads with her attorney Ed Masry (Albert Finney) to hire her at his law firm. It is there, while working, that Erin stumbles upon some medical records placed in real estate files. Confused, she begins to question the connection. She convinces Ed to allow her to investigate, where she discovers a cover-up involving contaminated water in a local community which is causing devastating illnesses among its residents. Although the local citizens are initially leery of becoming involved, Erin's persistence and the personal interest she takes in their lives makes them listen. A kindred spirit, Erin is one of them, and her ability to connect with them on their level makes them comfortable, ultimately earning their trust. Helping her out is her next door neighbor George (Aaron Eckhart), a Harley Davidson biker whose friendship and support allows her the time to pursue the case.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Human Resource Management in Business Essay -- essays research papers
Human Resource Management in Business Abstract Human Resource Management (HRM) is no longer a personnel office that is simply a record-keeping and maintenance function. Huselid (1995) points out that there is a positive correlation that has developed between HRM as a strategic ally and company performance. HRM research has grown from an atheoretical origin to view organizational activities from an interdisciplinary perspective (Jennings, 1994) that is concerned with a movement toward methodological and theoretical development (Ferris & Judge, 1991). This review will look at the different ways HRM plays into the overall scheme of providing an organization with a more sustainable competitive edge. Table of Contents Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 Background†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦4 Strategic Human Resource Management†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 Multicultural Knowledge Transfer†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..8 HRM in the Public Sector†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.11 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..13 Human Resource Management in Business The fast paced area of HRM as seen many new developments in the science and practice of the field over its roughly 80-year history (Ferris et al., 1999). One of the earlier developments in HRM research that still has significance today was, at the time, a theoretical foundation that challenged researchers to design measures to assess the relationship between â€Å"individual personalities†and â€Å"company personalities†(Gilmer, 1960). This field of inquiry led to the research that has come to be known as strategic human resource management (SHRM), a field that attempts to align HRM functions and activities with the strategic goals of the organization (Butler, Ferris, & Napier, 1991). Another aspect of this review takes a look at HRM from an international perspective. This viewpoint acknowledges the importance of the global economy, as well as emphasizes the value of the Human Resource (HR) activities that address cross-cultural concerns (Napier, Tibau, Janssens, & Pilenzo, 1995). Lastly, the political perspective of HRM presents an opportunity to address those features of public sector HRM practices that have become outdated by contemporary organizational standards (Soni, 2004). Background Human Resource Management is a diverse ent... ...the international human resources manager. In G. R. Ferris, S. D. Rosen & D. T. Barnum. (Eds.), Handbook of human resource management: 217-242. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers. Pfeffer, J. (1998). The human equation: Building profits by putting people first. Harvard Business Press: Boston. Romano, E. (1995). Opportunity in diversity. Journal of Property Management, 60, 2, 30 (6). Retrieved November 12, 2004, from InfoTrac database. Soni, V. (2004). From crisis to opportunity: Human resource challenges for the public sector in the twenty-first century. The Review of Policy Research, 21, 2, 157-178. Retrieved November 8, 2004 from H.W. Wilson database. Sundstrom, E., DeMeuse, K. P., & Futrell, D. (1990). Work teams: applications and effectiveness. American Psychologist, 45, 2, 120-133. Walker, D. M. (2000). (Statement from David Walker) Managing human capital in the 21st century. Report no. GAO/T-GGD-00-77. Washington, DC: General Accounting Office. Webber, S.S. & Donahue, L.M. (2001). Impact of highly and less-related diversity on work group cohesion and performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Management, 27, 2, 141. Retrieved November 12, 2004, from InfoTrac database.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Olympics Essay -- essays research papers
The Olympics The Olympics are a huge sporting event that contains many different sports and consists of many different countries from around the world. Back in ancient Greece is where the ancient Olympics originated. It was primarily a part of a religious festival in honor of Zeus the father of Greek Gods and Goddesses. The Olympics where held at the sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia, which is in Western Peloponnesos. From 776 BC, the games took place at Olympia every 4 years for almost 12 centuries. In 776 BC the only event was the Stadion Race that was a foot race 600 feet long, Koroibos, a cook from Elis, won it. Additional athletic events were gradually added until; by the 5th century BC it was a 5-day program that consisted of three foot races, the pentathlon, boxing, wrestling, pankration, and the hoplitodromos. The Greeks that came to the Sanctuary of Zeus at Olympia shared the same religious beliefs and spoke the same language. There where no females in the Olympics at this time so all the athletes where males who came from every corner of the Greek world, as far as Iberia in the West and the Black Sea in the East. Although the ancient games where staged in Olympia, from 776 BC through 393 AD, it took 1503 years for the Olympics to return. The first modern Olympic games took place in Athens Greece in 1896. The man responsible for the rebirth was a Frenchman named Baron Pierre De Coubertin, who presented the idea in 1894. His original idea was to present the modern games in 1900 in his hometown Paris. But others were so enthusiastic with the idea that they convinced him to move it to 1896 and have Athens host it. There were many great athletes throughout the history of the Olympics, But where some of the athletes worthy of earning a prize worth a hefty amount of money. This question has came about a numerous amount of times. But the word Athlete is a Greek word that means â€Å"one who competes for a prize†and is also related to the Greek words athlos meaning â€Å"contest†and athlon meaning â€Å"prize†. According to the Roman author Plutarch, an Olympic victor who was a citizen of Athens could expect to receive in the year 600 BC a cash reward of 500 drachmai, a literal fortune. Later in Hellenistic periods, pensions for athletes became more formalized and could actually be bought and sold. But were the ancient Olympics just for men? Along with the athletic conte... .... Summer Winter 1896-Athens 1924-Chamonix 1900-Paris 1928-St.Moritz 1904-St.Louis 1932-Lake Placid 1908-London 1936-Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1912-Stockholm 1948-St.Moritz 1920-Antwerp 1952-Oslo 1924-Paris 1956-Cortina d’Ampezzo 1928-Amsterdam 1960-Squaw Valley 1932-Los Angeles 1964-Innsbruck 1936-Berlin 1968- Grenoble 1948-London 1972-Sapporo 1952-Helsinki 1976-Innsbruck 1956-Melbourne 1980-Lake Placid 1960-Rome 1984-Sarajevo 1964-Tokyo 1988-Calgary 1968-Mexico City 1992-Albertville 1972-Munich 1994-Lillehammer 1976-Montreal 1998-Nagano 1980-Moscow 2002-Salt Lake City 1984-Los Angeles 1988-Seoul 1992-Barcelona 1996-Atlanta 2000-Sydney 2004-Athens                There is also statues up that are there to commemorate those who had been caught cheating or Bribing at the Olympic games. These were set up on the walkway leading from the heart of the altis to the vault that leads to the stadion, not by accident the path that leads to the entrance of the athletic competition.      The Olympics are a great tradition and they will last a very long time just like its done in the past.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Ethics for Teachers Essay
