Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Other Sister essays
The Other Sister papers The Other Sister, created by Mario Iscovich and Alexandra Rose was a lighthearted comedy. The characters gazing in this film were Carla Tate (Juliet Lewis), who was a somewhat slow-witted young lady. The overprotective mother Elizabeth, played by Diane Keaton. Carlas father was played by Tom Skerritt. Last, however absolutely not least, there was Daniel, who was Carlas beau (Giovanni Ribisis). Carla had gone through long stretches of her in a custom curriculum program at a private life experience school. This was an exceptionally hard choice for her folks to make. Her dad was a tanked and didn't know quite a bit of whatever was going on. Elizabeth, her mom, was the person who had settled on the choice to feel free to send her girl Carla off to life experience school. That night that Carla had gone to live-in school was the latest night that her dad had a beverage Elizabeth imagined this would be the best thing for Carla, on the grounds that there would be other youngsters at this sch ool who were additionally simple-minded. Carla had get back following quite a long while with a ton of objectives that she had set for herself. The most significant thing to Carla was her requirement for individual satisfaction starts to communicate in manners her mom can't acknowledge. When Carla begin to look all starry eyed at just because with a kid from school by the name of Daniel, she needs to demonstrate to her mom that since she may have all the earmarks of being distinctive outwardly she despite everything can be a mindful grown-up, deserving of adoring and being cherished. Carla was going to take a travel and find herself. Carla and her sweetheart Daniel do this together and discover a portion of the intense responses to lifes challenges which both of them go over together, and to have the option to demonstrate that occasionally a plain life can be something so astounding if there is somebody that you care about helping you through it. The Tates family life was nothing that was unique. For a certain something, the f... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sustainable Design and the Recovery of New Orleans from Hurricane Essay
Supportable Design and the Recovery of New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina - Essay Example It goes with no notification with flawlessness as it is superbly practical and its structure streams consistently into the general condition. For instance, an agreeable seat goes with no notification as it is agreeable and very much coordinated with the human structure. Again a decent structured kitchen gadget, even a can opener, goes with no notification superbly inferable from the effortlessness and perfection of its capacities. Moreover configuration is intently attached to the encompassing scene. It is a result of more extensive innovative advancement and industrious imaginative impacts. Fifty years back issues in regards to ecological issues for the most part went off with no notification. In any case, during the most recent thirty years as ecological issues have happened to expanding significance and mindfulness has developed of bundling waste, environmental change and different issues configuration issues have extended to incorporate natural issues also. All the more as of lat e, significance on ecological issues has been supplanted by the significance on maintainability. The accompanying discussion will concentrate on the interrelationship among supportability and structure. At first, the term supportability will be taken a gander at and checked. After that the specific issue of supportability and configuration will be considered. The proposition will consider the idea of practical plan as it has been applied to the reproduction of the city of New Orleans, Louisiana since it was struck by Hurricane Katrina (August 29, 2005). Especially, issues with the real supportability of present 'feasible' ways to deal with reproduction will be engaged. This proposition will really contend that a large portion of the 'manageable' recommendations for revamping New Orleans are not economical as they don't consider the fundamental socio-social parts of maintainable plan. After that one basic proposition for reproduction that is really reasonable monetarily, ecologically and socio-socially will be introduced. The last segment of the proposition will at that point consider how the particular proposition for economical reproduction in New Orleans can be applied in a more prominent system in different pieces of the globe (for the most part in the UK). Part 2. Standards of Sustainable Design Sustainability The authentic conversation of the issue of manageable structure will begin with the history (historical background) of the word continue which is the foundation of the term supportability. Following the Online Etymological Dictionary the base of continue originates from â€Å"late 13 century, from Old French sustenir hold up, suffer, from Latin sustinere hold up, support, suffer, from sub up from underneath + tenere to hold. (Continue (2010) Online Etymology Dictionary [online].) Following this definition, reasonable structure is a plan that can be upheld or held up by the economy, the earth and society. Out of sight of plan, feasible structures are those plans that can be upheld by nature. Reasonable structures are plans that don't disintegrate the assets of the earth, but instead can be bolstered by them. A meaning of manageability has existed since in any event 1987 when the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future (regularly known as the Brundtland Report) was distributed. The World Commissio
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Tips on Writing and Designing a Cover Letter (that Excites Hiring Managers)
Tips on Writing and Designing a Cover Letter (that Excites Hiring Managers) © | DeymosHRThe entire landscape of job hunting has changed over the past several years. Only a couple of decades ago, you could simply apply to a position with a generic resume and you have a good shot at getting a phone call from a company.Nowadays, that will not really get you anywhere. You need to go the extra mile to make yourself stand out. You need to tailor your resume to the given position, create your online brand for recognition, and most importantly, design the perfect cover letter that will excite hiring managers.The cover letter is an underappreciated document in the job application portfolio, overlooked by many candidates. We are here to tell you that an amazing cover letter can thrust you forward in the recruiter’s mind and leave a lasting impression.A cover letter is a supplementary document that accompanies your resume and provides more weight to your application. A resume will state the cold, hard facts but a cover letter will provide credence t o the claims you make. A cover letter will describe many things, including the reasons for applying to that company, the reasons for wanting that particular job, and the benefits you will bring to the company.There are also other things that a cover letter addresses, which we will cover in this article. A cover letter for a job application is very similar to a motivation letter for a college application. You are convincing the hiring manager that you are indeed the right person for the job; a cover letter explains why you are the best fit. That is what all recruiters are searching for â€" the best fit.We want to help you write the best cover letter that will immediately grab the recruiter’s attention. We will help you write and design one that is informative yet captivating at the same time.Cover letters do not have to be boring and bland; they can be exciting and moving as well. We want your cover letter to shine and reflect your personality, making you stand out from the crowd. If you follow these tips, you are sure to persuade any recruiter into giving you that phone you want so badly.STRUCTURE OF A COVER LETTERBefore we discuss the tips of designing an exciting cover letter, let’s first look at the structure and content of a cover letter. This will be a guide to writing your own cover letter after reading the tips later on.FormatA cover letter consists of several sections â€" the heading, the salutation, the body of the letter, and the closing. We will at all these sequentially.First Section: HeadingThe first section is your heading and it comprises your address (applicant’s address) and the company’s address (recipient’s address), along with the date. The format for writing your address is as follows:Name of ApplicantAddress of ApplicantPhone Number of ApplicantEmail of ApplicantThe company address is also written in a similar manner.Name of RecipientName of DepartmentName of OrganizationAddress of OrganizationIn most job ads, it is specifically stated to whom you should address the application. In most cases, it is somebody who works in Human Resources. In that case, the name of the recipient is provided along with the name of the department, i.e., Human Resources.When it comes to the address of the organization, that is mentioned in almost all job ads. In case it is not and your company of choice has multiple sites in various locations, it would be best to write the address of the office that you are applying to.For instance, Infineon Technologies has its headquarters in Munich but has a production facility in Dresden. If you are applying for a position in Dresden, then state the address of the Dresden office, since the corresponding recruiting team will review your application. Second Section: SalutationThe second part of your cover letter is the salutation. It is only one line but it is very important, so make sure to start correctly. There are various salutations used in communications (texting and email), ranging fro m the very casual and informal to the very proper and formal. As this is a cover letter for a job application, it would be wise to use a very formal salutation to address the recruiter reading your letter.Avoid using greetings like “Hi†and “Hello†at all costs. Those are reserved for your friends and family, not for your recruiter. You want to take a very respectful approach when addressing recruiters. The safest and most used greeting is “Dear†followed by “Mr./Ms. X,†where X is the family name of the recruiter. For example, if the recruiter’s name is Jane Smith, you will begin the letter with “Dear Ms. Jane.†This is deemed very respectful and considerate, the perfect way to address a recruiter.Although it may sound innocuous, using the greeting “To Whom it May Concern†is actually frowned upon by many and you should not use it. Using that greeting conveys the message, “I do not know who is going to read this but I hope that the right person will read it.â€You do want to come across as somebody who does not know who is at least reading your cover letter. In case a name of a recruiter is not explicitly stated in the job advertisement, the go with the safer “Dear Hiring Manager.†In almost all cases, a hiring manager will in fact read your cover letter. Therefore, this is considered as an acceptable salutation.Third Section: Body of the Cover LetterThe third section deals with the actual content of the letter, which usually consists of 3 to 4 paragraphs. There is no real reason to push it to five, even if you do have years of experience. You can limit it to four paragraphs. The letter has an introductory paragraph, the body of the letter with main content (1 to 2 paragraphs), and a final closing paragraph.Introductory ParagraphThe first paragraph of your letter should introduce who you are. Include your educational background and your current position. Briefly state how you came across the position, whether you found it on LinkedIn, on the company’s career portal, on some online job board, or any other place. Mention in one sentence why you badly want this job and what you can do for them. The first paragraph has to hook the recruiter; it has to get them to continue reading the rest of your letter.In case an employee at the company referred you to this position, make sure you mention this. This will add more significance to your application and you will have a higher chance of getting a phone call. There is a major difference between finding a position online and getting the inside scoop from an employee at that company.Body of the LetterThis portion of the letter contains the main essence of your argument. You need to present your skills that will benefit the company, relate your prior experiences to the position you are applying for, and discuss your personal qualities that make you unique. Normally this section is two paragraphs long, but some decide to go for only one paragraphs. It all depends on you and the things you are able to offer a company. That is what a cover letter is all about â€" it is all about the things you can offer to the company.Start by passionately describing the reason you want the job, namely the reason for wanting to work at that company. Recruiters love passionate candidates, because those who love the job are able to perform the best. State some facts about the company that you read in their annual report or financial report that is pertinent to the position you are applying to. It shows that you did your research on the company and know them quite well. Do not repeat your resume here; demonstrate your abilities by mentioning relevant accomplishments.Mention the qualifications that are listed in the job advertisement and justify how you meet all of them. When you are ticking the boxes for them, you are making their job easier and everybody likes that. Use industry specific keywords that generate buzz. This gets people talking and you want recruite rs to talk about your letter. Exemplify the skills that you listed in your resume. Remember, this is your chance to succinctly justify your skills, so give a situation where you used them.Final ParagraphIn the final paragraph of your cover letter, thank your recruiter for reading your letter. People who work in HR are very busy people (which many find hard to believe) and like to know that their work is being appreciated. A simple thank you will go a long way. State your earliest starting date to work, to show enthusiasm and eagerness to work.Restate your contact information so that recruiters can get in touch with you if they like you. Though it is not common, some people even mention their expected salary. This depends on the type of position you are applying for, so we suggest leaving this out unless you are absolutely certain you need to provide it.Fourth Section: ClosingThe final section of the letter is only two lines long, but it must be handled with care. It is the closing r emarks. You should end your letter respectfully with a closing like “Sincerely†or “Regards.