Thursday, October 31, 2019
Criminal Conspiracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Criminal Conspiracy - Essay Example & Scheb, (2011), the main aim for the reformation of this system was that it was to temporarily curb the pending review and reform the law relating to fraud, offensiveness and indecency as well as shaping the view of society as a whole. The law has now been reformed by the Fraud Acts in which the government waits to see how the law operates so as to come up with relative changes or abolish common law conspiracy to defraud. International trade has also seen various cases of fraud and the United Stated has moved in to combat such as well as get rid of some of the practices such as washing dirty money that comes with many conspiracy cases. Major problems were experienced in the early years after Acts over how the preserved common law conspiracy to defraud dovetailed with the new statutory conspiracy to commit a crime as frequently, an agreement to defraud will necessarily involve an agreement to commit a substantive offence entailing dishonesty such as theft or the new offence of fraud under the Fraud Act. A typical example would be when A and B agree a scheme to dupe people into investing money in a non-existent company intending to disappear with the money subscribed. To do this would be to certainly agree to defraud the investors, but it will also be an agreement to commit the crime of fraud by false representation in benefit of an individual, (Levy, Karst & Winkler, 2000). According to the Missouri revised statutes, a person is guilty of conspiracy with another person to commit an offense it he agrees with another person that one of them or both engage in a conduct that constitutes conspiracy. Conspiring also with a third party knowingly will also make the other two parties guilty of conspiracy whether the identities are known or not. Further conspiracy may be committed by a person conspiring to commit a number of offences that have the same results as conspiracy on the other hand no one shall be convicted if he prevented the accomplishment of the objectives of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nursing paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nursing paper - Assignment Example Based on a SWOT analysis, the strategic position of the healthcare centre can be established. A SWOT analysis looks at the company’s strengths and weaknesses, and opportunities and threats; the internal environment (the company’s strengths and weaknesses) in which the company operates and the external influence (the company’s opportunities and threats) are assessed (Bohm, 2009). In this case, a hospital will be analyzed using SWOT analysis. The strengths and the weaknesses are based on what the hospital can offer best and what it cannot offer best. The opportunities and threats for the hospital come from the external resources, the regulations and partnerships. Considering the strengths of the hospital, it is beyond doubt that patients receive a wide variety of quality services. This is seen in respect of the fact that the hospital staff is keen on complying with the code of ethics, maintains up-to-date records related to patient care and provides the option of applying Medicaid and Medicare to ease the cost of medical care. Maintaining accurate and up-to date records is important in ensuring that all aspects of patient care including billing are properly done. This in effect helps in the avoidance of medical malpractice with its accompanying negative effects, the worst being patient death. The hospital also flourishes in its endeavor to provide quality care in that it has a wide variety of facilities that are useful in screening diseases. The hospital’s emphasis on continuous education also implies that it is keen to ensure that the right treatments methods are applied in caring for patients. These combinations of positive factors have a compounded effect in attracting more patients to the hospital. The hospital needs to maintain and if possible improve on these strengths if it has to continue enjoying its position as a market leader in the provision of nursing care. As noted by many a human
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Animal Cruelty effects and relating laws
Animal Cruelty effects and relating laws Different types of animal cruelty have ee around for many years. Laws relating to animal cruelty vary from state to state. As of 2009, about forty-six states have some felony provisions in their anti-cruelty and/or animal fighting laws (Wisch, 2005). As time passes and new things are being invented, people seem to loose interest in their pets. Even though people use animals for their testing/experiments, there are other ways to get a solution to something. Scientist and many others, find it easier and safer to test on animals than to test on other possible sources. They test products such as makeup, and cologne. They also use animal fur for designer clothing other types of fashion. Innocent animals are being used for useless products that we can live without. Many animals die due to different types of crucial testing. They suffer by going through several procedures. The goal is not to patch up ailing people but to use the human tissues in place of mice, dogs or other lab animals for testing new drugs, cosmetics and other products (New York Times, nd). With the donation of human cells, animal testing will be reduced. This way is safer can be both suited for animals and humans. If the animal- rights movement had a bible, it is Singers 1975 book, Animal Liberation (New York Times, Jan. 15, pg 30). Singer calls many of the attitudes human beings have toward other animals speciesism, a concept which can be found throughout history ( Gargaro, 1991). Humans are just like animals as far as feeling pain. Eight billion animals are killed each year in this country for food. More than a thousand animals are killed and shipped to groceries stores to be bought. Slaughtering of cows, pigs, and other animals, happen everyday because consumers keep purchasing meat. Animals on todays factory farms are kept in crowded, filthy enclosures and denied everything natural and enjoyable to them. Most of them have no legal protection from cruelty that would be illegal if it were inflicted on dogs or cats. There are some fruits or vegetables that can give the same protein as meat. The Humane Slaughter Act requires that animals be rendered unconscious with one swift application of a stunning device before slaughter. Animals in slaughterhouses can smell the stench, hear the sounds and often see the slaughter of those before them. As the animals struggle from fright, the human workers who are pressured to keep the lines moving quickly often react with impatience towards the animals. Numerous cases of deliberate cruelty have been reported including workers who took sadistic pleasure from shooting the eyes out of cattle, striking them in the head, and electrically shocking them in sensitive areas of their bodies. As for the chemistry of the central nervous and endocrine systems, there is no difference between humans and other animals. All free-range, factory-farmed, egg-laying, dairy-producing, or wool-bearing animals that dont first die from disease are trucked to the slaughterhouse. To minimize costs, animals are crowded and must live in each others excrement. They are exposed to extreme weather conditions in the open trucks. Shipping fever, which can be fatal, is common in cattle transported long distances to the feedlots, the stockyards and then the slaughterhouse (Compassionate Action Institute, nd). Animal cruelty can be either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. Either way, and whether the animal is a pet, a farm animal, or wildlife, the victim can suffer terribly. People with emotional problems may beat, shoot, or stab animals or set them on fire. Neglect is not giving an animal the right food, water, shelter or vet care. Their misery goes on for so long; animals who die of neglect can suffer just as much as animals who are harmed on purpose. All U.S. states have animal cruelty laws, and 47 states treat some forms of abuse as felonies. Farmers and researchers can do cruel things to animals that other people cant do legally, but all states have some protection for pets like dogs and cats. There are different cases in animal cruelty, for example cockfighting and dog fighting. Animal cruelty has not gone away. In Brea, California, 85 children, ages ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade, witnessed a cow being slaughtered at Carbon Canyon Christian School, according to PETA Action Alerts. The rational for having the students witness this cruel act was that they could see this act, instead of only experiencing it through the books they had read during the year. Chances are if an animal is being abused and there is a child in that household, then the child is also being abused. Chances are that a child abus ing an animal can grow up to be someone who commits other violent crimes. Studies also found that a history of animal abuse was found in 25% of male criminals, 30% of convicted child molesters, 36% of domestic violence cases and 46% of homicide cases (The National Animal Abuse Registry, nd). While prosecution of animal cruelty cases is generally considered the exclusive purview of law enforcement, veterinarians who routinely examine and treat sick and injured animals occupy a unique role in the legal process of identifying cruelty and bringing its perpetrators to justice. People engage in animal cruelty, otherwise known as animal abuse, in every city throughout the world. There are many reasons why people mistreat animals some individuals act on sadistic desires others act unintentionally, harming animals with their carelessness. But the true abuse is systemic, involving the choices we make as a collective. Animals are used as dummies because people think they arent harming anyone by doing so. In the past few years, organizations and individuals have been using the power of the internet to spread awareness of animal cruelty facts a great sign considering animal abuse will only continue on a massive scale until enough people come face-to-face with the statistics. To fight this abomination, activists, scientists, authors, lawyers, and politicians have sacrificed their valuable time and money, occasionally their lives, to save suffering animals. With gratitude to those who accumulate animal cruelty facts and educate the populace, people are finally ta king notice of suffering animals and the mistreatment they undergo.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Women as Sexual Objects in Metropolis :: Movie Film Essays
Women as Sexual Objects in Metropolis In the film Metropolis, I feel women are basically represented as a sexual object. Also in my opinion certain male figures were the dominant images throughout the whole movie. Some may believe that at one point, the robot-Maria was a dominant figure but I believe the robot was just a technological advancement to increase the view that women are seen as sexual objects. Why was the robot created in Metropolis in the form of a woman? This is a question that is portrayed in Huyssen's article. In my opinion, Rotwang wants to create a woman robot so he can have complete control over her actions. Huyssen even states, "After all, Rotwang creates the android as an artifact, as an initially lifeless object which he can then control." In creating a woman robot, Rotwang figures he can use her sexuality in order to receive the attention of the male workers. Power and dominance is what Rotwang wants and he found away to achieve it by the use of his creation. There are other males who display these dominant ways just as well as Rotwang does. Take the Master of Metropolis for instance. He orders Rotwang to create a robot in order to replace the human workers. He also has the control of all the workers because he is their employer. Now let us look at where sexuality and technology come into play in this movie. In the first part of the movie, Jon Frederson (the son of the Master of Metropolis) sees Maria for the first time. By the way he looks at her, you can see that he is having sensual feelings for her. Huyssen also expresses this idea in his article. In my opinion, Frederson does not really see her as the saint she is suppose to be playing, but only as an object that he desires and would like to pursue. As the movie progresses, Rotwang decides he is going to capture Maria and take her as a prisoner in his home. He does this so he can create a robot that exactly duplicates the features of Maria. As a result of this creation, technology is now mixed with the sexuality that Maria had inside of her in order to obtain control and power. The robot-Maria, uses her sexuality to obtain the attention of all the male workers.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