Educators are held to a higher standard of behavior than other professionals. The behavior of teachers is judged more harshly. While some wrong behavior is excusable for others, unethical behavior is inexcusable for teachers. Teachers are authority figures, role models, behavioral examples and surrogate parents (Weldon 2003). In some instances the teacher is the only authority figure in a child’s life, so if that trust is broken where is a child to turn? There are many instances of unethical teacher behavior, I have found just a few. In school district 52 in B. C. two teachers are facing charges of sexual exploitation of students. One of the teachers was employed for five years and was charged on Dec. 23 with three cases of sexual exploitation of a young person (Schumacher, 2008). Another teacher was charged with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of sexual exploitation of a person with a disability (Schumacher, 2008). Upon the completion of the districts investigation the first teacher was fired with cause and the second teacher was suspended from his duties. Lisa â€Å"As with anything, it’s until something happens that you look a little closer at all of the policies that you have,†said Last. â€Å"I’m assuming as a parent and community member that here is a code of conduct for any teacher. Like doctors have their code of ethics, I’m assuming teachers have their own as well. †(Schumacher, 2008). Last is the chair of School District 52. After the charges the school district began reviewing practices to help avoid future issues. In Bakersfield, CA a teacher was charged with two felony counts of oral copulation with a person under age 18(Kotowski, 2008). â€Å"If we just say that we kissed that we made out, at most we made out we kissed we just kind of held and caressed each other ten that’s not statutory rape,†Neal said. â€Å"And that saves me from a hell of a lot of trouble. †(Kotowski). Neal told the student to lie about what had happened between them and was not aware that he was being recorded by police. He taught for 10 years and is on administrative leave. In Ontario a teacher had his license revoked because he made racist comments about Jewish people while he was off duty. â€Å"The Supreme Court basically said that, as a teacher, your off-duty conduct can impact on your roles as a teacher if what you’re doing is engaging in behavior that could create a poisoned environment within the school system,†said Brian Kenny, a lawyer with MacPherson Leslie and Tyerman in Regina. (Klie, 2007). He had been engaging in racist activities for years, but still kept his job until the board was sent a tape of him speaking at a Heritage Front rally in front of a swastika flag, extolling the virtues of a neo-Nazi who was convicted of violating the Canadian Human Rights Act. (Klie). Teacher’s returning to school in Woodstock, GA were greeted with a copy of Georgia school’s version of the 10 Commandments: the Teacher Code of Ethics. (Jonsson, 2001). During the summer one teacher was convicted of child abuse, while two others were indicted, they were soliciting students at school for sex. While there seems to be quite a few examples of sexual misconduct that is not all the unethical things teachers do. One teacher changed the answers to a test of a student because she felt she did not deserve to get promoted. Another teacher found that a student’s hyperactivity medicine worked so well she gave it to other students. (Jonsson). Teachers should be held to higher standards than everyone else they are molding the people who will one day be our future. I don’t agree that their life should be under a microscope, but I do agree there should be some standard of ethics that teachers should follow. References Jonsson, P. (2001). More school districts warm to lessons in correct conduct, hoping to stem a tide of ethical lapses. The Christian Science monitor, 11. Klie, S.(2007). Teacher loses license for off-duty racist conduct. Canadian HR Reporter, 20(22), 3. Doi: 1408253031 Kotowski, J. (2008). Teacher taped talking about sexual relationship with student. Bakersfield Californian, NA. Schumacher, K. (2008). Students are district’s top priority following charges school district 52 conducting its own probe into abuse allegations. Daily News p. 1. Doi: 1408253031 Weldon, J. A. (2003). â€Å"But it was on my own time! †Professional consequences of off-duty behavior. Retrieved November 2, 2005, from http://www. eric. ed. gov.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Managers vs Leaders
MANAGEMENT 100 Using examples, compare and contrast the characteristics of both managers and leaders. There is a lot of confusion, or at least very different views, about what is meant by management and what is meant by leadership, about whether the work of managers is fundamentally different from the work of leaders, and whether they are in fact different roles at all. Of course the meaning of such ambiguous words will depend on the definition people choose to give those words, and there are many authors who use management and leadership interchangeably while there are other authors who stipulate very separate definitions for each.As Summarized by Professor Warren Bennis, â€Å"Management is getting people to do what needs to be done. Leadership is getting people to want to do what needs to be done†(Bennis 1989). Whilst managers have the authority to make people get work done, leaders will inspire, motivate and mentor people in to getting this work done. Many managers have n ot yet mastered the interpersonal skills needed in order to have good leadership skills. (The Talent Management Experts, 2007). â€Å"Leadership occurs through the use of influence, not the use of force†(Naddafpour, 2012). Jim Clemmer’s idea is that â€Å"we manage things and we lead people†(Clemmer 2012).Management is said to focus more on work. We manage physical assets such as money, paperwork, equipment, etc. Management tends to maintain focus on Fayols four functions of Planning, Organising, controlling, and leading. (Waddell, Jones and George 2011) They also problem solve, cope with complexity, budget and make effective decisions. Whereas Leadership focuses on people and how they are mentored. Leaders will typically create vision and set a direction to promote change and develop strategies to inspire, innovate and motivate people, forming relationships and creating teamwork (Future Visions. n. d. ).Typically these are the general definitions given by mos t authors however everyone has their own ideas about the work that each does. In a Harvard Business Review Classic article, Zaleznik (1992, 15) observed that managerial culture emphasizes rationality, order and control, and that a manager is a problem solver. He went on to suggest that leadership requires very different skills and behaviours more similar to an artist, that leaders tolerate chaos and lack of structure, they are creative and concerned with transformation. Zaleznik argued that the development of a leader is very different to that of a manager.In so doing Zaleznik not only proposes that leadership work is indeed different from management work but also that managers and leaders are different roles and different people. In another Harvard Business Review article entitled â€Å"What Leaders really Do†Kotter (2001, 85) writes that management and leadership are â€Å"two distinctive and complementary systems of action†¦. Both are necessary for success in an inc reasingly complex and volatile business environment. †For Kotter, management is about coping with complexity, about creating order and stability. In contrast, leadership is about coping with change.He uses a military analogy: a peacetime army is about administration and management with good leadership only necessary at the top, whereas in wartime people must be led into battle by leaders at all levels. Kotter elaborates that management is about planning and budgeting whereas leadership is about setting direction, management is about organizing and staffing whereas leadership is about aligning people, and finally management is about controlling and problem solving whereas leadership requires motivating and inspiring. Kotter describes the