†They are deemed quite formal, perfect for a cover letter. Avoid using terms like “Best Wishes†and “Yours Truly.â€Remember, you are not writing a letter to a friend, you are writing a cover letter to a recruiting manager. So please bear in mind that you should come across as professional and polite. Finish the letter with a signature just below your closing remark.Read a little more on how to actually write your cover letter.[slideshare id=46330378doc=how20to20write20a20cover20letter20that20gets20read3-150326131657-conversion-gate01w=710h=400]TIPS ON WRITING AN EXCITING COVER LETTERWe want you to write a cover letter that screams, “Hire me!†at the recruiters. Recruiters receive dozens of job applications every single day, and amazing cover letters are rare.You do not want a letter that gets tossed in the waste basket or in modern times, gets deleted. Your cover letter ne eds to be exciting enough to intrigue a recruiter. Following these tips will surely pique the interests of even the sternest of hiring managers.Use Industry Specific KeywordsWhenever you are applying to any position, take the time to understand the industry and see the words that are used frequently. These are the keywords for this industry. It will be easier for experienced professionals looking for another job in the same industry to identify these keywords. On the other hand, it may be more challenging for a fresh graduate looking for their first job.However, with Google being so ubiquitous, you can easily determine some commonly used terms in any given industry. By reading several job ads in any given sector, you will come across terms that are used throughout all of them. Incorporate them into your letter. Keywords are generally listed under the technical and soft skill requirements of a job ad.Significance of KeywordsYou may be wondering, “What is the point of using these ke ywords?†Well for starters, all companies nowadays use a computerized system of assessing cover letters. Rather than having people reading each and every cover letter that they receive daily (which can be quite a lot), they rely on an automatic system to scan them.The software will scan your cover letter and determine if this letter has the keywords pertinent to the job. Recruiters want applicants to use the keywords that they are familiar with, so it would be wise to play into their hands and include them. When you can successfully appeal to the recruiter by understanding them, then you have a good chance at impressing them.Always Have the Recruiter in MindAll job ads are written by recruiters and hiring managers. They take the time and effort to write an interesting job description that excites people into working at their firm. When you can take their own words in their job ads and use it in your own letter, it shows them that you actually read the job ad and understand exactly what they are looking for. The requirements section of a job ad include the most number of keywords, so make sure to include all of them in your cover letter.Example 1Imagine you are applying to a process engineering position at a semiconductor company that fabricates chips. In the job ad, they explicitly state the following requirements:Somebody who is knowledgeable in semiconductor physicsExperienced in working in a cleanroomAble to use advanced engineering software (AutoCAD, SPICE, COMSOL Multiphysics)Loves to work in a teamThinks outside the boxAfter reading that, you have some clues to the keywords that you can use in your cover letter. Mention your prior experience of working in a “cleanroom†and using your knowledge of “semiconductor physics†to “fabricate†electronic circuits in the past. Talk about a time when you “designed†something using “AutoCAD†or “COMSOL Multiphysics†to demonstrate your proficiency in these programs. Show your desire to work in a “diverse team†to bounce ideas off each other. This bring out the most “creative†of solutions, so discuss your affinity to “creativity.â€Each of the words in quotation marks above are keywords for the job ad of that particular company. Make sure to use most, if not all, of them in your letter.When you are able to touch upon all the key points mentioned in a job ad, especially in the requirements section, you have a high possibility of exciting the hiring manager. The hiring manager wrote those things for a reason â€" they are looking for those type of candidates. Use those keywords when you are writing your sentences and you will definitely make an impact.Example 2Imagine you are applying to a web developer position at a software engineering firm. The job you read contains the following sentencesWe are looking for somebody who has recently graduated with a degree in Computer ScienceHas knowledge of front-end and/or back-end languagesIs a very hard worker; can handl e the pressure and stressAble to work independentlyThe keywords in this group of sentences for this particular ad are “recent graduateâ€, “Computer Scienceâ€, “programming languagesâ€, “hardworking and diligentâ€, “resilientâ€, “can work independentlyâ€, etc. You can always play around with them and find synonyms for the words listed in the job ad. Since this particular ad mentions programming languages, but does not state which ones, you can say that you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript â€" the front-end languages.Highlight the fact that you have recently graduated with a degree in Computer Science and are eager to start working immediately. Mention that you can work by yourself and complete tasks on your own with very little supervision. That will appeal to the recruiter who wrote this advertisement.Example 3The last two examples were more technical positions, but let’s at something business related. For instance, you are applying to a bank or some financial inst itution and they are hiring financial analysts. The job ad may contain words like “MBAâ€, “financeâ€, “financial analysisâ€, “analytical skillsâ€, “critical reasoning skillsâ€, “communication skillsâ€, etc. Incorporate all of these words and more into your cover letter to excite the recruiter.Talk about what you learned in your MBA, especially how you concentrated on finance and banking. Talk about your previous experience as a financial analyst and explain how you developed your analytical skills.Being good at math and decision-making, you can say that you have critical reasoning skills to make executive decisions. State that you are a “people personâ€, being able to communicate and interact with people with ease. Your communication prowess will help you land this job, so state that you are a good communicator.Study Many Ads of the Same TypeWhen you are writing a cover letter for a position at a company, study other job ads of other similar companies offering v ery similar positions. Different companies will use slightly different terms in their ads even though they are posting the same job. The English language is very diverse and words tend to have many synonyms. Use these synonyms in your letter. The best source to find synonyms is to study other job ads and finding inspiration.There are only so many keywords that a recruiter will use in their job ad. They provide a particular subset of terms that are relevant to their industry. So many more terms are pertinent to the role and the industry that just happened to not be used. Never forget to use a variety of keywords. Hiring managers will take notice of this and will appreciate the fact that you took the effort to study the industry and determine what matters to them.When you are using keywords in your cover letter, you are tailoring it to the position and the company and, most importantly, the industry.Provide a HookWe all know that recruiters are very busy people and have relatively mun dane tasks like reading cover letters every single day. They have seen them all. From the ill prepared and poorly written letters to the very simplistic and boring letters, hiring managers read many generic letters every day.They want to read something that is captivating and provides some excitement. You can make their job more exciting by writing an amazing cover letter that hooks them in from the very first paragraph. The introductory paragraph is your opportunity to keep them interested, so make it count.Many cover letters begin with a sentence like, “I am applying for the position of {insert position name} at {insert company name} because I think I am a good fit for your company.†This is actually quite a weak opening to the most important letter of your career. You need to inject more energy and desire into the first sentence of the introductory paragraph. You need to provide a hook; you need to entice the hiring manager from the get-go.Here are some types of hooks you can employ in your cover letter.Praise the OrganizationYou can open with a sentence that praises the organization on its recent accomplishments or overall standing in the market in relation to its competitors. This shows that you perused the company website to acquire specific information.If you are able to state an achievement of the company in the very first sentence, recruiters will get the impression that you read the annual report and financial report. Hiring managers are pleased to see a fact in the letter, especially right at the beginning. Follow up by stating that you also want to achieve great things with the company and take it to the next level with your ingenious ideas.When praising an organization, try to state one of their successful projects that you read about online. You will find that some companies do not disclose information on their current projects but if they do, this is an easy platform to take advantage of.ExampleFor a technology and engineering company, you c an start by congratulating the firm on its recent achievement of building the “connected carâ€, a car equipped with sensors to help drivers. Link this with your knowledge of electronics and cars. Briefly state how you can take this project to the next level with your ideas and skills. This is a very effective method of enticing hiring managers.This is how you can write it:“I am very proud to hear that your company’s Connected Car was a success. I have a deep passion for electronics and I know a lot about cars, so I really want to work on this project at your company. I designed several electronic circuits as a student and I want to help construct sensors to implement in your cars. I want to help you create the future automobile, and I have the competencies to make this vision a reality.â€This conveys intent and desire on your part, a trait that many hiring managers want to see at the very beginning of a letter.Use Keywords at the BeginningWe have already discussed the import ance of keywords in this article. Use them in your cover letter. Actually, place them in the very first paragraph of your letter. Keywords are what applicant tracking systems are looking for. When the system sees these keywords near the beginning, it will place more importance on them and there is a much higher chance that recruiters will take notice of it.Moreover, hiring managers like keywords, a lot! Please don’t overdo it, but use it enough so that it shows that you actually read the job ad. If hiring managers see these keywords first, then you have a good chance of getting that phone call.ExampleIf you are applying for a Sales Rep position at a company, you may come across a job advertisement that has the following key points.Looking for an experienced Sales ExecutiveMust be comfortable talking with people regularlyShould have great presentation skills and stage presenceNeeds to make decisions quicklyAfter reading that, you should incorporate most, if not all, of these keywor ds in you introductory paragraph. This will propel your cover letter forward and make it shine brighter than the rest. Here is a good way to begin.