All Ur Needs IT Report
 All Ur Needs is a chain of three shops located in two villages which is owned by two brothers. They also have an office over the larger two stores. The current system used by the brothers and staff is a manual paper based system except for some word processing and spreadsheets. The brothers have decided to fully implement a computerised system to gain all the benefits of IT. The aim of this report is recommending how the business should proceed with its expansion into the world of IT.Requirements for new system As the brothers have decided to change to a computerised system, specialist hardware and software will need to be recommended, purchased, installed, maintained and the staff will need to be trained including the brothers. The system should cover stock control and re-ordering, payroll, accounts and EFTPOS. Also the brothers want an online ordering system. A fully networked computer system will be required to allow data sharing, privacy, communication and internet connectivi ty.This will involve purchasing computers which are networked, networking hardware, selecting which network to set up. The network will also be over the internet so all three centres will be connected. Other hardware that will be recommended is eftpos machines to allow the business to take chip and pin. Software will also be recommended for stock control, accounts, payroll, and office software for general office duties like word processing. A web designer will be recommended for the business to move into online ordering.Lastly there will be a report on RFID’s explaining all the functionality and possibilities together with advantages and limitations. Networks and hardware The three centres will have to be interconnected to allow easy sharing of data, stock control and communication and any other business tasks. The main solution is to create a network using computers and a server. Also an internet connection will be needed to allow networking over a geographical area, in this case the third shop in the nearby village of Apenury.The business will need four computers, three for the shops and one for the office. These computers will not be expensive as the business does not need high performance computers except for the server, however as the brothers and staff don’t know much about computers it will be necessary to purchase installation and training which could be costly. Solution to hardware purchasing will be recommended along with justifications, the following hardware would be necessary to create a fully networked computer system.– Server: a computer or device on a network that manages network resources, the business will only need one lower power server as only a few user will be connected to the network – Processor: the processor is the brains of the computer, the processor is where most of the calculations take place and it is the most important element of a computer. The business would not need a high performance processor as they wont be performing demanding tasks, however the server may need a more powerful processor to manage the network efficiently – Ram: random access memory is a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly.The business would only need 128 to 256 of ram to perform the day to day tasks of a business, however more memory would make the computer run more faster, memory can be easily be upgraded as the business grows – Hard drive: the mechanism that reads and writes data on a hard disk. The business would only need between 40 and 60 GB of hard disk space as they wont have large amount of data – DVD/RW: a re-recordable DVD format similar to CD/RW, the data on a dvd/rw can easily be erased and recorded numerous times without damaging the medium. The business would need dvd/rw to back up data if there is a disaster or data loss.– Monitor (tft): a type of LCD flat panel display screen, the tft provides the best resolution of all flat panel techniques. Fl at panel displays are quiet expensive, but it is recommended for the business as they are ergonomic. The business will only need a 15 inch size monitor. – Graphics card: a board that plugs into a personal computer to give it display capabilities. The business wont need a graphics card as it will come integrated with the motherboard and graphics cards are only need when running demanding tasks like multimedia software.– Mouse: a device that controls the movement of the cursor on a display screen. A standard mouse will come with the computer. – Keyboard: a standard keyboard will come with the computer – Hub: A common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of a LAN. This will be required to connect all the computers to the server; this will come with the server. – Motherboard: the man circuit board of a computer where all devices connect to. The business won’t need an expensive motherboard, just th e one that is compatible with the processor.– Network card: an expansion card you insert into a computer so computers can connect to the network, there will be a network slot on the computers so they can be connected – Printer: it is recommended that the business get a laser printer as it is cheaper in the long run instead of an ink jet printer, they may need a colour printer because of graphs etc. printer can also be connected to the network so they can be shared. A network is a communication system, a collection of resources, objects and people.Any two or more interconnected computer systems can be described as a network. A network improves communications, share resources and there is more efficiency. It is recommended that the business use a metropolitan area network, this is where different sites are connected. This is because there is a shop is Apenury which needs to be connected. The two shops and office should be connected through a local area network as they ar e on one site. The type of network that is recommended is a client/server network where multiple workstations are connected to one or more servers.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Bringing Home Adam Essay
Adam Walsh in his book â€Å"Bringing Adam Home†conveys different important information concerning people and the society they dwell. This book is based on Mathew Joe’s experience in his investigation for the murder and abduction. The book suddenly reveals the cases of abduction and murder that the world at large gets to be no longer innocent wit. Bring Adam Home is a definitive story about a six year old Adam Walsh who was kidnapped, raped, and murdered in 1981. It explains how Adam stopped by the local store to get some new lamps. He was captivated by a video game at the entrance of the store and begged his mother, Reve, to allow him try it out while she shopped. However, his mother never found him when she returned a few minutes later. His body was later found mutilated in a drainage canal. The book details the botched investigations conducted by the police that prevented discovery of the killer for nearly twenty seven years. The book is one of the finest true-crime stories that can be related to Thomas Thompson’s Blood and Money of 1976. Les Standiford is the author of the story that exposes notoriety of the case. He has authored other nonfiction books and novels such as The Man Who Invented Christmas that was released in 2008. Bring Adam Home tells the story of the young boy’s abduction with the help of detective Joe Matthews, who eventually solved the case. The detective was working for John Walsh’s TV show, America’s Most Wanted, while investigating the case. The book gives a meticulous recount of the events leading up to the kidnapping of Adam from a Sears store at the Hollywood Mall in Hollywood, Florida. It illustrates the unsuccessful search for the missing boy leading to the subsequent location of his severed head bobbing in a canal miles away. The shock of Adam’s abduction and murder, as well as failure by the police to find the killer, was the most consequential in American history. Efforts of the parents of the young boy, John and Reve Walsh, revolutionized the justice system on crimes involving missing and murdered children. It influenced the way local, state and federal authorities investigate such cases. During the time of Adam’s abduction and murder, there were no Amber Alerts and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was nonexistent. In addition, the federal government did not have the pedophile registry or a database for crimes against children. It was a time when children received little attention as they played outside all day. Before his abduction, Adam was playing video game in a departmental store. The report of Adam’s abduction and eventual death led to investigations conducted by detectives from Hollywood Police Department. Detective Matthews joined the investigation team from Miami Beach Police department. Two years after the death of the boy, an illiterate arsonist, Ottis Toole, admitted to kidnapping and killing Adam. The police got this revelation during questioning about several unresolved murders. Toole was later convicted as a serial killer, but Adam’s case was not included among the crimes he had committed. There was a time Toole recanted his confession. However, he admitted to committing the crime several times later. In his confession, Toole explained that he took Adam to raise him as his own child. He only killed him when he found out that Adam could identify him. There are several reasons that resulted in failure by the police to issue charges against Ottis Toole. More prominently, the police failed in their work in correctly documenting the findings. This led to their eventual failure in the gathering of the physical evidence. Therefore, a warrant of arrest was never issued against Ottis Toole leading to dismissal of his confession. Several other facts clearly demonstrated that Toole was the culprit. Firstly, he was the only person who gave twenty five independent confessions connecting him to the crime. Secondly, Toole had detailed information concerning the crime scene that would only be known by the killer. Thirdly, scores of eyewitnesses identified Toole as the killer. The book outlines the tireless work done by the bereaved parents in search for justice on behalf of other missing children. The main attraction of the book is the investigation of the Hollywood Police Department that exposes the bulging of the investigators that had previously worked on the case. Standiford and Matthews carefully builds the case against the police. They provide details that contain numerous leads that were disregarded during the initial investigation. These included some obvious questions that were never asked, a number of crucial witnesses that were ignored, and details concerning incomplete or falsified reports. In addition, the fresh investigation of the investigators exposed evidence that was never examined and a number of vital evidence that got lost. The book exposes the most damning revelation concerning ignorance of the Hollywood police on repeated confessions by a serial killer. The killer had detailed information concerning the crime that was never made public. However, he was never tried for the crime despite confessing to the boy’s murder. The author does not bend facts to show his artistic skills. He details factual information and is not self-consciously literary. The spilling of the narrative follows a matter-of-fact style. This is an excellent choice for a narrative laced with so much mistrust, heartbreak, perversion, and gore. The authors also exposed names of several people that were never mentioned in the initial investigation. The authors recount how detective Matthews was, on numerous occasions, stonewalled by other detectives and superiors from the Hollywood police department. This occurred when he was on loan from Miami Beach Police department as a detective to assist in investigating the case. He was further frustrated when he accepted to assist the desperate parents in investigating the case afresh. It seems the Hollywood detectives and their superiors had ulterior motives of frustrating the cause of justice for the case. Moreover, the