commonly parroted list of differences between what leaders do and managers do.It is probably more accurately a description of management behaviours/work and leadership behaviours/work than a distinction between â€Å"managers†and †Å"leaders†. In truth many managers do much leadership work, and many leaders do much management work, so it the distinction between roles is a bit artificial, but it is true there are different types of work. The commonly held distinction between manager and leader is perhaps summed up well by Hickman (1990, 7): â€Å"The words ‘manager’ and ‘leader’ are metaphors representing two opposite ends of a continuum. Manager’ tends to signify the more analytical, structured, controlled, deliberate, and orderly end of the continuum, while ‘leader’ tends to occupy the more experimental, visionary, flexible, uncontrolled, and creative end. †¦ I like to think of the prototypical manager as the person who brings the thoughts of the mind to bear on the daily organisational problems. †In contrast the leader brings the feelings of the soul to bear on those same problems†¦. The mind represents the analytical, calculating, structu ring, and ordering side of tasks and organisations.The soul, on the other hand, represents the visionary, passionate, creative, and flexible side. †Jacques and Clement (1994, 19) suggest that the separation of manager from leader has â€Å"reinforced the modern day tendency to debase the idea of the managerial role. †They say it is an unrealistic and incorrect separation. Instead managers have leadership accountabilities, and to be a good manager one also needs to demonstrate good leadership. Being a â€Å"good boss†is not about simply relying on hierarchical authority but about setting purpose and getting people to move in the direction of that achieving that purpose.Similarly McDonald, Burke and Stewart (2006, 79) lament that leader is used in a positive manner suggesting charisma and vision, and â€Å"doing the right thing†, whereas manager is used in a somewhat demeaning fashion to mean rule following, concerned with efficiency, â€Å"doing things right†. They argue that this is a misleading dichotomy. Instead they argue that all managers are leaders in the sense that they lead people, that being a manager entails doing leadership work (as well as doing other management work such as planning, budgeting, etc. ). On the other hand not all leaders are necessarily managers.The leadership quality of a manager reflects their ability â€Å"to create a productive culture through social process†. In all it is believed by some that to be a good manager you need to be a good leader but to be a good leader you do not need to be a manager (Webster, 2012). But can you really point to one individual person and say â€Å"they are a manager but not a leader†and to another and say â€Å"they are a leader but not a manager†. The two are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Which is why some authors actually talk about â€Å"managerial leadership†! So what does all this add up to?Certainly there are different vi ews about whether managers and leaders are the same or different roles/people. It is perhaps a false dichotomy or at least not useful in so far as there are many many people with the job title of â€Å"Manager†but for whom a good deal of their work is leadership work. However most authors do agree that there is a set of characteristics/skills/values/behaviours which can clearly be defined as leadership attributes, and the exercise of these attributes is identifiable as leadership work and it is indeed distinct from the planning, controlling, budgeting, reporting work of a manager. ReferencesBennis, W. 1989. On becoming a leader. London: Hutchinson Business Books. Clemmer, J. 2012. Management vs. Leadership. http://www. jimclemmer. com/management-vs. -leadership. php (accessed May 14, 2012). Future Visions. n. d. Leader Vs Manager. http://www. futurevisions. org/ldr_mgr. htm (accessed May 14, 2012). Hickman, C. R. 1990. Mind of a Manager- Soul of a Leader. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Jaques, E. , and S. D. Clement. 1994. Executive Leadership: A Practical Guide to Managing Complexity. Arlington: Cason Hall & Co Kotter, J. P. 2001. What Leaders Really Do. Harvard Business Review, December: 85.Macdonald, I. , C. Burke and K. Stewart. 2006. Systems Leadership: Creating Positive Organisation. England: Gower Publishing Limited. Naddafpour, Ali. (2012). Chapter 11: Leadership and Influence Processes. Lecture notes. Retrieved from College of the Canyons Website: http://www. canyons. edu/Faculty /naddafpoura/Bus110/Bus110Ch11Sum. htm (accessed May 14, 2012). The Talent Management Experts. 2007. Business Impact Leadership [Brochure]. Sydney: Development Dimensions International Inc. Waddell, D. , G. R. Jones, and J. M. George. 2011. Contemporary Management. 2nd ed. North Ryde, NSW: McGraw-Hill Webster, A. 2012.Comparison of Management and Leadership. http://www. ehow. com/info_7758884_comparison-management-leadership. html (accessed May 14, 2012). Zaleznik, A . 1992. Managers and Leaders: Are they Different. Harvard Business Review, March: 15. http://hbr. org/1992/03/managers-and-leaders-are-they-different/ar/1 (accessed May 14, 2012). | SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENTAssignment COVER SHEET| Your Name/s| SHARNI TIETZEL| Student No/s| 14859351| Unit Name| Management 100| Unit Index No. | 10848| TUTOR’S Name| MARTIN TURNBULL| TUTORIAL Day/Time/Class| EXTERNAL| Assignment Title (where applicable)| INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT| | Don’t forget to date stamp| 18/05/2012|Students comments to Lecturer/Tutor (if any)| | | | Please read the following and sign where indicatedDECLARATION: I/We declare the attached assignment is my/our own work and has not previously been submitted for assessment. This work complies with Curtin University of Technology rules concerning plagiarism and copyright. [Refer to www. policies. curtin. edu. au/documents/unit_outlines_plagiarism_state. doc for plagiarism and copyright information. ] I/We have retained a copy of th is assignment for my own records. Signed: SHARNI TIETZEL| THIS SECTION IS TO BE COMPLETED BY LECTURER/TUTOR: COMMENTS TO STUDENT| | | | | | | | Recorded Mark| | Lecturer| | Date| | ASSESSMENT 2 RESPONSE SHEET – Individual Essay Students need to use both in-text referencing and build a reference list. Students must use 8 sources of reference – fewer than this will result in a ‘fail’ grade. | | Mark| Research * A range of sources used * Detail and relevance of research * Originality of sources/approach * Overall depth and quality of research| /20| Content * Effective introduction * Body of essay- clear discussion that remains focused on the topic * Conclusion – restatement of purpose, summary of major findings, synthesis of argument. /20| Analysis * Critical analysis (Developing an argument or a point of view) * Overall depth and quality of analysis| /30| References * Minimum reference requirements met * References used to support arguments and ideas * Correct CHICAGO Version 16 style * All references cited in-text| /20| Academic writing * Grammar * Writing is clear and concise * Sentence structure * Paragraph structure * Spelling * Use of third person voice * Overall academic style| /10| General Comments: (in particular what the participant would need to do to get a higher mark and what has been done well) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________|
Smoking Should Be Made Illegal