“I have 4 years of experience as a Sales Executive at my previous company, where I brought in many clients and retained them due to my excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I delivered many presentations in my life. I described products in detail and convinced customers that they will benefit from using our products. I am quick on my feet, answering difficult and tricky questions with a clever answer that will keep customers interested.â€You can see many keywords in this paragraph. Terms like “years of experienceâ€, “excellent communication and interpersonal skillsâ€, “delivered presentationsâ€, “convinced customersâ€, and “quick on my feet†are all keywords in this case.Hiring managers will appreciate this and they will be excited to continue reading, as you addressed the key points that they wanted in a ca ndidate.State Your Mutual ConnectionIf somebody who works at the company referred you to this position, state this important piece of information in the very first sentence. Many wait to say this later in the first paragraph, but studies have shown that something this significant should always be mentioned first.In addition to the name, mention the post of this person and briefly describe how you came about getting this reference. This puts things into perspective for the hiring manager and adds credence to your claim.ExampleThere are plenty of ways to network to gain some sort of leverage in the job hunting process. You could rely on close friends and family members to put in a good word for you in their company.You could also go the extra mile and attend social events where professionals gather and share ideas. Several avenues are available to jobseekers to get some inside information on companies and the opportunities vacant.Here is an example of describing who referenced you and how they got to know you.“Jane Smith, a senior development engineer at this organization, recommended me to apply for this position. We met at a social gathering a few weeks ago and I got in touch with many engineers in the industry. After a long conversation, she wanted me to follow in her footsteps because she saw potential in me. She believes my skillset will come in very handy for you. She thinks I can design and develop products very well for you.â€By giving context to how you met this internal contact at the company, it shows what lengths you went to in order to get your foot in the door. Many hiring managers will think that since you went this far to have a chance to attend an interview, then you will do the same or even more when you actually work at the firm. This excites many recruiters, which is a good thing.Tell a StorySometimes, the best way to write a cover letter for a job application is to inject some personality into it by telling a story. Why are you applying t o this particular position and/or company? Are the products and/or services or the company having an impact in your life? Did a member of the company have a big impact in your life?You can answer these questions to tell a captivating story that has the potential to move a hiring manager. By evoking some form of emotion in hiring managers, you have a significantly higher chance of being hired. We are not saying that you should make it so emotional as if you are writing a friend; still keep it professional and respectful, but a little bit of your personality can go a long way.Watch this brief video on how to write your cover letter so it gets you the job interview. We must warn you that this may not work in all industries. Some industries are far more formal than others so you need to be very careful when telling a story in your cover letter. For instance, it would be smart to tell a story when applying to an up-and-coming tech firm that values youth, energy, and spirit. Another insta nce where telling a story will surely pay off is when you apply to a graphics designing studio, where creativity reigns supreme.However, if you happen to apply to a law firm, then it is best to stay as formal as you can. The legal industry is very old and rooted in its traditions, so it is advisable to just go with a cover letter that explains the facts. Know your industry very well and then decide on the story you want to tell.Show Passion and EnthusiasmWhenever you are writing your cover letter, you need to add something that you cannot in your resume â€" your passion and your enthusiasm. You need to be able to convey to the recruiter your intense and deep interest in the subject you studied and the work you do.It is one thing to be good at something; it is another thing entirely to express why you are good at it and what the source of your desire is. Hiring managers want to know what ignites that fire in your belly, what makes you wake up every morning to go to work and do this f or a living. They want to know why you are so passionate and enthusiastic about the position.Though it can be easier to talk about professional achievements, you do not always need to talk about them to explain this. You can even talk about your younger days in school when you did things on the side to pursue your passions and learn more practical skills. You may have developed these skills later on and now want to apply them at the company you are applying to.You can also demonstrate your problem-solving prowess and your affinity to solve complex problems to help companies overcome any hurdle. No job is easy, but when you are passionate and enthusiastic about it and are not afraid to handle any situation, then recruiters will trust you.ExampleFor instance, if you are applying for a Sales position or a Marketing position, mention how you love to create advertising and branding of products to sell them to the public. Express how you relish communicating with people to convince them i nto buying goods. Talk about how you would sell several of your used goods on eBay while you were in college.Describe your skills of persuading people that your items and articles were very good. Talk about your earlier years when you were organizing garage sales and yard sales with your family. When you take the initiative to do things early, then it is perceived to be a sense of passion.Here is a paragraph you can write in your cover letter that tells a brief story of your passion.“I was always fascinated by Sales and Marketing, even when I was in high school. I volunteered at electronic retail stores and worked as a part-time sales rep to persuade customers into buying new gadgets. E.g. smartphones, GPS, and gaming consoles. As I am a millennial, I am in tune with the latest trends in tech and I can successfully convince people into making a purchase. I have a silver tongue and can use it very well for marketing your electronic products, as I did in the past. I am determined to sell; that is what gets me up in the morningâ€This brief story explains your passion for sales and marketing ever since you were in school, quite early in your life. It gives context on selling electronic goods, something that the company you are applying to also does.You mention your ability to convince people, a quality that all salespeople need to have. You have conveyed your passion and enthusiasm for both technology and marketing of goods. A hiring manager will really appreciate this.Exemplify Achievements and SkillsWe hope that in your resume, you mentioned your professional accomplishments in addition to your work responsibilities. Duties are not enough to set you apart from your competition. Your achievements in the workplace will make you different and better than everyone else. You stated your triumphs, now you need to provide context for them.In your cover letter, you need to explain how you went about attaining success in your previous endeavors. This is where you need to exemplify your successes.Besides achievements, you should also provide examples of excelling in your competencies. In your resume, you have listed several key skills that you are proficient in. Now you have the opportunity to give examples of actually putting your skills to good use. Show hiring managers how you used your skills effectively to get the job done.Show What You Can Offer RecruitersExemplifying the skills that you can offer companies is a major green light, as they will clearly understand what they will get when they hire you. When you can transfer your skills to match what the company is looking for, then you are appealing to the recruiters. That is the ultimate goal of the cover letter â€" to convince recruiters you have the right set of skills that will benefit the company.This is your selling point. Too many applicants focus on what they expect to receive from working at a company, but fail to see the bigger picture. What really matters is what the company will g ain from hiring you.You should be answering the question “What can I offer this company?†in your cover letter. Your examples of achievements and your robust skillset is what you are offering them. Be proud of them and flaunt them. Show hiring managers that you can deliver something great on day 1.Here is a great discussion on what recruiters want from cover letters and job candidates. Example 1You may be applying for a new public relations position to help a new company enhance their popularity and grow their online presence. You want the public to be informed of this company because you believe in what the company is doing. You possess years of experience establishing PR for previous clients who have grown massively in recent years. Describe your achievements that helped propel your clients in the past, and relate how you can do the same for this new company.Here is an example paragraph to exemplify your accomplishments.“I have accomplished a lot in my 8 years of experience as a public relations specialist. I worked for some of the biggest Fortune 500 companies, specializing in handling social media content. I created campaigns on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word of the company. The online ad campaigns on these social media platforms raised their customer base by over 100%, as younger people became more aware of their products/services. This ultimately raised revenue, making the companies even bigger. This is the 21st century, and I can manage your social media accounts to take your company to the number one position. I also want to add Snapchat alongside Facebook and Twitter in the ad campaign.â€This is a very good example of describing the context of your accomplishments, as well as providing ideas of how to help the company you are applying to. You clearly stated the percentage increase in customer base of your PR efforts for previous companies, showing your success score.Recruiters love numbers. Hiring managers will see this and can picture you delivering similar results for their company. By explaining what you have achieved, recruiters believe that you can repeat your success and accomplish much more by working with them. You also expressed what you would do to help this company. This shows intent to already make a difference before you even begin working. Recruiters love this.Example 2In this next example, we will discuss how to explain your skills to recruiters to get them interested. For example, you are applying to an International Graduate Program at an engineering firm. They are looking for engineers who are proficient in programming and technical skills, but also possess soft skills.These soft skills include communication skills and knowledge of foreign languages. Possessing all of these skills will raise your chances of being hired, but demonstrating how you used these skills to your advantage will almost guarantee your job.Here is an example of exemplifying your skills to fit the job role.“I have plenty o f experience in using AutoCAD to design photomasks for creating sensors and using COMSOL Multiphysics to model and simulate sensors before fabricating them. With my critical reasoning skills, I was able to solve a difficult problem at my previous firm with an ingenious solution that was praised by my colleagues. Furthermore, I learned Spanish and French in school and still practice them with Duolingo. If you need me to conduct business with foreign clients, I am the right person for the job. I successfully presented several presentations of various products, which demonstrates my communication skills. With a combination of hard and soft skills, I would be a great addition to this program at your organization.