disappearance of the boy had attracted national attention with the media being at the fore front. Joe Matthews was a topnotch homicide detective who was entrusted the responsibility of unraveling who had killed the boy. However, his concerns on disorganization witnessed at the station handling the case went ignored. There was a time he was excused from the case after suffering a nasty road accident. The case was further groped by new revelations on shotgun accusations and lack of any tangible leads. This was until Ottis Toole, a convicted serial killer admitted to the murder. The investigations dragged for two decades before Matthews got access to all information on the case files. On scrutinizing the information, the detective found out what he had long suspected. The case files showed that there had been sufficient evidence to prosecute the killer of the young boy. Unfortunately, the said killer, Ottis Toole, had died in prison in 1996. He died of liver failure at the age of forty nine. He had confessed earlier to the killings and other grisly crimes. It was hurting for a country that has arguably the best justice system to allow the grieving parents of a murdered child to lead investigations that would culminate to the deserved justice. One may wonder why the case took that long without finding justice. There are several reasons that may have jeopardized the quality of investigations into convicting the actual culprit. During the time period when the crime occurred, DNA forensic technology was still rudimental. This could have been the reason why Toole was not charged for the murder despite loads of evidence linking him to the crime scene. The Hollywood Police Department was highly respected at the time of the crime. Failure by the department to effectively solve Adam’s case may have been caused by assigning wrong detectives to work on the case. The lead investigator failed to perform his duty as the investigation was marred with claims of laxity and lack of proper supervision. The assigned leader of the investigation team was very territorial. This is evidenced by his refusal to consider inputs made by other detectives, especially Joe Matthews. The case would have been closed twenty five years earlier had he put into consideration all the findings. Though nothing could have been done to prevent the abduction, the lead investigator should have solved the Adam Walsh case at the time it occurred. Adam’s father, John, later became a steadfast advocate for missing and exploited children. He was the host of America’s Most Wanted. Through his program, he championed for the transformation of law enforcement on matters pertaining to handling similar cases. The activism of the Adam’s father influenced Congress to pass the Missing Children Act in 1982. Two years later, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was launched. John reunited with Joe Matthews, the decorated Miami Beach homicide detective, after twenty five years of Adam’s death. It was in February, 2006, when the parents requested the detective to re-investigate the case involving their son. The investigator, armed with an arsenal of forensic tools and heartfelt intent, reopened the case and went through all the case files that contained all information pertaining to the initial investigation. After two years and nine months, Joe Matthews emerged with a 10,000 page report that exposed evidence that was never recorded or looked at by the original investigators. The findings had enough evidence to indict Ottis Toole with the abduction and murder. Bring Adam Home is an account of a crime that captured public attention. It is a story of dedication, tragedy, love, and faith. The author reveals the pain and persistence of a family determined to find justice. It reveals how police failed in their work and allowed a criminal remain without being indicted. The story shows how a determined police officer was capable of accomplishing what an entire legal system failed to achieve. It is a testimony of love shown by distraught parents who took up the cause of finding justice over twenty five years after the death of their son. Their struggle and that of detective Matthews has helped the nation develop programs dealing with the exploitation of missing children. Moreover, Adam’s abduction and death has had an impact on how mothers watch over their children. The themes in the book is much convincing in that, it has a lot of elements of brutality in the form of thriller. But it gets concern most on the unsympathetic characters as the lead officer could term. Also, it was portrayed as bumbling brute which was much discouraging. However, the book is made more attractive when Matthews’s works of detectives get started almost in the middle of the book. This also makes the author to recount in great details. For instance Toole confesses for the various ways of killings he made in his life and the tough readings of parents. The book is much unique in to the fact that, it confronts the readers through various horrifying natures of the world relating to the crime situations that comes to pass. However, with the clear and thorough understanding of the book, it reveals why the investigations took long in solving the crime and also where the investigation horribly went off target. Readers also come to admire the determinations of Walshe’s and Mathews for not giving up at an early stage until when the book comes to an end. The book is not so much perfect to some extend. This is evident when the police officer reports of the author’s quotes and even some of the information found in it, seem nauseam. After clearing the book, well, the tone is better placed. However since that period; 1981, there have been many rumors and doubts about the murder of Adam Walsh. The book leaves the reader in full world of doubt about the perpetration of the investigated crime. The book also puts the reader in a bad mood in that it disturbs the mind set of a person. The book is much graphic in its illustrations on what befallen the poor Adam. It imposes too much information on the person who was suspected to be behind the murder which is much uncalled for. For instance, if the story was about how the US handles cases of child abduction, it would stick on the issue other than giving more details of different murder, rape and other horrified acts which happened long time ago. Â
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Gate control theory essays
Gate control theory essays The Gate Control Theory acknowledges that some nerves exclusively transmit pain signals and that pain is partially determined sometimes by the pattern and sum of signals sent by these fibers and permits the role of psychological processes in pain perception. Pain impulses do not go directly from nerve endings to the brain but flow from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system. (example) There is a imaginary neural gate in the central nervous system that alters the pain signals. Certain things open the gate; certain things keep it closed. When the gate is open, messages are sent to the brain that are perceived as pain. If the higher centers of the brain interpret an event as painful, the gating mechanism will open, and the sensations of pain will be transmitted to the brain. Some things that open the gate may be: the ratio of pain-fiber activity (high A-delta and C-fiber activity, low A-beta fiber activity), stress, anxiety, depression and attention to pain. Some things that may close the gate: higher A-beta activity from acupuncture, massages and medicine, relaxation, increasing and sustaining positive emotions. In a recent review women are found to have slightly lower pain thresholds, lower pain tolerance, and greater ability to make fine discriminations among painful stimuli (more aware of the pain). In general, women report more pain than men, different manners in coping with the pain and different responses to treatment. In fact, in a 1998 study, they found that ibuprofen (an anti-inflammatory drug) did not reduce the pain for women, although it did for men. In turn, many painful diseases for which ibuprofen are typically prescribed are more common in women. Men and women have estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, the levels of each hormone differ between them, and while they tend to remain somewhat steady for men, they vary monthly for women. Also, the brains of males and females ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Compare And Contrast Language Essay Example
Compare And Contrast Language Essay Example Compare And Contrast Language Essay Compare And Contrast Language Essay Both text A and text B are published online Each text describes cultural misunderstandings They each describe cultural misunderstandings *Students would benefit from reading either text A or text 8 Students would benefit from reading either text *Neither text A nor text B gives enough evidence to support their claims Neither text gives enough evidence to support their claims *Note the either or neither nor structure Form Three Sentence connectors to link two independent clauses Comparison Contrast too but also although similarly however likewise whereas while in contrast on the other hand Start or middle position Although / whereas / while text C is the longest, text A uses more complex language. Text C is the longest, although / whereas / while text A uses more complex Middle position Text C is the longest but text A uses more complex language. Text C focuses on cultural communication. Likewise/ Similarly text B looks at intercultural communication. Text C is the longest. In contrast,/On the other hand,/However, text A uses more complex language. Text C is the longest; in contrast,/on the other hand,/however, text A uses Middle or end position Cultural communication is the focus of text B and also text C. Cultural communication is the focus of text B and text C also. End position Cultural communication is the focus of text B and text C too. Text C focuses on cultural communication. Text A looks at intercultural communication too.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Christmas Party Themes for Every Friend Group [Guest Post]
Christmas Party Themes for Every Friend Group [Guest Post] Whether this is your first Christmas in college or your last, it’s a long-awaited season of festivities. In the dorms, your friends are just a short walk away and there are plenty of events to choose from. In an apartment, you have the freedom to decorate an entire space, transforming it into a magical winter wonderland - don’t forget the photo booth! But year after year it seems more difficult to host a party that feels outside the box. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you plan your party based on the interests of you and your friend group. The Foodies After a week of dining hall food, you’ll already be dreaming of mom’s home cooking. If you’re in the dorms without a kitchen, make things interesting by hosting a homemade potluck. The caveat is that you can only use dorm room essentials (like a microwave). See who can craft the most delicious snack without a full kitchen. Hint: try your hand at no-bake desserts for a sweet treat that will be the talk of the party. If you’ve grown out of dorm life, host a Masterchef: Holiday Edition party. Give each person one ingredient that has to be the central flavor in their dish, and see what they come up with. You can keep it traditional with ingredients like peppermint and rosemary, or get creative with unconventional ingredients like bacon and seaweed - holiday-themed sushi, anyone? The Mathletes Is everyone in your group a math major or engineer? Bring numbers and coding into the equation. For those who love math, take gingerbread making to the next level. Include rules that require the builders to use specific angles in their design or an exact number of certain ingredients. Extra points if you bake the gingerbread shapes yourself so people can build structures that differ from the traditional house. If your friends are engineers, host a unique â€Å"gift†swap. Similar to Secret Santa, assign everyone a buddy. Then, have each person code a special card or message. Show the designs at the party and vote on the most creative one! Alternatively, you can turn this into a GIF challenge (especially for those who don’t code). Who doesn’t love a good GIF? The Pop Culture Buffs Whether your friends are aspiring actors and actresses, or simply in tune with the latest and greatest shows, you can’t help but have a Christmas movie marathon. Our vote is Elf. Take it from Buddy, â€Å"the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.