Kelvin Omogbeme CIGARETTE SMOKING SHOULD BE BANNED IN THE SAME WAY AS OTHER ILLEGAL DRUGS Tobacco is one of the most widely used drugs in the world, mainly in the form of a cigarette. Although most countries have tried to restrict the use of tobacco, people still smoke everyday despite the fact that it is poisonous and harmful to their health. Cigarette smoking has been part of our lives for many decades now. Whether cigarettes should be banned or not becomes an object of controversy for many countries. Smokers claim that smoking helps in reducing their stress and also it strengthens the economy.But the negative aspect of smoking outweighs the positive. Smoking is a bad habit, and it is not good for human health. Cigarette smoking has seriously negative effects and it should be banned completely because it is hazardous for smokers and non-smoker’s health, it costs a large amount of money, and also it tends to influence people around us. Firstly, smoking undoubtedly helps many people to relax. For some, it even improves concentration. Many people like to smoke before exams or when they are relaxing with friends. A further point is that governments throughout the whole world make huge profits from levying taxes on cigarettes.This provides funds which are used for building schools, hospitals and other public amenities. The tobacco industry also employs tens of thousands of people throughout the world, particularly in poorer countries. Without cigarettes, these people would have no jobs and they will be suffering. However, despite these points, the arguments against smoking are strong. Smoking has been shown to be hazardous to people’s health. Smokers are taking into their body large amount of toxic such as; nicotine, carbon monoxide, and ammonia daily. These chemicals are dangerous to our health.First of all, cigarettes contain 4000 chemicals in it, and 69 of them are known to cause cancer. Smoking too much causes first-hand smokers to get yellow tee th, swollen gum, skin disease, and bad fingernails. They are also known to get headaches, lung cancer and bad breath much more easily than nor-smokers do. Years ago, millions of people died of lung cancer because of smoking. It was a dreadful scene. Those families were sad and they went bankrupt because of the amount of money they spent on treating their loved ones illness, while they were sick in the hospital. Smoking can cause damage to the respiratory system and circulatory system.Furthermore, people who smoke get heart attacks and their kidneys no longer function properly. About 400 thousand Americans die each year, and 5. 4 million die globally from smoking related disease. The most common illness causing deaths are respiratory disease such as, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and heart disease like high blood pressure and heart attacks. From x-rays results, a smokers’ hearts is known to be much darker than a non-smokers heart. The most amazing p art about a smoker is that he knows that it is terribly hazardous to him, yet he continues killing himself slowly.Cigarettes contain nicotine which is an addictive substance and that is why it is hard for smokers to stop smoking. Smokers are occasionally outside smoking, making the people beside him or her breathe in smoke too. These people are known as second-hand smokers or non-smokers. When second-hand smokers breathe in first-hand smoker’s smoke, they also get badly harmed by it. Cigarette does not just harm the people who smoke, they also harm the people who are near them and breathe the smoke. Non-smokers do not like to breathe polluted air; they feel annoyed when someone around them smokes.For instance, if you are trying to enjoy a meal in a restaurant, and you suddenly inhale the smoke from your neighbor; you will feel uncomfortable. Studies show that exposure to cigarette smoke for as little as thirty minutes a day can raise a non-smoker's risk of suffering a heart a ttack. Children are being harmed by first-hand smokers and it is unfair. Children's lives are being put at risk every day because people make the bad decision to smoke. When children breathe in cigarette smoke, they have an increased risk for childhood illnesses such as asthma and ear infections. It is also harmful to pregnant women and unborn children.If the health of a pregnant smoker is not enough for her to quit smoking, then the health of her baby should be. Smoking during pregnancy affects you and your baby's health before, during, and after your baby is born. The nicotine (the addictive substance in cigarettes), carbon monoxide, and numerous other poisons you inhale from a cigarette are carried through your bloodstream and go directly to your baby. Another reason why smoking should be banned is because it helps to save money for better use. Many people who smoke cigarettes are not even aware of how much they spend on cigarettes every month.Depending on how much people smoke, it can run up to a couple of hundred dollars per month. People spend lots of money on buying cigarette. If people are not allowed to smoke, they gradually reduce the number of cigarette they smoke; thereby, saving lots of money. All the money they spend in buying cigarettes can be saved and used for something much more important and useful like paying off a loan or a saving for a child’s education. After all, we can better our society by educating the future generation to be financially sound and debt-free. Just try stopping smoking cigarette; you will be surprise how much amount of money will be saved.Finally, another reason why smoking should be banned is because smokers tend to influence people around them. For instance, when your son or daughter sees you smoking, he or she would become interested in trying it; thereby he or she may be addicted to it and that makes him or her become smoker. Same thing goes with a teenager, who just entered high school, and he sees his teac her smoking, or even at work when your colleagues see you smoking, he might be influenced too especially when the smoker gives it so much importance and glorifies it like it is the best thing to do.This definitely has an impact on the way a person thinks about smoking, and more often, leads people to begin smoking. As you can see, smoking causes a lot of problems in our society. The reasons why smoking should be banned is because it is dangerous for smoker’s health and non-smokers health, it helps to save a lot of money and it tends to influence other people around. What people don’t realize is that they have the power to control, and stop the terrible habit that affects them and millions of people across the globe.If smoking is banned, the food that smokers eat will begin to taste better, their sense of smell will return to normal and they will gradually be able to exercise or do normal chores such as taking out the trash without loss of breath and wheezing, their blo od pressure becomes lower, the carbon monoxide level in their blood drops to normal, coughing and shortness of breath decrease and the lung cancer death rates will reduce and people will be able to save a lot of money. If smoking is banned, the environment would be a better, and a safer place to live for us and our future generations.Overall, I think the world would be a better place without cigarettes. I suggest the government take immediate action and stop the puff of smoke from coming out of a person’s mouth and make them happy and invincible from smoke! Therefore, cigarette smoking should be banned in the same way as other illegal drugs. REFERENCE Rachael Rettner. (2013, January, 25). Should cigarette smoking be illegal. Retrieved from http://www. foxnews. com/health/2013/01/25/should-cigarettes-be-illegal/ Andy Phan. (2011, July). Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned. Retrieved from http://www. tudymode. com/essays/Should-Cigarette-Smoking-Be-Banned-707870. html Tom Head. (2009). Should cigarettes be made illegal. Retrieved from http://civilliberty. about. com/od/drugpolicy/i/cigarettes_ban_2. htm S Chapman, R Borland, M Scollo, R C Brownson, A Dominello, and S Woodward. (1999, July). The impact of smoke-free workplaces on declining cigarette consumption in Australia and the United States. American Journal of Public Health July 1999: Vol. 89, No. 7, pp. 1018-1023. Retrieved from http://ajph. aphapublications. org/doi/abs/10. 2105/AJPH. 89. 7. 1018
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Personal and Team Effectiveness