â€In this paragraph, you have provided examples of your proficiency in engineering software, something that the company wanted. You described your critical reasoning skills, a highly sought after skill by companies. You also expressed your proficiency in foreign languages.This is an added bonus to many multinational corporations these days since they conduct business with clients all over the world. You expressed your caliber of delivering presentations. This is evidence for your impeccable communication skills. You have successfully addressed all of the necessary skills required by the company. Hiring managers reading this will instantly understand how you used your skills before, and will use them again for their company.Share the Company’s GoalsSome hiring managers have been working at a company for years and they have settled in quite nicely in their working environment and corporate culture. They have embodied all the qualities of the company and now perfectly well when somebody else is able to adapt quickly when they join.You need to persuade your hiring manager that you are flexible and embody the same qualities that the company possesses. One of the best ways to do this is express your own goals and aligning it with the goals of the company. Tai lor your cover letter to the company so that it clicks with the hiring manager after reading it.Understand the Mission and VisionMake sure to conduct plenty of research on the company you are applying to. Read their mission and vision statements very carefully. There is a very good reason why organizations explicitly state them on their website or in their annual reports.Companies want people to get to know them and understand how they operate. Organizations lay out their plans to reach a goal and the steps they are taking to reach that destination.If you are able to express your own goals in your professional career in a manner that corresponds to the company’s, then the hiring manager will see that you are a good fit. Company culture is a very real and important thing that recruiters highly value.ExampleIn this example, we will look at how you can express your own goals in life to match that of the organization you are applying to. For instance, a company may have the following statements in their website that describes their core values.“Our purpose is to make sustainable living commonplace. We want to see a shift to renewable energy that will be beneficial to businesses, people, and our planet as a whole. We intend to improve the health of every single individual, by creating better monitoring systems for nutrition and hygiene. We plan to reduce our carbon footprint, making our environment cleaner. We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer, giving everybody from all social, economic, and ethnic groups an equal opportunity to achieve something amazing with us.â€With all of this information, you can construct your own goals in your cover letter that align with this company’s vision and mission. Here is a sample response that you can write that matches the above statements.“I highly admire and respect your company wanting to create a world that relies entirely on renewable energy that is very environmental friendly. I care deeply about people and our planet and working at your firm, I will ensure that the health of people are put at the forefront. I want to pioneer new green sustainable energy concepts to make this company the number 1 renewable energy solutions provider. I particularly specialize in solar energy and wind energy, something your company is looking to expand. I enjoy working with people from all walks of life, because I have the opportunity to share ideas with others who also provide various perspectives. Diversity leads to creativity and innovation, and I highly value a working culture that promotes diversity.â€This paragraph describes how you appreciate the company’s vision of sustainable energy growth and desire to ensure proper health of people everywhere. You expressed your intention of propelling this company to the market leader position as a sustainable energy solutions provider.You stated how you want to work with solar and wind energy, two divisions that the company wants to expand. Recruiters seeing this will now have more incentive to hire you since you will be an integral part of those departments. You like working in a team environment and value every person’s input and opinion. A hiring manager reading that will immediately understand that you are a good team player and easy to get along with.Get PersonalIf you are applying to a company where the CEO or founder has a published book, please take the time to read it and understand their perspective. Dive deep into their mind and comprehend how they think and work and how that translates into their business. Working can be a very rewarding experience, something that you can learn from businesspeople who are in a managerial role.They have many ideas to share and you can learn a thing or two from them. Many CEOs and founders do not have books but instead have blogs and write regularly. Read them and see what makes them tick. When you understand what motivates somebody to wake up every day, then you can embody those sam e characteristics and convey them in your letter.Hiring managers know the CEOs and founders of the company very well. When they see that you have read their books or read their posts regularly, it shows that you are interested to learn from the very best in the industry. It shows intent that you want to work for this person at their organization. There is almost nothing more exciting than that feeling.CONCLUSIONIn this article, we touched upon the reasons for writing an exciting cover letter that will appeal to recruiters and how to go about writing one. Many companies these days seem to rely on resumes more than cover letters, but there are still companies that want to read a cover letter. You need to be fully prepared to write a cover letter that is tailored to the position and the company.After doing plenty of research, you will understand what the company is looking for and what the recruiter expects to read. You will then be able to write a letter that excites them and makes th em think, “I like this person.â€Always use the right keywords, provide a hook to get hiring managers interested, tell a story to convey passion and enthusiasm, exemplify your achievements and skills, and do not forget to align your goals with those of the company’s. When you are able to successfully cover all these bases, then you will definitely excite any hiring manager reading your letter. You need to tailor it to make it stand out and appealing.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Advertisement Of Carl Jr. - 1059 Words
Advertisements are everywhere these days and can be extremely annoying. They will try and get people to buy anything from food to cars and everything else in between. Advertisements have also started to rely heavily on the sexual elements to sell its products. An example of this advertisement would be the ad for Carl’s Jr. or Hardee’s. In this ad, it features Paris Hilton standing in a very seductive way holding a cheeseburger. She takes up half of the ad while the other half is of the actual product with some text. Carl’s Jr. started these racy ads back in 2005 and are known to feature models in bikinis in their advertisements to try and attract younger men. This advertisement heavily relies on sexual appeal to sell its products by using a very sexy and provocative Paris Hilton and using double entendre in its text. The intended audience for this Carl’s Jr. Ad is men and only men. This advertisement uses a lot of sexual elements to get men to go to any local Carl’s Jr. and buy themselves a burger. A way that this ad captures the audience is by using pathos. The main part of the pathos appeal is with the sex appeal of Paris Hilton in the photo. They are trying to connect to the emotional side of men. By using Paris Hilton as one of the main focuses, the advertisement can lead men to think that by eating at Carl’s Jr. they can get themselves a woman like Paris Hilton, but if you have ever gone to a Carl’s Jr. before, that is clearly not the case. Another way they are tryingShow MoreRelatedCarls Jr. Commercial1048 Words  | 5 Pagesmen that can be tricked by a mere image of a woman, in a bikini, eating a cheese burger. The advertisements in today’s world have been altered to use women as bait to reel in men and buy the product without any hesitation. If I told you that if you go to Carl’s Jr. and purchase a cheeseburger and a gorgeous model comes with the burger, would you buy it? I sure would†¦if only it were true. Carl’s Jr. is known for having its famous juicy, charbroiled, seven hundred calorie burgers. AnytimeRead MoreRhetorical Analysis on Heidi Klum’s Carl’s Jr. Commercial1109 Words  | 5 PagesThe Carl’s Jr. â€Å"Jim Beam Bourbon Burger†featuring the beautiful Heidi Klum, is one of the company’s top ten commercials. It begins with the model dressed as a parody of Mrs.Robinsons from the movie â€Å"The Graduate†. She continues the commercial by asking a young man name Benjamin, located across the room if he likes bourbon burgers; then takes a big sexual yet nice bite of the burger in her hand. Walking across the room she stops the young man from leaving while shoving the burger into his mouthRead MoreSex Sells : Our World Revolves Around Sex1390 Words  | 6 Pagesthere is one reason for this; sex sells. Major corporations hire advertising firms who’s main objective is to acquire a larger consumer database. For them to accomplish that they use erotic and provocative images that are added unnecessarily to advertisements, which then arouses interest from people in that particular product or brand. Tom Reichert, professor and head of the department of advertising and public relations in the UGA Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication said, Sex sellsRead MoreThe Media Of Sexual Advertisements1043 Words  | 5 Pages We are all familiar with the extent of sexual advertisements today. Advertisements can be overly erotic and push the threshold to being pornography. Carls Jr. is well known for their sexual advertisements that purposely expose a half dressed women eating a giant cheeseburger. There have been several advertisements of this nature throughout the last decade, but this type of sexual campaigning began with Paris Hilton’s ad for the Spicy BBQ Six Dollar Burger. The ad only showed the burger for aboutRead MoreFast Food Nation By Eric Schlosser1596 Words  | 7 Pagesof the industry. Fast Food Na tion opens with the story of Carl N. Karcher and how he started his restaurant Carl’s Jr Hamburgers. He describes how Karcher, like many other founders of famous fast food chains, came from humble beginnings and gradually built his way up in the business. We see the stories of many other founders such as Ray A Kroc, who marketed the McDonald s franchise and worked for the McDonalds brothers as their advertisement and salesmen. He eventually took over and built up the companyRead MoreMarketing Mix Netflix1467 Words  | 6 Pagesmust consider who the audience is and what the best way is to target them. This could include television advertisements, radio advertisements, mailing and so on. There is no one best way to advertise, it really depends on the product and its audience. This is a very important aspect of marketing, and often times a good or bad promotional campaign can make or break a product or service (Perreault, Jr. McCarthy,2005). The final P in the marketing mix is Pricing, which is the most difficult element toRead MoreBurger King : A Great Place For Run A Business, Like Burger Kings Essay997 Words  | 4 Pagesbuilding in a strip mall and across the street from Arapahoe High School. On the other side is a townhouse complex. Overall, this is an ideal spot for Burger King. Quicklook: Direct Competition - McDonald’s, Smashburger, Five Guys, Wendy’s, Carl s Jr., Jack in the Box, Good Times Indirect Competition - KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Del Taco, Subway, Chipotle, Jersey Mike s Subs, Arby’s, Chick-Fil-A Economic - In the community, most people can afford to buy food from Burger King because BurgerRead MoreFast Food War in Singapore673 Words  | 3 Pagestweaking to be suited to consumers abroad. Q4. What type of promotional strategy should each major competitor use? McDonalds encouragement of the nag factor amongst children suggests that promoting the product to children using toys and advertisements would be the best possible strategy. Pizza Hut clearly promotes itself based upon convenience the convenience of tailoring the pizza to the consumers needs and the convenience of delivery. Coupons for discounted delivery and free toppings areRead MoreLove Yourself, There’s No One Better1294 Words  | 6 PagesMarilyn Monroe once said, â€Å"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.†Self-esteem is a big controversial issue in our country today. Self-esteem is the confidence in one’s own worth or abilities. Carl Rodgers was the first psychologist to study the benefits of self-esteem. The self-esteem movement began around 1969 and there was a big push when the ‘me’ generation began in 1985 (Stephenson, 2004). Parents and teachers began to praise kids instead of punish them and to teach themRead MoreJob Analysis And Talent Management Essay1391 Words  | 6 PagesHR executive start staffing and selecting. Different types of jobs available in the KFC that will decide by the company management KFC New Zealand comes to Restaurant brands.Restaurant brands means some organisations like PIZZA HUT , STARBUKS,CARL S JR , This organisation owned by the restaurant brands . For example company have vacancies in office administrators role in the head office and in the stores team members, shift supervisors, duty mangers, assistant mangers, and mangers. KFC need
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Key Connections Between The Cataloging And The Leadership...