†That’s right, you won’t just be watching a movie, you’ll be playing themed games too. Start off with Pin the Face on the Elf. You can print the Christmas game here. You’ll also need to print out a variety of faces to stick on the elf’s body. For extra personalization, print the face of every guest out. Alternatively, you can choose everyone’s favorite celebrity. Next, have a sing-off. Someone will start singing a popular song. They’ll end on a word that’s common in many carols. The next person will start with that word and continue with lyrics from another song. Whoever can’t think of a new carol loses. The Know-It-Alls Are you that group that always knows random facts? If so, go head-to-head in a seasonal version of Holiday Jeopardy. From festive facts to seasonal puns, see who is the ultimate holiday aficionado. Make sure you designate a host for the game to moderate and provide small prizes for the winners. Once Jeopardy is over, switch to lighthearted games like Heads Up, Taboo or Pictionary. Create your own cards with inside jokes to keep it interesting. The Artists Who doesn’t love a sip and wine party? Instead of painting the same picture, let your creative skills run wild and make gifts for friends! Assign everyone a partner to make a gift for, but keep it a secret. Provide plain plates, mugs or glasses to paint. You can use paint, paint pens or other mediums. You’ll likely need to set the gifts in the oven, so remember to leave time for that. Grab a glass of wine and get painting! Once everyone is done and the gifts are set, place each piece out on the table. Vote who it was made for to see which friends you know best! Bonus: Make everyone wear homemade ugly Christmas sweaters to showcase their creative skills. The Accountants If you and your friends are in business or accounting, you’re used to working with money all the time. Put a unique spin money management by seeing how far everyone can stretch a dollar (or ten), at a thrift store. There are a few different ways you can interpret this theme. One is a scavenger hunt. Create a list of general items (ex. something green, something with glitter). Give everyone a time limit and see who can come back with the most unique items. Assign someone to be the judge and choose the winning team. Alternatively, you can throw a costume party. Everyone has $10 to come up with the most crazy holiday costume. The best outfit wins bragging rights for the next year. Now that you have a list of activities in mind, get planning! Don’t forget to check off all the party essentials: food, decorations, music, games, and, of course, a good group of friends. Take lots of pictures to send to Mom and Dad and show them that they taught you to host a party in style. Afterwards, you just have to get through those final papers and tests, and you’re on your way to a month-long winter break. Time for party number two (or three or four) with family and friends back home. Don’t forget to show them the tricks you learned from hosting your own holiday party! Author: Alex Heinz Alex Heinz loves everything DIY including sewing, crafting home decor, and cooking meals for friends. When shes not creating or writing, you can find her playing with her energetic dog, at the beach, or exploring new hikes.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Slave Labor In India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Slave Labor In India - Essay Example The political and social systems during the prehistoric times did not see slavery as forced labor, but as beneficial relationships between the nobles and the peasants. In addition, in most of the Indian society, the caste system was practiced and could not be termed as slavery per se as the working class was pooled and specialized without much consideration of the system (Mander, 2012). The caste system is said to be one of the root causes of the modern day slavery, human trafficking and bondage. The system denies equal rights, privileges and dignified treatment to some individuals, with people being differentiated based on their social status and gender. The practice has survived due to feudalism, which is a concept whereby, the nobles held land for the crown in exchange for military services, and the laborers worked to acquire protection and a share of the produce from them. The concept of feudalism has existed in the Indian society even before they were colonized by the British. After the country gained independence, it sought to be a more democratic state, but in the very nature of democracy, the practice still exists. One of the reasons for its existence is that most regions in the country were introduced during the times the country was fully feudalistic and as religion has not evolved much, the people still have the notion and concept integrated in their society (Katju, 2013). In 1975, India introduced a law banning debt bondage including a fine of 37 dollars to those found guilty of the crime. In the years that have followed, very few people have been jailed for the crime with the fine being a laughable amount. People are forced to work in farms to pay debts, with their employers imposing arbitrary interests and fines to make it impossible for them to be able to pay. In addition, girls are being forced to work for people in farms and textile mills as payment for dowry. The influence of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Homeopathic Medicine vs. Western Medicine Research Paper
Homeopathic Medicine vs. Western Medicine - Research Paper Example The popularity of homeopathic medicine is proven by its various positive effects on mental diseases such as anxiety disorders, specific phobias, acute stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder and other similar ailments, while at the same time homeopaths and advocates of homeopathy would in all humility not discredit conventional medicine as they say that it would be better to deal with anxiety through homeopathy first before conventional medicine (Reichenberg-Ullman & Ullman 86). Moreover, there are many other patients who resort to homeopathic medicine in order to deal with their colds and flu, pregnancy, injuries, aches and pains (Kayne 19-21). Homeopathy has become significant in that it has filled the gap that traditional Western medicine was not able to fulfill and that is a rather relatively faster and less addictive way of treating and curing ailments. The aforementioned diseases like anxiety and stress disorders would normally make up the majority of men tal illnesses not only of Americans but of other people in the world as well. Besides, no one of any age is immune from anxiety and stress. No matter how trivial, children too experience stress in the same way that adults experience it when dealing with the more serious things in life. The proven effectiveness of homeopathic medicine in curing these mental diseases is indeed a welcome idea for those who want to avoid the side effects as well as the exorbitant cost of conventional Western medicine. Aside from the aforementioned benefits, homeopathy is all-natural as it is mainly plant-based, and this naturalness of homeopathic medicine translates as its being environment-friendly. Homeopathic medicine basically utilizes plant products such as sleep-inducing and tension-relieving Valerian root, the sleep-enhancing lemon balm, the muscle relaxant Scullicap herb, the natural tranquilizer Passiflora, and the relaxants Hops strobiles and Gota kolu (Ballard 22). Unlike traditional Western medicine that is usually synthetically-prepared from a chemical base, homeopathic medicine is directly obtained from nature and only minimally processed. The utilization of such plants would therefore require planting vegetable gardens, which could indirectly reverse climate change, not to mention that if one has the plant products for homeopathic medicine in his or her backyard garden, then he or she gets â€Å"CO2-free and dollar-free†food and medicine (Bachmann 256). The connection between homeopathic medicine and global climate change may not be as close as anyone can conceive but a mass production of these plant-based products and an overall reduction in the production of conventional synthetically-prepared products would be tantamount to at least some significant environmental change. Homeopathic medicine may therefore even be the answer not only to a safer, more natural way of healing the body but also to an indirect way of healing the environment. The naturalness of homeopathic medicine ascribes to it relatively fewer side effects to none, compared to conventional Western medicine that is replete with adverse effects plus addictiveness. Many of these drugs, particularly those prescribed for depression and anxiety, may even naturally cause â€Å"unintentional prescription drug overdose†even with regular use, impaired intellectual functioning, â€Å"cold-turkey†withdrawal symptoms, and an overwhelmingly slow recovery of even up to 20 years, not to
Marxist Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Marxist Analysis - Essay Example This is not the same case when it comes to the history of economic original sin; it reveals to us that there are people to whom the whole thing is by no means essential. It happened that those in power accumulated wealth, and the subjects had at last nothing to sell other than their skins. Thus, the majority of people are poor despite their labor which is the only thing they have remained with. The few rich are constantly accumulating wealth despite the fact that they stopped working long time ago. This is usually used in defense of their property because in actual history it’s the enslavement, robbery, murder and force that play greater roles. In the records of political economy this idea has been brought about by Karl Marx. In the analysis of the international trade by economists, the Robinson Crusoe figure is taken as the main starting point. He is pictured as a strong, intelligent and diligent individual who through reasoning masters nature. In addition, he is also portrayed as a promoter of slavery, murder, robbery and force. This is because idyllic existed earlier thus; political economy should not be ignored. The contrast between what actually happens in the international economy and the international trade myths in the economics textbooks is as a result of the contrast between the real Robinson Crusoe and the economist’s Robinson Crusoe. The model of a fisherman and a hunter who exchange their mutual profit under conditions of reciprocity, freedom and equality are paradigmatic to non-Marxist international trade theory. International trade should be based upon a division between equals; unfortunately, it is often based on a division between the subordinate and the superior. It’s more of a trade between the colonizer and the colonized, the hinterland and the center, the servant and the master. It’s based upon the division between lower and higher functions as in the relation of capital to labor; one party does the work while the
Conflict Managment and Resolution Research Paper