Personal and Team Effectiveness Introduction: In every organization particularly in the Health and Social Care Industry which involves individual employees and the entire workforce to where they are the company’s backbone of its existence it all rely on the importance of personal and team effectiveness to achieve the organization’s mission statement and service to their customers. In the influence of the management and organisational factors on the effectiveness of the people involved in the care particularly through developing their ability to work effectively in teams and developing their knowledge and skills so that they can contribute to the delivery of a quality service. All organizations require their people, at times, to work in groups. The most successful organizations find ways to realize the full potential and capability of groups. They understand the important contribution that groups can make effective groups usually outperform individuals. Organizations are comfortable establishing, empowering and promoting the participation of people in groups, value change and adaptation as key to improving productivity, quality and customer service and are constantly looking for creative ways to use groups to drive performance improvements. In looking at strategies for personal and professional development which refine behaviours, improve capability and give individuals the confidence and competence to excel not only for themselves but as part of the entire Health Care team as shown in high-performing organizations, the most successful groups function as â€Å"teams†. Teams flourish in organizations which create a climate where people want to work together giving their best efforts. Definition: Personal effectiveness is a branch of the self help movement dealing with success, goals, and related concepts. Personal effectiveness integrates some ideas from â€Å"the power of positive thinking†and Positive Psychology but in general it is distinct from the New Thought Movement. Team effectiveness refers to the system of getting people in a company or institution to work together effectively. The idea behind team effectiveness is that a group of people working together can achieve much more than if the individuals of the team were working on their own. Content: According to Carl Jung’s premise that all change and development starts from within and its principle underpins to the approach and it all start with personal effectiveness. The middle and senior managers in Health and Social Care should develop their skills and competencies in leading and managing the team. It is where the management of each organization would find how to enlighten and have each of them to explore and examining the facets that each of the employees are unique and valuable individual in the organization for the better good of the entire workforce. By exploring the preferences of others to understand why they behave as they do particularly and inspire those that are into the team and show them how to adapt and collaborate for improved interactions. The team leader and managers should see through it that the individuals and the entire team should focus on the implications and evaluating the by using management for the people for improving the organizational performance. In every individual, each has their own personality, style and personal interactions for effectively doing the job. By achieving this personal development and individual effectiveness comes with training, career development, staff development plans and the management will implement the development programs by in-house training, using supervision and appraisal, external courses, action-centred learning, lifelong learning, coaching and mentoring, assessing competence. The monitoring performance of individuals through observation, appraisal, periodic review, and achievement of successful outcomes as well as the use of targets, benchmarks, feedback from others is one key factor in measuring personal effectiveness. By Identifying individual training and evelopment needs: monitoring of performance, career development planning, changing personal circumstances. Strategies for promoting continuous development: achieving competence, training versus education, partnerships, staff development plans, compliance with external requirements, dedicated allocation of resources, use of external kite marks for exampl e Investors in People. In assessing the individual effectiveness is by describing different ways in which the performance of individuals working in health and social care may be monitored and by describing how individual training and development needs may be identified. Analyse different strategies for promoting the continuing development of individuals in the health and social care workplace. The effective staff development programme may be implemented and evaluate the effectiveness of a specific staff development programme with which the management is familiar. Team effectiveness is determined by several factors: †¢ The right mix of skills. Team effectiveness depends in part on bringing together people who have different skills that somehow complement each other. This can mean different technical abilities or communication skills. In fact, teaming up people who share the exact same characteristics is often a recipe for disaster. Team effectiveness depends on people taking on different roles in a group setting. If there is no agreement on who does what in the group, it is unlikely that the team will prosper. †¢ The right motivation. Team effectiveness is directly linked to the interest that the group has on the project. If the job is too easy or too difficult, or if the rewards for achieving the end result do not seem worth the effort, the team may end up working half-heartedly in the project. The task should also have a clear outcome. Working towards a specific goal enhances team effectiveness significantly. †¢ The ability to solve conflicts without compromising the quality of the project. Team work has one major downfall. Sometimes groups end up making decisions they know are not in the best interest of the project, just so they can keep the process moving. Conflict is innate to any work done in groups, and should be taken as part of the challenge rather than as something to be avoided by compromising. Team effectiveness should be increased, not compromised, through conflict. The model of team development as developed by Bruce Tuckman that teams evolve through four main stages. †¢ Forming is when the members are first brought together. It is a period of exploration, testing and orientation. †¢ Storming is a difficult but inevitable stage, where members may compete and conflict. †¢ Norming is the stage where the team starts to pull together, and noticeable progress begins to be made. †¢ Performing is characterized by a high level of task focus, and the team producing consistent and excellent results. Discussion: It is important as well for a team leader to create a climate in which people can develop and contribute to their full potential. The climate must be one of cooperation, commitment, and team focus. A good leader must also be a good coach. Different members are used as resource leaders because of their knowledge or experience. The focus is on how to get the job done, not on who controls the team. Team members are empowered to do the job they must do. Everyone is involved in the functioning of the team. In light of the discussion, the following points summarize the conditions required to create an effective team environment, each of these factors is important, and they are also highly interdependent. All of these factors are critical to achieving an effective and high performing team. Leaders can help create these conditions through the following behaviours. 1. Trust, Respect and Support †¢ Encourage and protect team member diversity in views, backgrounds, and experiences. †¢ Inspire teamwork and mutual support through example. Keep your commitments and expect the same from all team members. 2. Commitment to the Team †¢ Support and positively represent the team to senior management, peers and other employees. †¢ Ensure that individual member and team accomplishments are recognized and celebrated appropriately 3. Shared Vision †¢ Clarify the tasks to be accomplished. †¢ Establish and communicate a vision about what the members can achieve as a team. â₠¬ ¢ Encourage team members to participate in creating their vision of what the team can accomplish. 4. Open and Honest Communications Communicate fully and openly; welcome questions; avoid the â€Å"need to know†limitations. †¢ When seeking solutions, encourage members to suspend assumptions, reflect on their own thoughts and feelings, clearly voice these, inquire about and listen to opinions of others, and be less reactive. 