Discussion The purpose of the discussion is to analyze and make clear the main connections between findings from the cataloging and the leadership development sections. Also, it makes clear, how the different themes, as subtracted from the secondary literature, are very closely intertwined. Skills With more than half of the soft skills categorized as skills not wanted, these were found to be less desired among the tenant leaders than technical, hard skills. Soft skills include outreach, assisting other tenants to organize and developing agendas. According to the secondary literature, skills like these are thought to be of particular importance for successful tenant leadership. Although a relatively small number of respondents indicated†¦show more content†¦The very fact that the TNW in itself is a formal leadership program that emphasizes skills acquisition, communicates the importance of this for tenant organizations. Nearly 80% of the tenant leaders wish to receive formal training. The secondary literature is confirmed in the focus group in terms of the value of informal training, such as participating in a campaign. Thus, we stress the importance of both developing structured, formalized training programs and providing the proper environment, where tenant leaders informally can acquire or utilize skills through learning-by-doing A specific group of skills, those in the survey identified as skills wanted and present, make for particularly relevant skills to focus on for FTC. Here, a significant portion of respondents indicated the will to learn more at the same time as another significant portion of respondents claim to already possess the skill. These two facts indicates the basis of initiating some type of mentorship program – either formally, informally or both. Community building As noted by Van Dyke, Dixon (2013), building community among grassroots tenant leaders helps to sustain activism and makes it more likely for activists to gain skills informally through interacting with other members of the community. In regard to the level of engagement in their communities, the FTC tenant leaders know each other well, as apparent
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
John Bowlby Free Essays
In the introduction to one of his many books, John Bowlby quotes Graham Greene; ‘Unhappiness in a child accumulates because he sees no end to the dark tunnel. The thirteen weeks of a term may just as well be thirteen years. ’ It is quite clear that John’s childhood was not a happy one. We will write a custom essay sample on John Bowlby or any similar topic only for you Order Now He experienced many years of separation from family and it can be connected as to why he developed the theory of attachment. Edward John Mostyn Bowlby, known as John Bowlby, was born in 1907 in London as the fourth of six children. His parents were Sir Anthony Bowlby and Lady May Bowlby. John Bowlby was from an upper class wealthy family. They raised their children to be strong with strict discipline. Showing signs of affections or emotions were looked to be a sign of weakness. His father was a surgeon and was gone most of the time and only saw his children on Sundays. His father also served in WWI, so was absent for quite some time. Bowlby’s mother was not active in her son’s life. She, like most upper class woman, thought that spending time with the child or showing affection towards the child would spoil them. Bowlby, therefore, only saw his mother for a short time each day. It seemed that the only time he was able to spend with her was after dinner during tea time (â€Å"John Bowlby- Child and Adolescent,†2006). She has been described as being cold and reacted to his needs in the very opposite way that one would expect a mother to. John and his siblings were raised by a nanny, which was common within the upper class. The nanny was there until he was 4 and then left. John was sent to boarding school when he was seven. He later went to the Royal Naval College, Dartmouth. He decided at one point that military school was not for him and attended Trinity College in Cambridge. He studied medicine, which eventually lead him to studying psychology and graduating in 1928. While studying his psychology at Trinity he took time off, spending six months in a school for maladjusted and delinquent children. He later referred to this as the most important six months of his life. While there, he noticed how many of the children had lost their mothers at a very young age. Bowlby was particularly interested in what happened around separation. Rather than going straight into clinical school, he spent a year teaching in two boarding schools, including one for disturbed children. Their early disrupted childhoods intrigued Bowlby, and he decided to combine his medical training with psychoanalytic training. Through his training and studies he became interested in what happened around separation. He and his colleagues observed young children in a hospital and noted their intense and prolonged distress when their parents had not visited. They also did home visits with the children and noticed that the relationship between the mother and child was under stress for weeks or longer. In 1950, Mary Ainsworth joined Bowlby and remained a close and influential colleague throughout his life. Bowlby introduced modern day psychology to the importance of mother-infant relationships and their dynamics (McLeod, 2007). Bowlby extensively reviewed then-current material on institutionalized children separated from parents and came to the conclusion that in order for a mentally healthy adulthood, the infant and child should be surrounded with a warm and intimate relationship with their mother. This bond between the two then would give satisfaction and joy to both parent and child. With this information, Bowlby realized that the current explanation from Freud that infants love their mother because of oral gratification was wrong. His new theory stated that infants are social from a very young age, 6 months to less than two years old. The infants become focused on a particular individual or a few individuals. Bowlby’s aim was to discover the consequences of difficulties in forming attachments in childhood, and the effects this would have on an infant’s later development. He came up with the idea that infants develop a close emotional bond with an attachment figure early in life, and that the success or failure of this earliest of relationships lead the infant to form a mental representation that would have profound effects on their later relationships and their own success as a parent (â€Å"Attachment Theory,†2011). Although Bowlby was raised in a traditional way for upper class people one could come to the conclusion that the lack of relationships can be damaging. His theory emphasizes the importance of the mother and infant bond. Bowlby’s relationship with his own mother seemed to be negative. When he did have an interaction with her, it was in short periods of time. The only relationship he had with his mother was, therefore, negative. He received no attention or affection from his mother. He also never received attention from his father, who I think could be a figure in infant’s life if the mother is not there. This relationship was also negative. The upper class did not view affection in a positive light. As an infant John was never able to form this attachment to his mother or father for the matter. He did, however, form a deep bond with his nanny. His nanny is the person who raised him and his siblings. It was common for upper class children to form a deep bond with their nannies. They seemed to be the mother or replacement mother. Unfortunately, during a crucial the developmental age of four, John’s nanny left. John has been known to say that this event was tragic and it was like losing a mother (Holmes, 1993). Not having another mother attachment figure then after his nanny left was a negative. Losing a mother figure at such a young age would leave a child not understanding what happened. One would feel lonely and have trouble coping with things later in life. His nanny was the only mother figure he had. To only have that attachment for such a short period of time I feel that it most likely left John wanting more, like most young children would. I feel that because John never had a long or lasting mother to form that attachment with it led him to find interest in this area when he was older. In his studies it was obvious that he was always drawn to children who suffered the same feelings as he did. Many of the children John studied did not have the mother and infant attachment. John was able to recognize this. He always seemed to be intrigued by kids had the same upbringing as him. I feel that it was his connection with these children is what gave him the desire to examine them further. It showed me that he had those feelings as well. John had clearly suffered and most likely was always searching for a reason has to why he felt the way he did. His theory of attachment, I feel, is a true result of his background. I feel that if John had formed an attachment with his mother he never would’ve had any interest in attachment. When someone feels that there is a lack of something in their lives they tend to either bury the feelings or dig deeper and come to the route of the problem. John came to the route of the problem and helped develop a theory for mothers and infants around the world, but also for him. How to cite John Bowlby, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Report on Business Intelligence and Business Analytics
Questions: 1. Definition of Business Goal?2. Role of Information System Strategy for Dealing with Competitive Force?3. Different kinds of decisions within the Business Environment?4. The Six Elements of Business Intelligence environment?5. Five Analytical Outputs of Business Intelligence System?6. Usefulness of Business Intelligence and Analytics Support on Decision Making?7. Benefits of Business Intelligence Techniques in Decision Making and Knowledge Management?8. Benefits of Intelligence Techniques for people working in groups?9. Different Types of Systems used for improving Enterprise-wide Knowledge management? Answers: Introduction Business intelligence (BI) is known as the system which plays a crucial role in strategic planning within an organization. According to Loshin (2012), the business intelligence system allows the business organization to store, gather, analyze and access the company data for making a decision. Business Intelligence consists of several methodologies, tools, and applications for collecting data from external sources (Laudon and Laudon 2013). Business analytics is known as the methodical investigation of an organizations data that concentrates on the statistical analysis. This report reflects the study of the business goal and the role of the information system strategy for dealing with the competitive force. It also comprises of different types of decision that are made with a business group. Then the report focuses on six elements of the business intelligence environment and five analytical outputs of the business intelligence system. The report concentrates on the usefulness of business intelligence and analytics support based on decision-making. It provides a brief overview of the benefits of business intelligence techniques depending on decision-making and knowledge management. The report emphasizes on the advantages of business intelligence for the people working in groups. Finally, the report focuses on the different types of systems that are used for improving enterprise-wide knowledge management. 1. Definition of Business Goal According to the given case study based on ethical and social issues in information system, the main goal of Facebook team is to collect many personal information in a technical manner and later on to sell those information to those advertisers who are advertising on the Facebook portal. 2. Role of Information System Strategy for Dealing with Competitive Force The five competitive forces in an industry include: Competitors within an industry. Danger for the new entrants within an industry including its markets. Danger with the substitute products that may capture the market share. Negotiation power of the suppliers. Negotiation power of the suppliers. For overcoming such competitive forces, a business organization needs to follow five information system related strategy. The five basic competitive strategies includes: differentiation, cost leadership, growth, innovation, and alliance (Laudon and Laudon 2013). 