Conflict Managment and Resolution - Research Paper Example In order to achieve this aim, the paper will conduct a literature review of the researches conducted till date that have explored the transactional leadership and manager’s approaches to resolving and mitigating conflicts in a workplace. A manager is a person who has to manage the workforce and to make them achieve organizational objectives. A manager has to plan, organize, lead and control. Leading is the core function of management. However, a manager is always a leader but a leader is not always a manager. The transactional leadership is a type of leadership style in which the leader perceives that people can be motivated through rewards and punishments only. This is the most common type of leadership style and widely adopted in contrast to charismatic and transformational leadership style. Every manager has to face conflict issues that takes place while they are performing their roles. In this regard, they have to undertake steps to handle these conflicts and to resolve th em in a manner that is beneficial to the organization. Nevertheless, there are various approaches to conflict management and resolution that varies according to their outcomes and nature. For instance, Hendel, Fish and Galon (2012) conducted a research study of Israeli nurse managers in general hospitals to analyze their choice of strategy whilst managing conflict and their leadership style. The primary reason for undertaking the research was the fact that nurse managers encounter conflict. The conflict management style determines the degree of effectiveness of the managers. Increasingly, the organizations are realizing the importance of adopting effective... This paper approves that Korabik, Baril and Watson found that the men adopt transactional leadership style while managing conflicts at their workplace. Like, they consider the elements of reward and punishment as important factors in managing and resolving conflicts. The study also found that the leadership styles adopted and their subsequent outcomes were the same between both genders. This study shows that the approaches to conflict management from the managers and transactional leaders point of view are gender biased. The females are more towards transformational leadership roles than the transactional ones as the latter involves definite rules and guidelines to follow. The study also shows that male managers are more focused on adopting leadership style that can help them achieve multiple benefits and no loss. The employees are also informed about the incentives of achieving the required standards and the subsequent penalties for failure. Thus, making it easier for the leaders to identify the potential causes of conflict, develop methods to avoid future disputes and resolve the existing problems effectively. This esssay amkes a conclusion that the nature of conflict and its diversity has demanded a uniform set of process to resolve disputes that arise in a workplace and in legal cases. For instance, the large number of intellectual property right cases and their sensitive nature has required a speedy, cost-effective and mutually binding solution to the intellectual property rights stakeholders.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
'Capitalism is a force of progress for business and society'. Discuss Essay - 1
'Capitalism is a force of progress for business and society'. Discuss - Essay Example According to Potter (2008), capitalist system in the recent scenario has encouraged the businesses to become a major cause for economic, environmental and social complications. On further analysis of his views it is ascertained that modern-day companies are developing and prospering at the cost of societal degradation. The essay intends to discuss whether capitalism is acting as a force or not in the progression of business and society. Furthermore, the essay will reflect the views and theories provided by various authors regarding capitalism and its implications upon society and business. Evaluation of Capitalism as a Force of Progress for Business and Society According to Fulcher (2004), in traditional form of business the merchants used to invest money in order to get better returns in the forms of goods and monetary valuations. In the similar context, the capitalist production in the present scenario mainly depends upon the exploitation of the wage labour. In the capitalist socie ty, labour is considered to be vital as they are engaged in more work activities that facilitate to increase the production and ultimately the consumption. Furthermore, the author’s view reflects that in the market, production along with consumption frame the basis of economic activities. As ascertained by him, market fluctuations give rise to the basis of hypothetical form of capitalism that does not result in any productivity. In this regard, this mechanism of capitalism theory frames the key operational purview of the capitalist economy. According to Cammack (1998), with the advent of capitalism, the liberal democracy has been diminished. Liberal democracy represents a governmental form that operates following the principles that are implemented to protect the rights of the minorities. The domination of capitalism in the economic sector worldwide has acted as a key force to overpower liberal democracies. In recent scenario, in the midst of capitalist society, the minor sec tion in the society is being exploited with a motive to earn more profit margins. Furthermore, inequality within the capitalist society has taken a greater height as mentioned by Cammack (2009) & Guimaraes (2012). The authors highlighted the viewpoint of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that expresses views related to globalisation. In accordance with this viewpoint, globalisation has been considered as the ‘win-win’ process by the economists but public opinions regarding the concerning view was quite hostile. The trend of inequality and the above mentioned perspective relate with the capitalist society wherein most of the firms operate within competitive world economy with profit motive. In relation to capitalism in the modern era, the corporate sector has taken over a majority of the market scenario. In this regard, Crouch (2011) explores that in the midst of liberal society, capitalism is entering by the mode of two vibrant thoughts within the societal context. The group that fears expansion of the government sector within the society prepares itself to tolerate the exploitation of private sector. Whereas, the other group is ready to encourage the growth of governmental sector in order to reduce the expansion of corporate sector within the society. Furthermore, in keeping with the notion whether capitalism is facilitating the business and societal development or not, Dicken (2010)
Controversies in Correctional Education Assignment
Controversies in Correctional Education - Assignment Example From this paper it is clear that the differences between these problems and controversies include the number of complainants. The problems involve the juveniles and their supervisors or teachers, while the controversies are national debates involving the nation. As a result, the governments seem to address the issue on controversies more compared to the problems based on statistics.This research study discusses that ome of the employed supervisors lack the skill to manage these young offenders who are still undergoing human development and maturity. Lack of proper supervision may equally lead to delinquent and problematic children instead of rehabilitated children. The problem of blending these juveniles and criminal sentences has caused prolonged stays in the correctional facilities. This does not only bias the juveniles, but also contributes to consumption of disproportionate share of facility resources. The more important issues in relation to education include recidivism, a nd the poor supervision and treatment in the juvenile correction centers. The teacher has a duty to ensure change in these juveniles and this raises concerns of the high rates of recidivism. The numbers of juveniles in correctional facilities are on the increase based on the changing laws. Juveniles continue indulging in crimes and the crowded centers seem to fail in supervising and treating these delinquents.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
'Capitalism is a force of progress for business and society'. Discuss Essay - 1
'Capitalism is a force of progress for business and society'. Discuss - Essay Example According to Potter (2008), capitalist system in the recent scenario has encouraged the businesses to become a major cause for economic, environmental and social complications. On further analysis of his views it is ascertained that modern-day companies are developing and prospering at the cost of societal degradation. The essay intends to discuss whether capitalism is acting as a force or not in the progression of business and society. Furthermore, the essay will reflect the views and theories provided by various authors regarding capitalism and its implications upon society and business. Evaluation of Capitalism as a Force of Progress for Business and Society According to Fulcher (2004), in traditional form of business the merchants used to invest money in order to get better returns in the forms of goods and monetary valuations. In the similar context, the capitalist production in the present scenario mainly depends upon the exploitation of the wage labour. In the capitalist socie ty, labour is considered to be vital as they are engaged in more work activities that facilitate to increase the production and ultimately the consumption. Furthermore, the author’s view reflects that in the market, production along with consumption frame the basis of economic activities. As ascertained by him, market fluctuations give rise to the basis of hypothetical form of capitalism that does not result in any productivity. In this regard, this mechanism of capitalism theory frames the key operational purview of the capitalist economy. According to Cammack (1998), with the advent of capitalism, the liberal democracy has been diminished. Liberal democracy represents a governmental form that operates following the principles that are implemented to protect the rights of the minorities. The domination of capitalism in the economic sector worldwide has acted as a key force to overpower liberal democracies. In recent scenario, in the midst of capitalist society, the minor sec tion in the society is being exploited with a motive to earn more profit margins. Furthermore, inequality within the capitalist society has taken a greater height as mentioned by Cammack (2009) & Guimaraes (2012). The authors highlighted the viewpoint of Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that expresses views related to globalisation. In accordance with this viewpoint, globalisation has been considered as the ‘win-win’ process by the economists but public opinions regarding the concerning view was quite hostile. The trend of inequality and the above mentioned perspective relate with the capitalist society wherein most of the firms operate within competitive world economy with profit motive. In relation to capitalism in the modern era, the corporate sector has taken over a majority of the market scenario. In this regard, Crouch (2011) explores that in the midst of liberal society, capitalism is entering by the mode of two vibrant thoughts within the societal context. The group that fears expansion of the government sector within the society prepares itself to tolerate the exploitation of private sector. Whereas, the other group is ready to encourage the growth of governmental sector in order to reduce the expansion of corporate sector within the society. Furthermore, in keeping with the notion whether capitalism is facilitating the business and societal development or not, Dicken (2010)
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free