5. Empowerment and Involvement of all Members †¢ Encourage members to participate. †¢ Make it easy for others to see opportunities to work together. †¢ Clarify that problem-solving is a responsibility of all team members. †¢ Mediate conflicts before they become destructive. 6. A Learning Environment †¢ Guide team members to determine where they actually are relative to their goals, and to clarify why the gaps exist and how to bridge them. †¢ Surface and treat conflicts as learning situations. Peter Senge, in his book â€Å"The Fifth Discipline†says, â€Å"One of the most reliable indicators of a team that is continually learning is the visible conflict of ideas. In great teams, conflict becomes productive. Conclusion: In every Health and Social Care organization they must be People Investors to which people or the staffs are a company’s most valuable resource. Human beings have unlimited potential to grow, develop and learn and in that sense constant training and improvement of personal and team development is needed for the organization to be successful and create a greater impact to the service user and the people involved in the care and service. The leader’s role is to help each team member achieve his or her potential and they act as coach which provide more structure, guidance and direction as well as to clarify tasks, goals, management’s expectations, and the way their performance and contributions will be measured. Teams need to be constantly developed for creating an effective approach on how things should be done for the better service to the clients. Members of the team generally have a broader range and depth of skills and experiences. With encouragement and support from the leader and other team members, individual members can enhance their technical, functional, problem-solving, decision-making, interpersonal and teamwork skills by taking some risks and facing some new challenges. Everyone is capable of making decisions that affect them, provided they are given the appropriate information and training. People do not resist changes they have been involved in making for the benefit of the entire team and the effectively managing the entire conflict which will be turned in to an advantage in solving the problem. Gaining true employee involvement is an ongoing process, not a one-time effort it always develop each personal and team effectiveness, If a change is affecting the team, the leader must be a role model of the â€Å"new†way. The leader must be able to â€Å"let go†in order to empower people. The leader must train and coach people first so they will be ready and able to succeed. The leader realizes mistakes are unavoidable, and helps people learn from them. A key factor which differentiates teams from work groups involves the interdependence of people. As Stephen Covey points out in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, â€Å"Interdependence opens up worlds of possibilities for deep, rich, meaningful associations, for geometrically increased productivity, for serving, for contributing, for learning, for growing. Reference: Tuckman, Bruce W. â€Å"Developmental Sequence In Small Groups†. Psychological Bulletin 63, 1965, pp. 382-399 http://gtwebmarque. com/wikis/gtwm/index. php/The_Fifth_Discipline http://www. skillsforcare. org. uk/workforce_strategy/workforce_strategy. aspx http://www. insights. com/LearningSolutions/Expertise/IndividualEffectiveness. aspx http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Team_building http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Personal_effectiveness http:// www. wisegeek. com/what-is-team-effectiveness. htm
Friday, September 13, 2019
Poetry Explication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Poetry Explication - Essay Example This means that the other half was inside the water. In the human world, the fish is an alien organism, while in the water, the fish is at home. To the fisherwoman, the fish is unpleasant organism, and it is weak (Bishop, 1983). It is therefore a victim of humanity, and it is vulnerable to the whims of the mankind. This paper analyzes the use of symbolism in the poem. This is because the entire poem is full of symbolism, which is used to explain the relationship that exists between man and the aquatic world. The poem by Elizabeth Bishop is not organized into stanza, but it is written in a prose form. It is kind of a narration that a fisherwoman gives on her experiences when she was out fishing. This poem is not rhythmic in nature, and the words used are easy to understand. This is even though there is a lot of symbolism and stylistic devices in it (Bishop, 1983). Furthermore, the poem is very descriptive in nature. The narrator of the poem manages to describe how the fish looked like, and the emotions that she felt towards the fish. She felt pity, and this is because the â€Å"Fish†was weak and vulnerable to human activities. There are numerous stylistic devices used in this poetry, and an important one is symbolism. The description that the speaker describes the â€Å"Fish†resembles as if it is dead, rather than alive (Bishop, 1983). Furthermore, the fact that the aquatic animal is caught means that death is imminent. For instance, the narrator denotes that the stripes of the Fish brown skin looked like an ancient wall paper, and the patterns of these wall papers were lost through the ages (Bishop, 1983). Furthermore, the narrator denotes that the Fish is bespeckled, and it is covered with white sea lice. This is a symbol of death. In symbolizing death, the narrator further denotes that the Fish is covered in rags of green weed. The narrator was
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Assignment Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Assignment Questions - Essay Example s internet marketing, owing to the fact that it is rapidly increasing in popularity in the contemporary business environment and may attract a substantial number of clients. Planning: Identification of resources needed to market the bicycle; identification of target markets for the bicycle; identification of marketing channels i.e. e-marketing and assessing marketing condition i.e. market prices, competitors among others. Implementation: This stage would involve exposing the products to the identified marketing channels; exposing the bicycles to the identified target market and offering them at standard market price that benefits that company and affordable to clients Evaluation: This would involve assessing efficacy of the marketing procedures that have been put in place i.e. Are clients satisfied with the company’s e-marketing procedures? Are the prices offered cost-effective? The factors that would be considered when considering the product failure are: Competition from new and emerging alternative products; prices; efficacy of the product in satisfying customers’ needs and marketing strategies as well as clients’ perception on the product. Improve operational efficiency of the product, especially after reviewing customers’ complaints; in addition, the market price of the product would be adjusted accordingly. After an analysis of the marketing strategy, possible improvements would be made. Consequently, research would be performed on the market trends to determine new and emerging alternative products and identify how our product can be improved to meet market standards. Yes. To be a good innovator, one must be willing to accept failure; this ensures that one creates a chance for undertaking research to identify causes of improvements, thus making necessary
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
System in organization final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