3. Different kinds of decisions within the Business Environment In a business organization, the process of decision making in the major factor where the managers get the opportunity to choose a single alternative among various options (Calof, Richards and Smith 2015). The different types of decision making in an organization are as follows: Business decision making: This kind of decision-making determines the business outcomes in a group. Personal decision-making: This decision-making process helps an organization to maintain a good relationship with the customer and the business organization by providing the outcomes (Sharda, Delen and Turban 2013). Consumer decision making: It comprises of choices for determining the usefulness of the business organization in purchase decisions that happens within the business context (Cook and Nagy 2014). Programmed Decision: When some routine problems arise, these types of decisions help to address standard responses (Laudon and Laudon 2013). Non-Programmed Decision: This type of decision-making process helps to solve non-routine problems that occur within an organization (Howson and Hammond 2014). Strategic Decision: Strategic decision helps to develop the entire strategies, goals, and policies of an organization. It helps to monitor the strategic presentation in economical, political, and competitive business structure of the organization (Wixom et al. 2014). Tactical Decision: This type of decision-making process helps to prepare short range schedules, budgets, and plans for optimizing the workloads of the employees and which in turn brings effectiveness in the overall organization (Loshin 2012). Operational Decision: This type of decision directs the usage of resources and enhances the performance of the task within fixed schedules and budgets (Petermann et al. 2014). 4. The Six Elements of Business Intelligence environment The six main elements that are present in Business Intelligence environment are: Data from the business organization: The business organization needs to deal with both the unstructured and structured data that are available in various sources including the Internet and mobile devices (Power 2013). The infrastructure of Business Intelligence: The business intelligence system is an efficient database system that captures each relevant data that are necessary to operate the business processes. The stored data is integrated and combined within the enterprise data warehouse (Calof, Richards and Smith 2015). Business analytics tools: Business analytics tools are some set of software that is necessary to analyze the available data, producing reports, track the business progression with the help of performance indicators (Laudon and Laudon 2013). Executive users and methods: The managers of any business organization enforce an order for the analysis of data with the help of managerial methods which helps to measure the progress of the group and to set up the strategic business objectives (Calof, Richards and Smith 2015). The business analytics itself can produce reports, online screens, and information without the help of powerful senior management team. Delivery platform- ESS, DSS, MIS: The delivery platform including the ESS, DSS, and MIS helps to deliver knowledge and information to several people and firms including senior managers, middle managers, and operational employees (Rausch, Sheta and Ayesh 2013). With the help of a single hardware and software tools present in the business intelligence and analytics packages, the information can be integrated into the manager's mobile platforms. User Interface: Presently, the business analytics software concentrates on visual techniques including scorecards and dashboards that are essential to deliver a report on iPhones, Blackberrys, organizations Web portal, and on different smart handheld devices (Howson and Hammond 2014). 5. Five Analytical Outputs of Business Intelligence System The five discrete outputs that a business intelligence system uses for providing real-time and correct information to users are: Domo: A unique business intelligence solution provides business data without the involvement of IT (Laudon and Laudon 2013). Without digging the masses of the report, it quickly contains all the correct data to the user in real-time. QuantConnect: It is a browser oriented algorithm investment and trading which performs as a back-testing platform. This business intelligent tool is specially designed for financial engineers who allow them to code algorithm within the browser-oriented IDE (Sallam et al. 2014). It also helps to back test the investment strategies of the financial engineers and allows them to play out in real-time. Cyfe: It provides all in one dashboard for business intelligence starting from social media to marketing, infrastructure, and analytics (Minelli, Chambers and Dhiraj 2012). Cafe combines all the information that is required by the user in an easy to view format and helps to analyze dashboards. RetailMETRIX by PivotLink: It is a demanding real-time retail analytics that especially concentrates on the customer's viewpoint. The RetailMETRIX provides sixty primary performance indicators, which enables the retailers to analyze operations, sales, and plans (Sharda, Delen and Turban 2013). It also helps to manage the supply chain within a series of reports and dashboards. RetailsMETRIX helps the business organization to understand their retail and customers. Birst: It provides business analytics, dashboards, and self-service reports within real-time. Brist provides the ability to collaborate, customize, and distribute the real-time business intelligence to the users in any business organization (Sharda et al. 2014). With the help of Brist Live Access, the user can query and analyze the data when extraction is not available. 6. Usefulness of Business Intelligence and Analytics Support on Decision Making The advantages of using business intelligence and analytics in decision making are as follows: Improves the Business Productivity: Business intelligence and analytic support help the business organizations to save the cost and time. It also provides efficient reporting to improve the overall business productivity (Howson and Hammond 2014). The business intelligence system can gather vital information after interacting with customer and thereby present information which is easy to execute, understand, and communicate. Easily Accessing of Crucial Information: The business intelligence gives vital information to the business organizations for improving the decision making skills and to produce a competitive compensation (Laudon and Laudon 2013). Good Return on Investment: The business intelligence provides a substantial return on investment which specifically reduces the cost, improves the margin, enhances the revenue structure, and to force cost avoidance (Sharda et al. 2014). Moreover, the use of business intelligence can improve the business process efficiency, increase employee productivity, increase customer satisfaction, provides better strategic decision-making. Knowledgeable Decision Making: The use of business intelligence and analytics helps the business organizations to make informed decisions by providing crucial information based on the present and past performance of the business organization (Winter, Marjanovic and Wixom 2013). 7. Benefits of Business Intelligence Techniques in Decision Making and Knowledge Management The modern business organizations are getting benefits by implementing the use of business intelligence in decision-making and knowledge management. The lists of benefits are as follows: With the help of business intelligence system, the business organization can track the customers buying habits, sales, and operational parameters, and the inventory turnover (Sallam et al. 2014). The business intelligence system dramatically and consistently supplies easy access to the most significant trends. The business intelligence system is important for any business organization to recognize the problems that occur within the organization and provides best possible solutions to solve the business related problems (Minelli, Chambers and Dhiraj 2012). The techniques of knowledge discovery including data mining and online analytical processing help the business organizations to acquire an individual's hidden knowledge during the process of decision-making (Wixom et al. 2014). Business intelligence systems like Online Analytical Processing helps in demanding analyzes and dynamic reporting 8. Benefits of Intelligence Techniques for people working in groups The people working as a group in any business organization takes the help of business intelligence systems to enhance their decision making power in an efficient way. The business intelligence system helps to eliminate several types of guesswork in an organization. In improves the communication skills of various departments within the organization during coordinating activities (Chiang, Goes and Stohr 2012). Business Intelligence allows the organizations to react quickly to the change in financial conditions, supply chain operations, and client preferences. Business intelligence specifically increases the coordination factor within the working group and which in turn improves the overall performance of the organization (Rausch, Sheta and Ayesh 2013). The information is known as the second important factor of any organization and thus having proper information and securing that information is very crucial which can be fulfilled by using the business intelligence systems (Petermann et al. 2014). 9. Different Types of Systems used for improving Enterprise-wide Knowledge management The various types of systems available which can improve the enterprise-wide knowledge management are as follows: Intranets: The Intranet is classified into two different areas: the web server which is a content repository and the technological infrastructure including the IP networks, HTML format, and universal web browser (Winter, Marjanovic and Wixom 2013). This web server and web browser allows better access to the information for the knowledge workforce and increases the additional skills for the developers of applications. Document Management Systems: The document management systems are a storehouse of corporate records and which stores explicit knowledge (Petermann et al. 2014). The document management systems are also used for controlling the document creation processes and their reviews. Hence, the document management systems are the most critical enterprise-wide knowledge management system (Power 2013). Information Recovery Engines: The technology of information recovery have added several features in their systems which include natural language querying, applicability ranking, and summarizing which increases the speed of finding the information. Workflow and Groupware Systems: Different business organizations use groupware systems for communicating and collaborating within the workgroups. The groupware enables formal conversations when the group members are unable to communicate in real time (Cook and Nagy 2014). For this reason, groupware and workflow systems are used by the business organizations for improving the enterprise-wide knowledge management. Data Mining and Data Warehouses Tools: Many business organizations are creating the data warehouse and they are providing their managers with various data mining techniques for optimizing the relationship between the internal processes, customers, and suppliers (Fisher, Drucker and Czerwinski 2014). The leading business organizations are focusing on maximizing the usage of data mining and data warehousing tools because the knowledge oriented organization are making decisions depending on the increasing complexity of data (Loshin 2012). The knowledge management systems need to supply meaningful access for the data warehouses to support the standard procedure including Structured Query Language and Open Database Connectivity. Conclusion After the analysis of the comprehensive report, it can be concluded that an information system strategy plays a crucial role for overcoming from the five competitive forces. The five analytical outputs of business intelligence system include Domo, QuantConnect, Cyfe, RetailMETRIX by PivotLink and birst. The advantage of using business intelligence and analytics on decision making involves improving the company productivity, quickly accessing of valuable information, right return on investment, and intelligent decision making. References Calof, J., Richards, G. and Smith, J., 2015. Foresight, Competitive Intelligence and Business AnalyticsTools for Making Industrial Programmes More Efficient.Foresight-Russia,9(1), pp.68-81. Chiang, R.H., Goes, P. and Stohr, E.A., 2012. Business intelligence and analytics education, and program development: a unique opportunity for the information systems discipline.ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS),3(3), p.12. 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Thursday, March 26, 2020