Lord of the Flies Essay Every child, regardless of when, loses their innocence; it is inevitable. In Lord of the Flies, the reader can recognize this law live up to its word, namely in the protagonist Ralph. Upon arriving on the island, Ralph was oblivious to the circumstances he was soon to be subjected to. Ralph’s innocent and childlike mindset has distorted itself into that of a hostile hunter. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, the reader witnesses the Loss of Innocence theme and observes Ralph’s descent into impurity. Ralph is first portrayed as just another kid, waiting for his problems to disappear. He had no plan on how to get off the island, and no reason to worry about it; â€Å"daddy†would take care of it for him. Ralph was not concerned about what to do about the situation he was in, and told Piggy why. Ralph tells Piggy, â€Å" Daddy taught me. He’s a commander in the Navy. When he gets leave he’ll come and rescue us†¦ They’d tell him at the airport. †(7) Ralph relied upon the airport telling his father where their plane crashed, with little to no knowledge as to where they could have landed. Though the odds were very slim, Ralph counted on his daddy coming to get him from the island in the middle of the Pacific. He was like a helpless little child, grasping his daddy’s hand and waiting to be led. With the increase of time spent on the island, Ralph’s innocence begins to diminish. Ralph is no longer the helpless little child he once was when he first landed; Ralph has evolved from a benign child to a hostile hunter. After going hunting with the boys, Ralph tried to regain the group’s attention as they all focused on Jack’s’ wounded left arm. Ralph reminisced on how he hit the pig with his spear and then began to act as though Roger were the pig, jabbing at him while Roger rushed away. Soon, the group surrounded Robert, all participating in the jabbing: â€Å"Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was overmastering. †(101) The boys all got hold of Roger and, without any second thought, began to poke at him, hurting him as a result. The â€Å"innocent Ralph†would have attempted to prevent the actions, rather than beginning the prodding of Roger. Ralph has evidently lost his innocence and this situation shows no different. As Ralph spends more time on the island, he, along with the reader, becomes aware of his loss of innocence.. After the deaths of both Simon and Piggy, Ralph has officially become a loner. Everyone else on the island has transferred over to Jack’s group of uncivilized hunters, the polar opposite of the group once run under Ralph’s chieftainship. Knowing that Ralph is now an independent individual in hiding, Jack sweeps the island to ensure that he finds Ralph. After Samneric reveal Ralph’s position, however, Jack lights the island on fire so Ralph cannot escape the fiery wrath of the opposing chief. After desperately sprinting away from the hunters, Ralph runs into a naval officer. The officer questions Ralph about the group and after answering these questions, Ralph has another moment of clarity and begins sobbing. â€Å" Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. †(182) After being given the chance to relax, Ralph begins to grasp the concept that he has changed throughout this entire experience. The innocent stage has now passed, for himself and the rest of the group. Ralph now knows that he is no different from the other children; all children lose their innocence at some point. Golding’s depiction of Ralph from the beginning of the novel to the end of the novel greatly reflects the theme of loss of innocence. Ralph evolves from the helpless child to the hostile hunter after the crises he is put through. Ralph is a representation of every child on the earth and the inescapable loss of innocence. Through Ralph, the reader can learn that a crisis, no matter the scale, can affect the victim.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Role Of The Probation Officer Criminology Essay
The Role Of The Probation Officer Criminology Essay Probation started in 1841 with John Augustus with supervising offenders (Purkiss, 2003). These offenders were either on temporary suspension or postponing of a sentence. Purkiss also states that Augustus helped the offenders getting homes, finding employment, and family difficulties if any. Augustus helped the offender with anything they needed to get their normal life back on track. In 1880 probation when statewide in Massachusetts, and the following years it expanded over several states, the juvenile system, and the federal government. By 1956, every state had applied probation. Severe criticism hit probation around the early 1970s about the rehabilitation model of criminal justice. The criticism resulted in the get tough response to the crime that embraced retribution, deterrence, and incapacitation, as the proper goals of corrections (Purkiss, 2003). Purkiss also stated that in the 1990s, Benekos detected as part of the get tough, community corrections was created in return from the get tough response and the community protection and the offender control became the primary goal. With overcrowding prison becoming a problem, probation has taken a bigger leap. The prisons being overcrowded there was only solution for rehabilitation that seemed to work. So probation helped the offenders get out and do their community service while being supervised and still protecting the community at the same time. They learned how to give back without everyone looking at them in a bad way. In result from all of this made an overcrowded population of offenders on probation which in turn made a very heavy workload for the probation officers. So the probation officers have to work harder and longer to make sure their jobs are done right and to make sure everything is alright while they have the offenders out. According to Purkiss (2003) regular probation is seen as meaningless and ineffective to some researchers, policymakers, and to the public. I think this is because the researchers, policymakers, and the public think the offender got off the hook for the crime they committed. The actual punishment is not hard enough for some and some think that the punishment should be harder than community service. It takes a lot to be a probation officer, and there is a lot that you have to handle during your time at the job. The qualities you need to have to be a good probationer officer are the following: communication skills, critical-thinking skills, decision-making skills, emotional stability, organizational skills, and writing skills (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-2013). These skills are essential for the role as a probation officer in any state in the United States of America. In order to become a probation officer you have to have some education beyond the typical high school diploma. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics a bachelors degree in social work, criminal justice, psychology, or a related field. Some employers want a masters degree in a related field for people who do not have former work experience. The median annual wage of probation officers and correctional treatment specialists was $47,200 in May 2010. The median wage is the wage at which half of the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $30,920, and the top 10 percent earned more than $80,750 (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-2013). The typical job of a probation officer is overseeing the offender and making sure the offender is not a danger to the neighborhood and to ensure the rehabilitation of the offender. Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists typically do the following: evaluate offenders to determine the best course of treatment, provide offenders with resources to aid in rehabilitation, discuss treatment options with offenders, arrange treatment programs, supervise offenders and monitor their progress, conduct meetings with offenders as well as their family and friends, write reports on the progress of offenders (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2012-2013). According to Occupational Outlook Handbook (2012-2013) most of the probation officers work full time, and the schedule can be a little hectic. The craziness of the job requires a lot of strength from the probation officer and requires more out of the officer than the typical 40 hours a week. There are a lot of things as a probation of ficer you do, as you have to do home and employment checks, and property searches. There are also a lot of things that might frustrate a probation officer so being emotional stable is a must. The officer has to deal with the offender if the offender violates the terms of the release. Even though there is a high stress level associated with this career there is some moments that are rewarding experience for the probation officer making it worthwhile. Probation also helps the offender learn who he/she is and supports them get their old life back and make it better. This is rehabilitation at its best if it works. Probation has often been called the prison without walls. This is a bad description, for probation and the prison stand in violent contrast at almost every point. This contrast indicates some of the reasons why I believe that the former is the more effective way of turning offenders from crime. In prison, the offender is place in an abnormal situation which by its very nature is destructive of moral and very often of character. Probation leaves him in a normal situation and surrounds him with influences calculated to improve his morale and strengthen his character. The prison takes away from his the necessity of thinking, of deciding for himself, of facing economic problems. Probation makes him stand on his own feet and requires him to face daily the usual problems of the work-a-day world. The prison, with rare exceptions, subjects him to mass treatment. Probation treats him as an individual. The prison shuts out the free community and places a high wall between its inmates and socie ty. Probation seeks to break down every wall between the offender and the rest of the society and brings to bear on him all the available social resources of the community. (MacCormik, 1935, p.400 Â ¶ 4) Probation handles almost every crime that is committed. Mostly probation is for first-time offenders who the judge presiding over that case feels that the offender could be rehabilitated. Two crimes that I found to be to my interest are the drug and alcohol abusers and the sex offenders. Many offenders who end up with probation instead of prison time are usually drug and alcohol abusers. The substance abusers are one of the most common of the offenders on probation, and these offenders tend to be not first time offenders. There has been recognized links to connecting criminal activity and drugs and alcohol together (Cunningham, A. J., Herie, M., Martin, G., Turner, J.B., 1998). With the connection being made between criminal activity and drugs and alcohol this has been an issue of concern for criminal justice. Treatment facilities have been shown to work and criminal justice needs to establish of an enlargement of addiction services to allow for the treatment of offenders with a history of substance abuse concerns. According to Cunningham, A.J. (1998, p.169) a field test study was designed to evaluate the appropriateness and utility of an outpatient, addiction intervention for probation and parole officers in Ontario, Canada. The treatment level was for people with a moderate to severe addiction. If these were more readily available to the offenders, I think the crime rate would come down. This program, the meetings were regularly scheduled, every two to three months. The meetings were documented to k eep track of their progress and to let others know how it was working. The outcome was that almost every single person that went to the meeting said they would refer this to a friend and be willing to come to every single meeting. The drug and alcohol problem is worldwide. Law enforcement and the criminal justice system as a whole has tried everything they can think of to enforce the consumption of excessive amounts, but nothing is working. Maybe if we combat it in the lower level directly it would not be so bad. The second crime I want to talk about that probably is not that well known that probation handles is sex offenders. Most of the public think that when the sex offender is caught that he is sent to prison, but this is not necessarily true only a fraction of those who commit sexual assault are apprehended and convicted for their crimes; most convicted sex offender eventually are released to the community under probation or parole supervision (Baerga-Buffler, M., Johnson, J. L., 2006, p.13). These offenders need the intensive supervision to keep the neighborhoods they live in safe. These officers need to have an extensive knowledge about sex offender characteristics and types (Baerga-Buffler, M., Johnson, J. L., 2006, p.13). This crime practically involves your entire time as a probationer officer. The officer has to know each sex offender as well. The officer has to know the patterns of the victim selection and the interest of the offender; this allows the officer to be able to view th e risk that is right in front of them. According to Baerga-Buffler, M., and Johnson, J.L. (2006) the key to being a good probation officer for sex offenders is the specialized training. Training is the most important concept that these officers could have. They have to know what to look for when they are watching them or when they check in on them. If they do not have the training that is required something could go very wrong and the offender could commit the crime again. These offenders have to be properly trained and qualified to be able to be a probation officer for a sex offender. To be a probation officer you have to be very prepared, education wise and emotionally, for what you are getting into. I think school gets you somewhat prepared, but nothing like being in the real world will prepare you enough. When I decided to become a probation officer, I just thought I would be handling this druggie kid or adult or the alcoholic. Never in my mind was I thinking a sex offender and I think most of the public does not think of that either. Probation officers do more than we think they do. I think the rational choice theory would be a good choice for a theory to choose for this agency to combat the crimes. I think the rational choice theory because in probation the offender has to follow a set of rules and if they do not they violate their terms and they will most likely be sent to prison. They have to make the choices to be good and not to violate the terms so they can stay on probation this is why I think the rational choice theory is a good pair for probation.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Lisa Fraziers The Pact :: Lisa Frazier The Pact