System in organization final paper - Essay Example Insurance industry is a world where competition progresses speedily and the requirements of customers change quickly, Lenox should see that IT oriented system is to be delivered in months and not in a period of over three years. Oxford Health Plans Inc was ranked as the fifth top –growing company in the United States in 1996 by the Fortune magazine as the business was growing both in revenues and in members. Everything went topsy-turvy when Oxford management tried to introduce new computerized billing system as the executive’s paid a little or poor attention to information technology. The bad structuring and management of Oxford billing system not only tarnished the company’s brand name but also resulted its future growth as Oxford’s stock price stumbled down to one-third of its earlier quote due whooping loses of $ 300 million. If the management do not spot the apt IT-enabled chances, introduce misguided systems or mishandle the whole activity , in such scenarios ,IT systems can even be proved to be devastating like what it had happened in Oxford. Badly visualized and implemented IT investments become hazardous in the long run if it is not noticed at the early stage. Sullivan should have been made to directly report to Bennett, CEO rather than reporting to Fontana, CFO. Sullivan, as a CIO, should have assumed responsibility for outcomes of IT investments, in collaboration with the senior management. A management committee should have been formed with CIO as the head and this committed should have supervised the real-time systems and should have introduced necessary changes as and when necessary. Lenox CEO is fully aware that by bringing the latest technology, by modernizing key applications and by rationalizing and reorganizing the information services at Lenox, it definitely helps Lenox to see its business is growing. If investment in information technology is
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Currency trading simulation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Currency trading simulation - Research Paper Example OANDA reflects the market ideal market condition which may not be true conditions. The pie charts in the OANDA which shows real time changes in the currency pair using moving averages. The user can study the market and develop their trading strategy which will determine when to buy and when to sell at a profit. Generally, when the spot crosses under the moving average,a sell signal appears because the technical analysis shows that the price will drop. A buy signal appeard when the spot crosses over the moving average because the price will raise. Market volatility tends to indicate rate reversal hence an important factor to be considered. I used two moving average on the same pie charts, the faster moving average is based on 25 days of data while the slower moving average is calculated from 10 days of data. A buy signal appears when the faster moving average crosses above the slow moving average, and a sell signal appears when the faster moving average crosses below the slower moving average (OANDA Tutorial). My initial trading plan was to use reversal point by waiting for the fast moving average crossing above the slower moving average, then buy 50 currency units and hold the for a while to see if the market price will go up or not. My initial didn’t work out because the prices didn’t rise, thus I couldn’t get a profit. I decided to diversify my portfolio to maximize my returns and minimize my risk in the money market. The moving average, however, had little movement and thus I was not able to able to buy and sell at a profit. Changing my strategies to diversification of portfolio worked out because none of the moving averages crossed each other. Market volatility also didn’t work out so I decided to diversify my points. My strategies yielded returns, but I didn’t maximize it. The market fluctuates every second and making decisions is very
Monday, September 9, 2019
The rights of prisoners of Wars in Afghanistan from 2001-2014 Thesis
The rights of prisoners of Wars in Afghanistan from 2001-2014 - Thesis Example It is in that spirit of distrust that the bloodiest conflicts known throughout history have been fought and decided. It is within this same vein that the current war in Afghanistan wages on after nearly 13 years of conflict. With prisoners being taken on both sides, it is important that certain rules of conduct designed to protect the integrity of battle be followed, yet it appears that this is far from reality. This study takes an in-depth look at the treatment being inflicted upon Afghan prisoners of War at the hands of the Allied forces. It is important to consider that these prisoners are being treated unjustly, without regard for basic human rights, and with little regard for commonly accepted practiced rules of engagement. It is important to concur a critical analysis of current American policy in Afghanistan, and the various tactics being utilised to intervene in the conflict itself. There are many who object to what is taking place at hands of the American military in relationship to insurgent rights. This includes the rights of prisoners, particularly those at the Bagram Airbase Prison and those being housed at Guantanamo Bay. Many that live in Afghanistan have reported on the methods utilised by the American military in this war, many of which have been determined to be illegal and cruel (Abunimah 13). Military members are often seen to be entering civilian villages and houses to conduct random searches, all the hill women and children are inside crying and screaming out at the injustice of it all. As a result of these action, the insurgency rages on as the Afghan people have begun to develop a fierce anger towards much of the international community. There is an obvious tactic being employed by the United States to capture known members of the Taliban or Al-Qaeda, making them de facto prisoners of war. In essence, this strips
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Does the URBANISATION is more POSITIVE POTENTIAL or Negative POTENTIAL - Essay Example In the end, however, I argue that these are issues that can be addressed through efficient governance, sound urban planning and policies on sustainable resource use. Nelson (2006: 2) challenges the conventional assumption that rapid urbanization is indicative of progress. He cites the case of Africa as evidence that urbanization cannot be linked to development. This is because urbanization in Africa was the result of inequitable allocation of state resources, which were in turn driven by global market processes. As a consequence of this, the rural areas suffered deeply. Rural poverty and rural hunger had spiked up. (Nelson, 2006: 3). To quote Nelson, â€Å"Resources directed toward agriculture have been very small and of these most have been directed toward large-scale farming of export crops such as tobacco, not only causing environmental damage but also food shortages and impoverishment of small farmers. (Nelson: 3)†But these have long term consequences too. Because the rural areas are the suppliers of food for the entire country, impoverishing the rural areas diminishes capacity to produce food and ultimately lead to food prices going up. Although this is true, there is also validity in the assertion that urbanization has many positive possibilities as well. According to Hammond (2007:2), â€Å"if cities create environmental problems, the also contain the solutions.†Indeed, countries that have attained economic development have done so under a model that invariably included urbanization. One of the clear effects of urbanization is the increase in wealth, and this will ultimately lead to benefits that will affect the rural areas as well. The second aspect is the social costs. Nelson talks about how rural to urban migration has â€Å"transferred poverty to the cities†. (Nelson, 2006: 3) This has led to urban areas bursting at the seams, unable to manage the volume of people coming to find jobs, shelter, and