Bio. Lab. Report Membrane Transport Essay Example
Bio. Lab. Report Membrane Transport Paper The glass slide is slowly lowered down on the epidermal layer using the needle; . The onion cells are examined through the microscope; 4. The structure of the onion cells is drawn as observed under the microscope. Results Observations: In the hypotonic solution the water will move from the solution to the onion cells which will become bigger. PART 2 1. The distilled water is removed using the filter paper; 2. A drop of 5% of sucrose solution is placed at a side of the cover slip and the solution across the epidermal layer is drawn by placing filter paper on the other side of the cover slip; 3. The onion cells are examined once again through microscope. The structure of the onion cells is drawn as observed under the microscope. In the isotonic solution, there is no difference in the similarity, no change in the cells sizes. PART 3 1. Repeat step (1 -3 of PART 2) using 30% of sucrose solution. We will write a custom essay sample on Bio. Lab. Report Membrane Transport specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Bio. Lab. Report Membrane Transport specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Bio. Lab. Report Membrane Transport specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Friday, March 6, 2020
Affirmative Action For Colleges essays
Affirmative Action For Colleges essays Affirmative action has been the subject of increasing debate and tension in American society. Should someone be able to attend a university just because of his or her nationality? This has been a growing debate all over the country. There are two sides of this argument. On one side, you have people that embrace equal opportunity programs, ensuring that every nationality is applicable for the college that they hope to one day attend. On the contrary, you have a group of people that believe that affirmative action is unfair. They believe that a persons skin color shouldnt determine whether or not they get accepted to a college, but rather their character and qualifications. What is the right thing to do? Should an African American student be accepted to a university with sub-par grades, when there is a White student that is not accepted with better grades than the African American student? According to affirmative action program, the black student will get in before the white student because his is a minority. This is truly a tough issue to handle. At the same time, if there were no affirmative action, would admissions for colleges be fair and equal? That is the question that many of college professors have been analyzing and debating over for years. Under a federal court order to abolish affirmative action, Texas universities have seen a drop in black and Latino students since 1996( Trying to boost the numbers, the Texas Legislature mandated that the top 10% of each high school be offered automatic admission to University of Texas or Texas A ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Testing Procedure Specifications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Testing Procedure Specifications - Assignment Example TPS come in handy in ensuring that the software used by an organization is up to date and error-free. The accuracy of software is critical for any company (Haladyna et al. 57). By having regular TPS reports, our company will minimize complaints from clients about crashes. Remember, our clients are our greatest assets and we should, therefore, strive to maintain them and win their confidence and loyalty. Accurate TPS gives a company a competitive edge over the rest (Conley et al. 18). The staff is, therefore, advised to give regular and accurate TPS reports to minimize complaints from clients. This morning alone, two clients complained about crashes that seem to have emanated from sloppy code. In order to make everyone accountable, the company has introduced a new cover sheet. Consequently, from now henceforth, the company is putting cover sheets on all TPS reports before they are released. Kindly note that the staff is advised to stick to this new stipulation. This is simply a quality control check to ensure that everyone conducts a quality check on the TPS reports before releasing them. Programmers are advised to ensure they run the simulation so that it matches up to the template. This step ensures the simulation is up to manufacturer specifications (Rego et al. 16). They then have to document the test on the TPS report and put it on the cover sheet with their ID number. The new cover sheets will only act as quality control check to make everyone responsible (Williams et al. 71) Perhaps it is important to note that our clients are our priority; we offer them the best-customized software solutions to their software problems, and we safeguard our business. From tomorrow, I will select a team of staff to examine how the issues of quality control. If you want to be part of the committee, simply forward your name to the relevant office. Only programmers or managers with 3 to four years of experience will be considered.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Evaluating TQM of Emirates Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Evaluating TQM of Emirates Airlines - Essay Example By providing a skeletal support for the strategies, it will be easy to allocate resources to the important goals respectively without wastage of precious resources. They also make the task easier for ever employee as it makes clear what they have to do or aim to do and they will be motivated towards a strategy. (Basil Henry Liddell Hart, 1967) Mission and vision of Emirates: The mission statement of Emirates is: â€Å"To become a leading airline with good customer relations by encouraging transparency and fair competition and adopting open skies policy.†The vision of Emirates is: â€Å"To become a leading airline by setting new industry standards that has focus on innovation, diversity and customer service.†Strategies and Goals †¢ To become a global airline and carrier of choice all over the world. †¢ To promote UAE especially Dubai as one of the safest, modern, technologically advanced. Progressive and modern commercial centers of the world. †¢ To encourage sustainability and economic efficiency through various programs †¢ To encourage diversity by having multi-cultural staff †¢ To develop and train employees and provide them opportunities to enhance their skills. To apply and develop new technologies internally as well as in the services and products that are offered t the customers. To expand and grow in the new markets. Core Competencies The core competencies of Emirates include its: Strong leverage to brands: Focus on marketing and promoting the brands by investing on them Competitive cost structure: Focus on low costs so as to offer low fares. Spoke and hub operation: The mega hub of Emirates Airlines is at Dubai International Airport that is the centre connecting the whole world. (Emirates, n.d.) Strategic Control Strategic control is very important to monitor the internal and external environment. It helps in evaluating the company’s programs from a long term perspective. For Emirates it is very important to systematically and continuously check the implementation of plans, monitor all the events that take place inside and outside the company in all situations. (Porter, 1996) Stakeholder analysis Government: Government of UAE is the major stakeholder of Emirates Airline as it is also one of the owners of the company. They have high power and are very much interested in the operations of the company. The government has the authority to build pressure and question the decisions. The government is so much involved with the company that it created a liberal market for the Airline to operate in Fast east Share holders: they are the people who have bought the shares of Emirates. They have high level of interest in the affairs of the business as they have invested their money, but they have low level of power. It is very important to develop engagement strategy for them and keep them informed about the activities. Employees: employees are one of the main stakeholders of a company as they have the power that can either make the company or break it. They are directly linked to the company. It is thus very important to keep them satisfied by providing training and development opportunities, good compensations and a good environment. Their needs should be catered and taken care of. Customers: without the customers a company cannot survive. Customers thus are very important and play a very important role. They have the power to influence the company and its success. Strategies should be made to keep the customers engaged and updated about the products and services. Public: on a larger scale the
Monday, January 27, 2020
Marketing Strategy of Cadbury
Marketing Strategy of Cadbury Cadbury India is a food product company dealing in Chocolate Confectionery, Beverages, Candy and Snacks. Cadbury is the market leader in Chocolate Industry with a market share of 70%. Some of their favorite products are Cadbury Dairy Milk, Perk, 5 Star, Celebrations, Eclairs, Gems and Temptations, Bournvita. John Cadbury, the founder of the Cadbury business was born on 12th August 1801. Cadbury was founded 200 years ago when John Cadbury has opened his shop in Birmingham selling chocolate and cocoa with other glossary. Cadbury started its operation in India in 1948 by importing chocolates and distributing in the Indian Market. This project shows some research on current marketing strategy used by Cadbury in Indian market. I have also try to find some of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats of the Cadbury for Indian chocolate industry. Table of Contents 3 1. About Cadbury 4 2. Cadbury in India 4 3. Aim Objective of the Project 6 4. Comparative Analysis 7 5. Marketing Mix of Cadbury 9 10 6. Current Marketing Strategies used by Cadbury and Market Segments 14 7. SWOT Analysis of Cadbury 16 8.Conclusion 17 9. Reference List 18 About Cadbury Cadbury was founded 200 years ago. Cadbury is a food product company producing Chocolate products. They are the market leader of this industry holding 70% of the total market share. Some of the well-known products of Cadbury are Dairy Milk, Perk, 5 Star, Eclairs, Celebrations, Temptations, Bournvita and Gems. John Cadbury, the founder of the Cadbury business was born on 12th August 1801. In 1984, he opened his first grocery shop in Birmingham. He sold cocoa, chocolate products for drinking, which were prepared using pestle and mortar, as well as other products. In 1831, John decided to start manufacturing on large scale. He purchased a warehouse for it. Cadbury is one of the largest companies in the world. In 1840, they introduced chocolate for consumption with very decorative packaging. The most widely known and top grossing product, Dairy Milk, was launched in 1905 to compete with the leading brands of Swiss milk chocolates. By 1913, Dairy Milk had become the companys bestseller. After a few years it gained the recognition as a leading chocolate product. (Cadbury, n.d.) Cadbury in India Cadbury India is a fully owned subsidiary of Kraft Foods Inc. In 1948 Cadbury starts its operations in India by importing chocolates, but today it owns five manufacturing companies and 4 sales offices. Its corporate office is in Mumbai. The core purpose of Cadbury was to make today delicious. In India, Cadbury operates in four categories i.e. milk food drink, chocolate confectionery, candy and gum. Cadbury is the market leader in chocolate business. The pure taste of Dairy Milk describes the taste of chocolate