Lisa Frazier's The Pact My father's family lived in New Jersey when my dad and his three brothers were just blooming adolescents. Their parents were the product of the cocktail generation, and the Irish tendency towards alcoholism was augmented by that social niche. Despite the arguments and drinking, Mary and Jack wanted to make sure their children got the best possible education. The boys were sent to Catholic schools, and once they graduated were forcefully directed down a collegiate path. The brothers gave each other support throughout the years, but what they did with that support behind them was up to each individual. All four of the brothers went on to higher education, but their choices there and the lives they'd lead thereafter were all rather different. The doctors in the Pact, a book about close friends using a promise to unite the and motivate eachother to succeed, grew up where my father and his brothers did, but in a very different time. Much like my father's family, they were to face their own individual obstacles and make their way to higher education and their lives beyond. Both had parents with little money and received the best education that could be provided, and both would face elements in their lives that could change it. Before further comparison the lives of Tom, Bill, Pat, and Tim should be discussed. My father, Tom, was the eldest brother and was the first to attend college. He had been an alter boy in high school and a football player. When it came time for him to attend college he chose Millersville University . There he played football and was well known as a student who knew how to throw a party. Two years into his college career he decided to go into the navy. After serving his time there he went back to Millersville only to drop out near the beginning of his senior year because he found college to be â€Å"boring†. To my father there is nothing worse than being bored. His biggest accomplishment in college, as far as he saw it, was when trying to write an original poem in a certain style on one of his English finals, he wrote a limerick instead which went as follows:
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Project Management is an Art Form NOT a Science Essay -- Business, Case
Project Management: Art to the Rescue! "Is project management more of a science or more of an art form?" Introduction Today’s business executives are asking their managers and employees â€Å"to do more†¦ with less†. Fewer Project Managers are leading more projects with poor results, the latest Standish Group – Chaos Report shows that only 28% of IT projects succeed. Many believe that the key to Project success in not applying technical management principles, but rather, more artful soft skills such as communication and creativity. (Belzer, 2004). This case study will present and discuss why the application of soft skills will help today’s stressed-out Project Managers implement successful projects. Not only must projects be deployed on time and within budget, they must ultimately bring value to the stakeholder. Often times relating this information to the project sponsor requires creativity rather than a montage of colorful Gantt charts and graphs. The truly gifted Project Managers are those that can apply the systematic hard skills in an artful manner by using soft skills. To that end, some systematic or science related management skills will be discussed, along with the soft skills and how they are used together to successfully manage projects. Scientific Approach Systematic or â€Å"hard†skills such as Gantt Charting or diagramming are just some of the tools Project Managers use to track project activities. While they are important to project success they are not the end all. Successful Project Leaders know the winning formula for combining hard skills with soft skills. A thorough understanding of the technical system to be deployed allows project leaders to break the project down into many smaller tasks. Assign... ...also qualities of successful managers. Good leaders apply artistic traits to scientific tools in order to effectively manage complex projects. Bibliography: Kate Belzer (2004) Project Management: Still More Art than Science Andrew D. Brown, Matthew R. Jones (1998) Doomed to failure: narratives of inevitability and conspiracy in a failed IS project. Organization Studies, Winter. Michael Greer (1999) 14 Key Principles for PM Success. Chapter 6: Planning and Managing Human Performance Technology Projects, "Handbook of Human Performance Technology, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass Craig Schiff (January, 2004) Maximize Business Performance: Getting Started: The BPM Project Life Cycle Paul Worthington (2001) Case Study – Developing Project Management Skills in Managing Death March Projects. Working paper, School of Business, Curtin University, Perth, AU
Friday, October 11, 2019
4th Grade Speech on Hockey Essay
Did you know that there are over 1.6 million people playing organized hockey around the world? Hockey is a team sport played on ice, where skaters use wooden or composite sticks to shoot a hard rubber puck into the other team’s net. Each team usually has 5 players and 1 goalie on the ice at a time. The first organized game was played on March 3rd, 1875 in Montreal, Quebec. In 1902, the Western Pennsylvania Hockey League was the first to pay their players. In 1910, the National Hockey Association was formed in Montreal. They would changed the rules, splitting the game into three, 20 minute periods, introducing a system of minor and major penalties, where the player would spend time in the penalty box, leaving their team short one player. Trust me when I tell you, that it is one place you don’t want to be! The penalty box is like when you’re really bad at home and your parents send you to your room for a time out. It’s basically the same thing, but now it is a STRANGER in a weird zebra shirt called a referee giving you the time out. How weird is that? See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay In 1917, the league became the National Hockey League known today as the NHL. I think hockey is the most fascinating sport in the world. At the age of three, I played my very first real hockey game. I scored the FIRST goal, on my FIRST shift of my very FIRST game. I was SO small, I couldn’t even see over the boards! Hockey is also about having fun and making friendships. There are five boys on my team that I have played with for 7 years!! We aren’t just team mates, we are the best of friends. Everything revolves around hockey with my friends and I. If we aren’t playing a league game, we are playing NHL 12 on Xbox, playing mini sticks or a scrimmage on my backyard rink. I currently play on 2 hockey teams, the Mississauga Jets and my school team, the Queen of Heaven Crusaders. I spend about 8-12 hours a week on the ice, which includes games, practices and my backyard rink. My favourite player is Steven Stamkos. His birthday is February 7th, 1990. That would make him 22 years old in just 3 days. Not only was he the first overall in the OHL draft, but he was also first overall in the NHL draft by the Tampa Bay Lightning. In his second year, he was the league’s leading goal scorer and in his third year, he was named to the All-Star team. Steven Stamkos is living his dream in the NHL. My dream is winning the Stanley Cup. What’s YOUR’S?
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Clara Barton
Clara Barton was a true pioneer and humanitarian. She is a well known woman in American history due to her participation in the Civil War and her founding of the American Red Cross. She became a teacher at a time where most teacher's were men. She was one of the first woman to ever be hired by the Federal government and was an inspiration for all women during her lifetime and forever after NATURE Clara Barton loved nature through her natural ability to nurture. As a very caring and giving women she looked to helping anyone and everyone around her. â€Å" The conflict is one thing I've been waiting for.I'm well and strong and young†¦.. young enough to go to the front. If I cannot be a soldier, I'll help the soldiers††¦. (http://womenshistory. about. com/od/bartonclara/a/clara_barton_quotes. htm) This quote gives a better understanding on Miss Barton's views of the world around her. She cared for these men that fought so valiantly and brave. She wanted to do anything s he could to help. Clara began her civil war service by providing supplies to the troops. Showing her natural ability to nurture, she personally cared for the troops who needed nursing services.Her views on nature were to save as many lives as possible. Without sustained life, we would not have any nature to appreciate. She made sure that would continue with her self sacrificing decision to help wounded soldiers on the battlefield. This can also be seen with her founding of the American Red Cross. SUPERNATURAL â€Å"Your belief that I am a Universalist is as correct as your greater belief that you are one yourself, a belief in which all who are privileged to possess it rejoice††¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (http://www. uuquincy. org/projects/stamps/14clarabarton. htm) A quote from Ms.Barton in a letter to her friend in 1905 about her beliefs throughout her life. Her parents raised her to believe in Universalism. As a child she attended the Universalist Church in Oxford, Massachusetts. Alway s keeping faith with her church she wrote â€Å" In this church I was reared. In all its reconstructions and re modelings I have taken a part, and I look anxiously for a time in the near future when the busy world will let me once more become a living part of its people, praising God for the advance in the liberal faith of the religions of the world today, so largely due to the teachings of this belief††¦.. http://www. uuquincy. org/projects/stamps/14clarabarton. htm) As a universalist, Miss Barton believed in a universal salvation who welcome all and respect individual beliefs. UNIVERSE Considering that Clara was a Universalist by religion, It is only fitting that her thoughts on life are opened by the possibilities of the Universe itself. Universalism believes that personal experience, conscience and reason should be the final authorities in religion†¦. thus leaving a persons relationship between themselves and their surroundings an open book.This unique point of view about life allowed her to follow what was in her heart and mind. Believing in the search for the truth, there were no ties to one specific point of view but instead an open state of mind that allowed her to focus on the things that she cared about, helping those in need and being there for everyone who needed her. TIME Miss Barton's time while she was alive was well spent. From teaching at the age of 16 to becoming a civil war nurse at the age of 40, her time was always filled with something for to do.Even as a child she had a need to be needed. If she was not busy, she would become depressed. Thus, she tended to and did whatever she could to stay busy and keep her mind from falling into the darkness of depression. As a teacher she was able to mold young minds and keep herself busy, yet it was not until the civil war that she was able to put her time and nursing services to use. A time line from 1861-1865 allows us to see how she was able to provide relief to the many wounded i n the civil war. April 1861 in Washington D. C. Miss Barton assisted soldiers wounded in Baltimore, Maryland August-September 1862 in Virginia – She attended to the wounded in the second Battle of Bull Run at Manassas, Cedar Mountain, Chantilly, Harper's Ferry and South Mountain. September 1862- Sharpsburg, MD- Clara Barton brought much-needed medical supplies and attended to the wounded during and after the Battle of Antietam. December 1862 in Falmouth, VA- She attended to the wounded from the Battle of Fredericksburg. April-Dec 1863 in Hilton Head and