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Hayek's Conception of the Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Hayek's Conception of the Market - Essay Example In Hayek’s book Road to Serfdom, he articulated his rejection on the centralized planning of economies. He argued that public ownership of industries that is a characteristic of centralized economies would make the production of goods and services inefficient because of the absence of market dynamics such as competition that would â€Å"perfect†the production of goods and services that would eliminate waste. Hayek also cautioned that centralized planning of an economy is destructive to liberty because the planner would inadvertently tend to extend his or her control to other aspects in society thus becoming more comprehensive to the detriment of liberty.Keynes on the other hand favored government intervention through its fiscal and monetary policy to assuage the impact of recession and depression or financial crisis like the one the United States recently had in 2009. Keynes believe that it is not only the market that can make an economy work at a maximum efficiency bu t such can also be raised to that level by the intervention of the government. Keynes advocated collectivism through international coordination of fiscal and monetary stimulus to deflect and mitigate any downturn in economic cycle. He is also the sponsor of deficit spending to lift an economy from depression in contrast to Hayek’s proposal that it solely the market (free) that can achieve utmost efficiency in an economy. The classic example of this is Obama’s stimulus spending to bail the US economy out of the financial crisis.... nt because of the absence of market dynamics such as competition that would â€Å"perfect†the production of goods and services that would eliminate waste. Hayek also cautioned that centralized planning of an economy is destructive to liberty because the planner would inadvertently tend to extend his or her control to other aspects in society thus becoming more comprehensive to the detriment of liberty (Hayek 1944). Keynes on the other hand favored government intervention through its fiscal and monetary policy to assuage the impact of recession and depression or financial crisis like the one the United States recently had in 2009. Keynes believe that it is not only the market that can make an economy work at a maximum efficiency but such can also be raised to that level by the intervention of the government. In contrast to Hayek, Keynes advocated collectivism through international coordination of fiscal and monetary stimulus to deflect and mitigate any downturn in economic cyc le. He is also the sponsor of deficit spending to lift an economy from depression in contrast to Hayek’s proposal that it solely the market (free) that can achieve utmost efficiency in an economy. The classic example of this is Obama’s stimulus spending to bail the US economy out of the financial crisis (Censky and Riley 2011). Unlike Hayek who asserted that the market dynamics or its â€Å"invisible hand†will make the necessary corrections in the market to make it more efficient, Keynes believed otherwise. Keynes articulated his disagreement with Hayek in his book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money that market dynamics do not always correct itself. Hayek posited that market oriented economies are not always good in achieving efficiency that would lead to full employment
Friday, September 6, 2019
The adversarial system in England and Wales Essay Example for Free
The adversarial system in England and Wales Essay The adversarial system of law involves a prosecutor defending his/ her clients in the court of law in the presence of a jury. The jury’s role is to make decisions that will be used in passing the sentence. In this system, the lawyers determine the rulings that are passed. â€Å"Lawyers play a central role in presenting each sides case (Mallenson 11). †This is because their intelligence in solving disputes will determine the sentence passed. Therefore, justice will be served when a prosecutor convinces both the judge and the jury that their defendant is innocent. The accused is not mandated to give evidence but should they choose to defend themselves, they will be cross examined by both parties. In England, the adversarial system is overly institutionalised. The prosecutor has to convince the jury beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed the crime. The rule of law entails that the law enforcement agents can only make decisions and exercise their duties when as the law suggests. The rules of revealing evidence are developed based on the laws of England and Wales. The rules in this case give the judge limited power. Hence the roles played by judges in the adversarial system are passive since their duties are to ensure that both parties comply with the court rules and they will give direction on the way forward when disputes arise. The adversarial system, the rules of evidence are strict and the stand of prosecutors should be based on facts. For this reason, the cases are well prepared as prosecutors conduct intensive and extensive investigation prior to the court proceedings. The jury is also supposed to be impartial such that they represent what they consider as the truth so as to enable justice to be served. The adversarial system ensures fair trial as the state is not biased against the defendant. Key principles which govern the behaviour of advocates for the prosecution and the defence For advocates to perform well there are certain principles which they must follow. The key principles are the Expediency principle and the legality principles. The expediency principle also called opportunity principle which ensures that prosecutors need to be well disciplined and discrete so that they can represent the defendants impartially. This means that they are not supposed to handle cases just because they have been presented to the courts but because they want to bring about change and help justice take its course. The legality principle ensures that prosecutors have enough, reliable and valid evidence especially in the early stages. Moreover, the prosecutor is not supposed to be influenced by outside forces (Fionda 8). The key principles are father enhanced by other principles some of them are: The prosecutors should treat each case uniquely and not relate it to similar cases before. They must be fair, independent and should not be influenced by anyone or anything, they have to work in the interests of promoting fair justice and not to fulfil their personal ambitions, they have a responsibility of guiding and advising investigators whenever possible. They also review cases and ensure all evidence is presented to the courts. The prosecutors work is to assist the courts to reach a proper and fair sentence that is backed by sufficient evidence and facts so as to assist the courts to come up with a valid conclusion. They will do this by looking into various matters such as making sure they are conversant with the guidelines on the court procedures with regard to the case; do background research on the victims which will include if they have faced any previous charges. They will also need to make sure that there are fewer barriers that will influence their investigations for instance restraining orders. The prosecutor therefore is useful to the courts because they may tell the court how the victim should be sentenced depending on the crimes they have committed. This is because they prepare a plea and Sentence document before sentencing and they present it to the courts. The prosecutors will therefore ensure fair trial by following up court proceedings by constantly reviewing what is presented to the courts as correct and relevant. Fair trial is also furthered when they address new cases afresh by looking into all the supporting evidence so that they can argue their points in court. In enhancing equality, they do this by making sure that they are not influenced by other people or their personal feelings getting in the way of their work and they will present wrong judgements. They also make sure that the court legislators are informed of what is expected from them as they are constantly advised on the areas where they have doubts. â€Å"Adversarialism will only be valid if both sides are equally matched and every party is treated equally (Ian K, 4). †Presumption of innocence is the state of being considered innocent until the court says you are guilty. This is a right that every accused person is entitled to. The prosecutors therefore are the ones who help the courts prove that a person is ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ beyond any reasonable doubt. The courts refer to as the burden of proof and will only take place when there is evidence. And the prosecutors do this by collecting and presenting the evidence. If the prosecutors or the court has doubt in the evidence presented, the prosecutors will have to be given extra time so that they present what is correct.
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