for Indian consumers. Bournvita is the leading product in milk food drinks and candy halls is the leading product of candies in the country. Since 1965, Cadbury has also started the farming of cocoa in India. (Cadbury India Ltd., n.d.) Aim Objective of the Project Aim: To examine the marketing strategies and SWOT analysis of Cadburys Dairy Milk. Objectives: By conducting research to evaluate marketing strategies and to know the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats of Cadbury by using proper theories. Comparative Analysis The Indian chocolate market is getting bigger and better. On one hand there are imported varieties and on the other companies like Cadbury launch their own products of international standards. In India in early 90s market share of Cadbury was 80% but after the Nestle enters to Indian Chocolate industry the Cadburys share reduce to 70%, 15% share is hold by Nestle, 15% by Amul and other companies. The higher competition is between Cadbury and Nestle as Nestle is trying to have tough fight with Cadbury. (Indian Mirror, 2011) Nestle India Ltd: Nestle was connected with India since 1912. They set up first manufacturing unit in 1961 in India and then they open total 7 manufacturing units in India up to 2006. They were manufacturing Milk Products and Nutrition, Beverages, Cooking Aids. They launched there Premium Milk Chocolate, Milky Bar, Crunch and Bar One in India against the competition of Cadbury Dairy Milk and 5 Star. (Nestle India Ltd., n.d.) Kit Kat was Launch in India in 1995 and it becomes the worlds most popular chocolate within a short time of its launch and it was according to the target of the Nestle. Against the competition of Kit Kat Cadbury launch its Perk, to safeguard its brand. Kit Kat and Perk was a new product segment in the form of wafer chocolates as anytime snacks. Kit Kat sells was more than the Perk in the outlets where both were available. There was a neck to neck competition between both the products. It was also said threat it was dangerous for the mother products of Cadbury Dairy Milk. Amul: Amul Milk Chocolate, Badam Bar, Crunch and Fruit N Nuts were launch by Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) in 1974. But due to lack of its focus on international market and it was not able to raise its market shares. (Gujarat Co-Operative Milk Marketing Federation, 2000-2001) Marketing Mix of Cadbury After segmenting the market and positioning itself to outdo their competitors, it needs to come up with different strategies. The 4 Ps used by Cadbury are: Product: The Company should design and manufacture its products so as to improve the customer experience. Product Success The meaning of Product is anything tangible or intangible that can be offered to the customers for the proposed market segments either in the domestic or international market. It includes packaging, guarantee, quality etc. Every company will compete for customers by satisfying their expectation constantly. But the best company will go beyond the expectations by delivering additional benefits, which they would have never imagined. Cadbury offers a wide variety of products which include: I. Chocolates: Fruit Nut, Dairy Milk, Perk, 5 Star, Eclairs, Gems, Temptation, Nutties, Milk Treat. II. Beverages: Drinking Chocolate, Bournvita and Cocoa. III. Snacks: Bytes IV. Candy: Halls V. Gums: Bubbaloo Place: The place means to identify the physical distribution of the product where the product should be available for the customer at the right place, time and quantity. It also consists of roles of channel for distribution. For the success of any product in the Indian market, the product should be introduced to the retail shelves. Buyers play an important role for its success rather than brand and market shares. With the increase in technology and competitive pressure, it is difficult to retain a unique product for a long period. The brand that gets the greatest number of customers, sells the most products. Proper channels of distribution also play an important role. If the product reaches the market at the right time, only than will the consumer will have access to the products. Increases in distribution and channel cost go together. Marketing cost of Cadbury is 18% of its total cost which is higher as compared to Nestle and Parry. Price: Pricing is the most important part of a marketing mix as it is the only area by which revenue is generated for the company. Price includes the catalog prices, discounts available and different options available for financing etc. Before deciding the price strategy the feasible reactions of the competitors are also have to be taken into consideration. The pricing of the product must consider the appropriate demand-supply equation. The strategy used by Cadbury for satisfying the value that all the customers buy the product is using the expectation they have about how much the production is worth to them. Cadbury has introduced various products for different customer segments so that every customer segment has different expectations of price from the product. Therefore maximizing the returns includes maintaining right price level for each segment and then increasing moving through them. Promotion: Where and when can you get across your marketing message to your target market? Effective advertising attracts and generates supporting feelings for any business. To reach out to the consumers, communication plays an important. For the marketing of any product, advertisement and promotions are the best means of communication about the product to the end user. Cadbury does its promotions through Televisions, consumer contact activity, etc. Some of the most famous marketing campaigns of Cadbury are: Khane Walon Ko Khane Ka Bahana Chahiye for Cadbury Dairy Milk Thodi Si Pet Pooja Kabhi Bhi Kahin Bhi for Perk Cadbury gives special promotional offers during festivals like Diwali, Holi, etc. and special occasions like Valentines Day. It continuously introduces new products to maintain its brand and to expand its market share. Current Marketing Strategies used by Cadbury and Market Segments Current Marketing Strategy used by Cadbury: To encourage the consumers Cadbury uses many strategies. Some of them are as follows: On Every Hand Everywhere: The customers demand flawless services from the salesmen and they have to deliver that to the customers. Cadbury is the market leader in confectionery and chocolates. Their sales team plays an important role in the success. They regularly conduct surveys of consumers choice and requirements. They deliver the products not only in the super markets but also in the small shops, so that every segment of the customers can easily get their products. They also provide selling techniques. Growing with Emerging Markets: Revenue of the company grows with the emerging markets. They continuously modify the products to fulfill the requirement of all segments of consumers. This strategy leads them to a growth of above 20% annually for the past three years. A strong foundation: Since 1948, Cadbury is serving their products in India and they have created a very strong tradition and leadership position. They are the number one chocolate brand with a share of about 70%. Today only one third of the population buys the chocolate so Cadbury is challenged to introduce the pleasure of Cadbury to many peoples. Growing with the market: To attract the broader range of consumers is the main target the Cadbury. They created a base range of their acceptable chocolate brands at more reasonable and affordable price. They also introduced the gift range products for the customers segments with high-income group. Functional advantage: Cadbury Bournvita was launched in India in 1948 and it always required providing nutrition that helps in the development and growth. Today the natural goodness of milk, chocolate and malt is prepared with vitamins A, B1, B3, B6, B12 and C, plus protein, iron, calcium, manganese, zinc, and folic acid. It is also known as a cup of confidence. Affordable luxury: Cadbury has increased their presence in the candy in the form of halls and Cadbury dairy milk Eclairs. Eclairs became more popular in the markets with a hotter climate. The consumers find the delicious taste of chocolate in the middle that easily melts in the mouth and not in the hot climate. It is also an affordable chocolate for everyone. The new Eclairs Crunch is with more crispy caramel shell for hot climatic conditions. Market Segments Market place includes different segments of customers having different needs and wants. It can be classified as: Geographic Segmentation: It is to divide the market on the basis of its location, regions, towns, city or country. Demographic Segmentation: It is most common basis of market segmentation. This factor is directly related to the demand of the product and it is easy to measure. It can be classified as age group of consumers, gender, Life style, income of family etc. Psycho graphic Segmentation: it divides the consumer of the basis of social class, lifestyle of consumers or personality. This helps the company to examine the quality that how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. Behavioral Segmentation: It divides consumer on the basis of their attitudes, knowledge, response or uses to a product. Considering all the above factors, Cadbury has targeted different segments within the market as: Break segment some products are consumed during short breaks with coffee and tea, for example snack range and Perk. Desire segment under this segment products are purchase on desire, for example Cadburys Dairy Milk, temptation etc. Take home segment this segment express the products that are purchased from supermarkets and taken home for consumption, for example Bournvita. SWOT Analysis of Cadbury SWOT Analysis is the method to evaluate the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats involved in an organization. It includes identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable or unfavorable to achieve the objectives of the organization. Strength: 1. Largest global confectionery supplier. 2. Market leaders in three sectors: Chocolates, Confectionery and food drinks 3. Cost of Production is low due to economic of scale which leads to higher profit and better market penetration. 4. High financial strength. 5. Strong brand name and leader in innovations. Weakness: 1. Poor technology in India as compared to other nations 2. Limited key products as it is depended only on chocolates and beverage market compared to other competitors. Opportunities: 1. Growing middle class and growing urban population. 2. Increasing gifts cultures. 3. Substitute to Mithais with higher calories/cholesterol. 4. Increasing concept in departmental stores- desire @ at cash counters. 5. Opportunity increases with increase in market shares by acquisition. 6. Transfer production to low cost countries where labour cost and raw material will be cheap. 7. Introduction of new products with low fats. Threats: 1. Due to highest brand equity and low cost, it is successful in India. 2. Globalization will bring in better brands for upper end of the market. 3. High fats and calories in the products of Cadbury may reduce the demand of the consumers who are conscious of nutrition and healthier lifestyles. 4. Competitive pressure from other national and global suppliers. Conclusion Brand plays an important role for growth in todays competitive business environment. It helps to maintain profitability in long run by differentiation in the products and loyalty of customer. Cadbury Dairy Milk brand has developed its Megabrand Product range having its own identity, but now they all comes under the Dairy Milk brand. This proposal is planned to maximize the strength of the Cadbury Dairy Milk brand. The strategy involved a packaging and range refreshment strategy, which has resulted in a unified innovative Dairy Milk brand. Having exceeded initial sales targets by a considerable margin, the strategy can be considered a success! Branding is also one of the most important parts of any business whether it is small or large, B2B or retail. An effective brand strategy results into the major periphery in increasingly competitive markets. The foundation of the brand is your logo, website, packaging and promotional materials all of which should integrate your logocommunicate y our brand.
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