Morris Island, S. C. She transferred from VA to be closer to her brother David, a U. S. Army Captain. There she established hospitals for the wounded from the Battle of Fort Wagner and distributed supplies to Union soldiers after the battle at Charleston. May-Jun 1864- Fredericksburg, VA- She attended to the wounded of the Battle of Spotslyvania Court House and the Battle of Cold Harbor. June 1864 – January 1865- Anders onville, GA – Assisted in the identification of graves for missing soldiers at the former Confederate prison. At the conclusion of her work, the site was dedicated as the first national cemetery.After the flag was raised in dedication of the national cemetery, Clara wrote â€Å" I ought to be satisfied. I believe I am. ††¦.. (http://chapters. redcross. org/atlanta/History/clara_barton. htm) Future events would prove the she was never satisfied unless she was responding to the call of human need. HUMANITY Clara Barton was born to assist. Even though as a child she was shy and timid, she quickly found ways of overcoming those obstacles such as teaching. â€Å" Child that I was, I did not know that the surest test of discipline is its absence††¦. http://clarabartonbirthplace. org/site/? q=node/2) At the age of 16 she became a teacher in North Oxford, Massachusetts. Clara was and excellent teacher and was highly regarded for her ability to teach and produc e disciplined children without any physical punishment. â€Å" Show me a child well disciplined, perfectly governed at home, and I will show you a child that never breaks a rule at school††¦ (http://clarabartonbirthplace. org/site/? q=node/2) She spent most of her life teaching and enjoyed every minute of it but soon enough she was ready for an new challenge.At the age of 40, The civil war had begun and she was ready to take on the the challenge of whistling bullets and booming artillery all around her as she tended to the men in need of medical attention on the battlefield. â€Å" I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them††¦. (http://womenshistory. about. com/od/bartonclara/a/clara_barton_quotes. htm) Clara Barton's humanity is clearly shown by her courageous actions on the battlefields of the civil war. FATE I have an almost complete disregard of precedent and a fait h in the possibility of something better. It irritates me to be told how things always have been done†¦ I defy the tyranny of precedent. I cannot afford the luxury of a closed mind. I go for anything new that might improve the past††¦. http://womenshistory. about. com/od/bartonclara/a/clara_barton_quotes. htm A quote from Clara Barton that describes in detail how she feels about fate and destiny. She feels that keeping an open mind will allow anyone the ability to see things clearly and not in black and white.As an avid supporter for an open mind, she believed that life would be what anyone could make of it. As stated at the end of the quote†¦.. â€Å"I go for anything new that might improve the past†, She is stating that as a people, we should look at our past mistakes and work for the better. Improving our livelihoods should be what living is for. There is no destiny or fate but only what we are able to do to help create a positive outcome. LAW â€Å" Everybody's business is nobody's business, and nobody's business is my business††¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (http://womenshistory. about. om/od/bartonclara/a/clara_barton_quotes. htm) Clara Barton was a good negotiator at certain times but she was not at all shy about using the law to her advantage. Even with her basic understanding of law, Clara was able to negotiate her way onto the battlefields to help her fellow Union brothers. As head of the missing person's office that was established with the support from President Lincoln, she was the first women bureau head in the U. S. Government. She prided herself with that fact that not only did she respect all others but for the fact that others respected her greatly.Timelessly know as the â€Å"Angel of the Battlefield†, Clara Barton will always be remembered for her humanitarian efforts as well as her persistence and determination to help wounded soldiers during the Civil War. Countless lives were saved during that conflict and count less lives are saved today thanks to her founding of the American Red Cross. Clara Barton was one of a kind, she proved to the world what the labors of one woman alone could accomplish and she will always be remembered as an American Hero.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Introduction of Green Building Material Essay
Materials are the stuff of economic life in our industrial world. They include the resource inputs and the product outputs of industrial production. How we handle them is a major determinant of real economic efficiency, and also has a major impact on our health and the health of the natural environment The built-environment is also a strategic realm of social, economic and environmental change. Various writers have stated that spatial redesign of the landscape and built-environment may be the single most effective means of achieving new levels of efficiency and sustainability (Lyle, 1994; Mollison, 1983; Alexander, 1977; Van der Ryn & Cowan, 1996). Building materials are also quite important. They have been estimated that building materials make up forty percent of material through-put of entire economy (Milani, 2001). In the book â€Å"Green Building: Project Planning and Cost Estimating†, Keenan and Georges (2002) identified some key characteristics of green building materials. As regards green building materials, they should be healthy for the internal environment, healthy for the natural environment, minimize building energy use, have low embodied energy, be reusable, recyclable and/or biodegradable, and be locally obtained. Embodied energy is a concept that takes into account several factors to determine the energy needed to produce a product and can be used as a comparison between different materials. There is some controversy surrounding embodied energy as there is no internationally agreed method for calculating this value and many times it is not known what has been accounted for (Woolley and Kimmins, 2005). For example, cement has an embodied energy of 7. 8 MJ/kg, while virgin steel is 32. 0, and recycled steel is 10. 1 MJ/kg (Keenan and Georges, 2002). In these values however, consideration is not given to transportation, durability, reuse and recycling. These factors could significantly alter the original values. Building materials are also the stuff of our personal environments. They are all around us, and literally part of the air we breathe. They can damage the biosphere: VOCs from paints alone are responsible for perhaps 9 percent of the damage to the ozone layer. They can also damage us: the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for example, estimates that indoor pollutionâ€â€caused by materials like paints, plastics and particleboardsâ€â€is responsible for more than 11,000 deaths each year from cancer, kidney failure, and respiratory collapse (Ligon, 2001). The fact that buildings are all around us means not only that they immediately impact us, but that we can potentially affect them. The building industry is a decentralized one that exists in virtually every community. Not surprisingly, the built-environment is a major venue for ecological and community development alternatives, with materials being an increasing focus of concern over the past decade. The first is the section on Materials and Resources. This section consists of one prerequisite and eight credits. The eight credits focus on reuse and management of construction and demolition waste; using refurbished or reused materials and materials with a recycled content; using regional and rapidly renewing materials; and lastly if new wood must be used, using products certified accordance with the Forest Stewardship Councils principles and criteria The second section which pertains to building materials is Indoor Environmental Quality. The important credit is number four: Low Emitting Materials. For this credit, the Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC) content of adhesives and sealants must be less than the VOC content limits of the State of California South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) rule number 1168 from October 2003. For paints, the VOC content must be less than the VOC and chemical component limits of the Green Seals Standard GS-11 from January 1997. Composite wood and laminate adhesives must contain no added urea formaldehyde resins. Concrete is a strong and durable material with a high heat storage capacity (Keenan and Georges, 2002). It is good from an indoor air quality standpoint as it is inert. The problems associated with concrete are washout water at concrete plants which can have a high pH, and the use of cement as a binding agent in concrete. Cement is very energy intensive and is a major contributor of greenhouse gases. To counteract this, up to 70% of cement in concrete can be replaced with fly ash. Fly ash is a waste product from coal fired plants. Brick, block and stone have a low embodied energy and are therefore environmentally friendly materials (Keenan and Georges, 2002). To avoid added impacts of transportation, local masonry should be used where available. STRUCTURAL FRAMING An ongoing environmental debate is wood versus steel as components for framing. Both materials have been destructive to the environment and both have advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantages of wood is that it is a natural insulator while steel is a conductor. Steel is 400 times more conductive than wood (Keenan and Georges, 2002). One of the disadvantages of wood is that it needs to be treated with preservatives which can be toxic and render the wood non-biodegradable. Steel on the other hand offers resistance to insects and water rot. Steel is also recyclable. The choice between steel and wood should depend on the application they are being used for. Wood may be more environmentally friendly if you can use non-treated and certified wood. The production process is less energy intensive than for steel, and creates less pollution and environmental degradation than the mining and processing of steel (Keenan, A. , and Georges, D. , 2002). INSULATION Some of the considerations which need to be taken in account when choosing an insulation material are: 1) does it retard airflow, 2) which type will provide the best Rvalue within a reasonable thickness, 3) does it pose health risks, and 4) does it contain ozone depleting chemicals (Keenan and Georges, 2002). In the Green Building Handbook, the authors offered their choices for â€Å"best buys†. Their top three choices were wool, cellulose fiber, and cork. These choices are thermally as good as conventional insulators (Woolley and Kimmins, 2005). Cellulose Fiber is made from processed waste paper, with added borates for fire and pest resistance. It is made into a fluff that can either be placed by hand or sprayed (Woolley and Kimmins, 2005). Insulation corkboard is produced by cooking cork granules at high temperature and pressure. The granules bond themselves together with their own resins (Woolley and Kimmins, 2005). ROOFING For materials used in roofing, durability is critical. One option for materials is metals, such as copper, steel and aluminium. Metal roofs are good because they can be made of recycled material and can be recycled at the end of their life cycle. They also last longer than asphalt (Frej, 2005). Cool roofs are an option that can be useful in both mild and hot climates. The roof material is covered with a reflective coating. This coating prevents the building from getting hot, reduces heat island effects and prolongs the life of a roof (Keenan and Georges, 2002). A non-petroleum based coating should be used. Living â€Å"green†roofs are another option. Green roofs are roofs that are partially or completely covered with soil and vegetation. These roofs provide environmental cooling, habitat, added insulation, storm water management, natural beauty, cleaner air and can extend the life of a roof (Keenan and Georges, 2002). One source suggested two to three times longer than a conventional roof (Frej, 2005) while another suggested they can extend the life up to 100% (Keenan and Georges, 2002). Planted roofs can require more maintenance and require a system to prevent root penetration and water seepage.
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